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Translate.vc / Turkish → English / [ S ] / Sesini alçalt

Sesini alçalt translate English

672 parallel translation
Sesini alçalt.
Pipe down.
Sesini alçalt, aptal!
Keep your voice down, fool!
- Sesini alçalt.
- Not so loud.
Sesini alçalt ve güven verici konuş.
Now keep your voice quiet and reassuring.
Alicia, sesini alçalt.
- alicia, keep your voice down.
- Sesini alçalt.
- Keep your voice down.
Sesini alçalt lütfen.
Keep your voice down, please.
Sesini alçalt.
Keep your voice down.
Sesini alçalt!
Not so loud!
- Sesini alçalt.
- Keep your voice down!
İyi bir çocuk ol ve sesini alçalt yoksa şeytan gelir ve seni alır.
Be a good boy and keep your voice down, or the devil will come and get you.
- Lütfen tatlım, sesini alçalt.
Please, darling, don't yell.
Arkadaşlarımı buna karıştırma. Sesini alçalt.
Leave my friends out of this Will you lower your voice?
Sesini alçaltır mısın lütfen?
Will you please keep your voice down?
Sesini alçalt.
You lower your voice.
- Sesini alçaltır mısın?
Keep your voice down, will you?
- Sesini alçalt.
- Lower your voice.
- Sesini alçalt lütfen.
- Please lower your voice. Why?
Tanrı aşkına sesini alçalt biraz.
Lower your voice, for God's sakes.
Sesini alçalt ve şu lanet yerden çık artık.
Just keep your voice down and get the hell out of here.
Sesini alçalt ve gülümse. Bizi seyrediyorlar.
Keep your voice down and put a smile on your face, we've got an audience.
Belloby, lütfen sesini alçalt.
Belloby, please keep your voice down.
Sesini alçalt lütfen!
Keep your voice down.
Sesini alçalt.
Keep it down.
- Lütfen sesini alçalt.
- Please keep your voice down.
Sesini alçalt, Arthur.
Lower your voice, Arthur.
Sesini alçalt!
And keep your voice down!
Sesini alçalt, biri duyabilir.
"Speak slowly, somebody will listen."
- Sesini alçaltır mısın?
- Would you lower your voice?
Sesini alçalt, canım.
Not so loud, dear.
Vaaz verirken sesini alçaltıp yükseltişini.
The way you'd make your voice rise and fall when you turned a phrase.
Sesini alçalt.
! - Lower your voice.
- Sesini alçaltır mısın?
- Would you please lower your voice?
- Sesini alçalt Iütfen.
- We are not going to find the Ratliffs.
- Sesini alçaltır mısın?
- Keep your voice down, will you?
- Sesini alçalt.
- Gently with the voice.
- Lütfen, sesini alçalt.
- Please, keep your voice down.
Sesini alçalt.
Well, keep it down.
- Sesini alçalt!
- Will you keep your voice down?
- Sesini alçaltır mısın, lütfen?
- Would you lower your voice, please?
- Sesini alçalt.
Not so fast.
Marge, sesini alçalt!
Marge, keep it down in there!
- Sesini alçalt!
- Not so loud!
Alçalt sesini, yoksa...
Pipe down your mug before I...
Şarkıyı bir müddet dinleyeceğiz. - Ama sesini biraz alçalt. - Teşekkür ederim.
We'll listen to the song for a while... but lower your voice
Madem o kadar tedirginsin o zaman sesini biraz daha alçalt.
If you're so worried about that, why don't you keep your voice down?
- Sesini alçalt.
Don't stay here.
Sesini kibarca alçalt.
Kindly lower your voice.
- Sesini biraz alçalt.
Keep your voice down.
- Sesini biraz alçalt.
- Loweryour voice.
Sesini alçalt.

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