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Olağanüstüydü translate English

390 parallel translation
- Olağanüstüydü değil mi?
- Oh, wasn't she marvelous?
Bu olağanüstüydü, Bay Madeleine.
Well, that was amazing, Monsieur Madeleine. Amazing.
- Birinci perde olağanüstüydü.
- That first act was simply marvelous. - Good.
- Orada geçirdiğim zaman olağanüstüydü.
My time there was sublime.
# Yeteneği olağanüstüydü #
Her gift wasn't commonplace
Bu çocuğu görmeliydin, olağanüstüydü.
You should have seen this child, she was phenomenal
It was glorious!
Gerçekten olağanüstüydü.
He was really something.
- Gerçekten olağanüstüydü.
- It was extraordinary.
O... olağanüstüydü.
He was extraordinary.
O, gerçekten olağanüstüydü, değil mi?
He was really something, wasn't he?
- Harikaydı. Olağanüstüydü.
- Sure, it was great.
- Olağanüstüydü. Gerçek her zaman güzeldir.
The truth is always beautiful.
- İspanyol çorbası olağanüstüydü.
- The gazpacho was gorgeous. Astonishing.
Gösteri gerçekten olağanüstüydü.
It was really something.
Saldırı olağanüstüydü.
The slaughter was fantastic.
Çok olağanüstüydü Sacha..
It was glorious, Sacha...
It was remarkable.
That was prodigious.
Kesinlikle olağanüstüydü.
It was absolutely terrific.
Tanrım, Richard, olağanüstüydü.
Jeepers, Richard, that was terrific.
Gördün mü, bu olağanüstüydü.
See, that was terrific.
Kadın olağanüstüydü.
She was terrific.
A fost grozav.
"hareketleri olağanüstüydü"
"Her pas de deux were breathtaking."
Olağanüstüydü... #... kesinlikle olağanüstüydü.
Remarkable... absolutely remarkable.
Fazlasıyla olağanüstüydü, dostum.
Super fantastic, man.
He was fantastic.
Bay Striker olağanüstüydü yolcular endişeliydi...
Mr. Striker performed exceptionally The passengers were very concerned
That was just out of this world
Yeah, he was just marvellous.
It was amazing!
Dün gece bir meteor yağmuru vardı. Olağanüstüydü!
Last night there was a meteor shower.
Bu olağanüstüydü.
It was just phenomenal.
O kadar olağanüstüydü ki günde 2 milyon metreküp deniz suyundaki tuzu çıkartabilecek durumdaydı.
So revolutionary, it was capable of removing the salt from over 500 million gallons of sea water a day.
Müthişti, Sophia. Gerçekten olağanüstüydü.
Oh, it was fantastic, Sophia, really fantastic.
Bu rolde olağanüstüydü.
He was extraordinary in the role.
Bravo, bu olağanüstüydü.
O bombalar olağanüstüydü.
These bombs are quite spectacular.
Terrific, it was.
Alexander, Prens Myschkin rolünde olağanüstüydü.
Alexander was superb as Prince Myschkin.
Çok olağanüstüydü, ben...
It was quite extraordinary really, l- -
Yüzbaşı Blackadder olağanüstüydü.
Captain Blackadder was marvellous.
Gerçekten olağanüstüydü!
That was really something!
Olağanüstüydü Beverly.
He has been extraordinary, Beverly.
He was remarkable.
O yaz olağanüstüydü.
The summer was extraordinary.
- Hizmetçi olağanüstüydü değil mi?
- Wasn't that maid extraordinary? - COLIN :
Yanan gemiden kaçışın gerçekten olağanüstüydü.
You escaped the fire. Impressive.
! Oğlunuz olağanüstüydü.
He was marvelous.

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