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Translate.vc / Turkish → English / [ K ] / Kisacasi

Kisacasi translate English

16 parallel translation
Kisacasi... -... kovuldum.
I mean, to put it simply -
Kisacasi, prensiplerini unutmalisin.
Basically, you have to forget you got any.
Ona bakarsak ben uzayliyim ve Elaine's calisiyorum. Kisacasi bakis acimi biraz genisletmeliyim.
On the other hand, I, m a spaceman working at Elaine's... so maybe I should open my mind a bit.
Birliklerini açliga mahkûm etmeli, kisacasi onlari midelerinden vurmaliyiz.
In short, we take them in the stomach.
Tutuklanmamis, hastalikli degil, kisacasi temiz.
Never been arrested, no funny diseases, nothing.
Kisacasi o, eski zamanin kutsal türü,.. -.. iyi insanlarin intikamini istiyor... - Hayir, aslinda bakarsan..
Short of that, he wants revenge of the good, old-fashioned biblical variety.
sey, kisacasi evet.
Well, the short answer is yes.
Kisacasi, elinizden gelenin en iyisini yapin.
Anyway, do your best.
kisacasi o mükemmel oldu katillere ulasmak icin o benim tek secenegim oldu
In short, he was perfect. that was my only option to reach the people who killed..
Kisacasi, sanki daha cok suc cözülmüs gibi rakamlarimizi arttirmamiz. Bu bir sey ifade ediyor mu?
In short, it's the buffing up of our figures to make it look like more crimes are being solved.
Kisacasi Tanri icin buradayim.
In short I'm here for God.
Bilgisayarlar elektromanyetik sinyal tespit etti kisacasi sebekemize zarar veriyor.
Comms is reporting an electromagnetic pulse briefly knocked out our communications grid.
Bes, kisacasi seni özledigimi söylemek istiyorum.
Beth, this is my long way of saying I miss you. Th... uh.
Tatlim kisacasi seni özledigimi söylemek istiyorum.
Honey, this is my long way of saying I miss you.
Kisacasi kentin en iyisi diyelim
♪ In so many words Say the best in town ♪
Kïsacasï meteliksizsiniz.
In short, you are flat broke.

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