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Translate.vc / Turkish → English / [ E ] / Evlisin

Evlisin translate English

991 parallel translation
Sen de mi evlisin?
Are you married too?
- Demek evlisin.
- So you're married?
Sam ile evlisin.
You're married to Sam, my friend.
Evlisin sen ve öyle gözükmen gerekiyor.
You're supposed to be married. You've got to look married.
Lisette, ne kadar zamandır evlisin?
Lisette, how long have you been married?
- Joe'yla mı evlisin, benimle mi?
- Who are you married to, Joe or me?
İki aydır evlisin.
You've been married for two months.
Benimle evlisin.
You're married to me.
You're married.
Evlisin ve güzel bir karın var.
You're married. You've got a swell girl.
Evlisin ve kocanı terk ettin.
You're married and you're dusting off your husband.
Amanda, hayatım, neden hala beceriksiz bir avukatla evlisin?
Amanda, my love, why do you stay married to a legal beagle with 10 thumbs?
- Ama benimle evlisin.
- But you are married to me.
Çünkü sen zaten The Furies ile evlisin.
Because you're married already - to The Furies. You don't want a husband.
Bu trompetle evlisin.
You're married to that trumpet.
Evlisin sanırım.
I suppose you're married.
Bir deli ile evlisin!
In my opinion, you're married to a madman.
Sen zaten orduyla evlisin.
You're already married to the Army.
Sen Rosalie ile evlisin.
You're married to Rosalie.
İstersin ama evlisin.
You'd like to all right, but you're married.
Sen evlisin, ben de bıkkın.
You're married, and I'm bored.
Sen evlisin, ben dulum.
You are married. I am a widow.
- Sen evlisin! - Öyle miyim?
- You're married!
- Ne kadardır evlisin?
- How long have you been married?
Böyle bir kadınla evlisin.
That's the sort of woman you married.
Ah, you're married.
Şu anda erişkinsin, ve evlisin.
You're grown-up now, and you are married.
Beş yıldır evlisin.
You've been married for five years.
Hem sen kardeşimle değil, benimle evlisin.
Besides, you married me, not my brother.
Sanırım evlisin.
- You look married.
Sen evlisin 2 çocuklu bir işçi...
You're married 2 children a laborer...
sen bir çocuk için evlisin, Üniversirede ikinci yıl...
You'd been married off as a boy, in your second year at the university...
Çok yetenekli bir adamla evlisin.
You are married to a man of very great talent.
... ne kadardır evlisin?
... married to you how long?
- Evlisin, bir oğlun var. - Evet.
- You're married, you have one kid.
Evlisin işte.
You're married.
- Onunla evlisin, biliyorlar.
- You're married to him, they know that.
- Evlisin, unuttun mu?
- You're married, remember?
Ne kadar zamandır evlisin?
How long have you been married?
Sen evlisin.
You're married.
Bir zamanlar efendimizin hanımı olabilirsin, ama bundan böyle Sasahara ailesinden biriyle evlisin.
You may have been our lord's lady once, but you have now married into the Sasahara family.
Lanet olsun, hala evlisin!
Shoot, you're still married!
- Evlisin değil mi?
You're married, right?
Sen Katherine ile evlisin.
You cAnneot be free of Catherine.
Evlisin, seni aptal! Mükemmel kadınla evlisin!
You're married, you damn fool, to the perfect woman.
En azından sen evlisin.
At least you're married.
- Çok iyi bir adamla evlisin, değil mi? - En iyisiyle.
- You've got a good man now, haven't you?
- Bir de evlisin ve 5 çocuğun var.
- A married man with a wife and children.
Niçin koçla hala evlisin?
How come you've stayed with the coach?
İki yıldır benimle evlisin, Morgan ismi senin sahne ismin.
You have been married to me for two years, and Morgan is the name that you perform under.
Biliyorsun ki artık evlisin.
You're married now.

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