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Tookie translate English

54 parallel translation
Son haberleri almak için TookieTookie kuşunu bulmaya
- To find Tookie-Tookie bird for jungle news.
TookieTookie kuşu.
Tookie-Tookie bird.
Tookie diyorki küçük maymun tehlikedeymiş
Tookie say little monkey in trouble.
- Tookie-Tookie.
- Tookie!
Berbat yaratık TookieTookie.
- Miserable creature. - Tookie-Tookie.
Vahşi avcılar inleyip sızlanırken... bir yandan da kafesi itmeye çalışıyordu... Güvenilir TookieTookie ise... San Francisco'ya doğru uçmaktaydı...
As the pesky poachers grunted and groaned... pushing and pulling the ponderous primate along... the trusty Tookie-Tookie bird was already winging to the rescue... making a bird-line for San Francisco... where George of the Jungle was trying to give the heiress Ursula... the courage to face her parents... by helping her discover the juju within.
George Tookie'yi gördüğü için çok mutlu.
George so happy to see Tookie.
And you too, Tookie.
And you too, Tookie.
Teşekkürler, Tookie.
Thanks, Tookie.
Sanırım "Cik cik" lerin işe yaramadığını öğrenmiş bulunuyoruz.
I think we've established that "ca-caw" and "tookie-tookie" don't work.
O Tookie'nin şalı.
Hey, mister, that is Tookie's scarf. That is his scarf.
Onun şalı, ona ben verdim.
I gave it to him. That is Tookie's.
Tookie'nin o. Alıyor musun veriyor musun?
Are you a taker, or are you a giver, mister?
Tookie'ye şalın karşılığında ceketimi verdim.
I traded Tookie my jacket for this scarf.
Cassie, Tookie'ye verdiğin şal var ya?
Hey, Cassie, you know that scarf you gave Tookie?
- Bu da "Tookie Clothespin" e gelmiş.
This one is addressed to Tookie Clothespin.
- 2. mağazada adımı unuttum. Onlara da adım "Tookie Clothespin" dedim.
Oh, I forgot my code name at the second store I tested, so I told'em it was Tookie Clothespin.
Farklı bir isim vermekle, orman yangını çıkarmak aynı şey mi?
You're putting calling myself Squeegy Beckinheim and Tookie Clothespin on a level with starting a forest fire?
George, Tuki'yi çok iyi anlıyor. Ama Goril kardeşiyle konuşması gerekiyor.
George know Tookie trying, but need talk to brother Ape.
Tuki gidip Goril kardeşini çağırabilir mi?
Maybe Tookie fly to get brother Ape?
Tuki, Las Vegas'a doğru kanat çırparken... Hey, Las Vegas dedim!
While Tookie was winging his way to Las Vegas, he... I said Las Vegas!
Tuki'nin aklı fena halde karışmıştı.
Tookie's tuckered mind began to wander.
Bir tane daha ister misiniz Bay Tuki Tuki?
Another mimosa, Mr Tookie-Tookie?
- Tuki, sana bayılıyorum.
Oh, Tookie, you cad.
Tuki Goril zor durumda dedi.
Tookie say Ape in trouble.
Zalim Aslan, Tuki Tuki'yi George'a haber vermemesi için... kafese kapatmıştı. Ama o kaçmak için fırsat kolluyordu.
Locked up by the Mean Lion to keep him from contacting his former king, the tactile Tookie-Tookie had been plotting his escape.
Dördüncü hafta Tookie.
Fourth week, Tooky.
- Yani onun adı Tookie mi olacak?
- So, you're gonna name him Tooky?
Tookie ve onun çocuk kitapları.
Tookie and his fucking kids books.
Tookie Burroughs şimşek işareti kullanıyordu.
Tookie Burroughs used to use a lightning bolt.
Bilirsin, Tookie'yi çok eskiden beri tanırım.
Oh, well, you know, I know Tookie from way back. If you want, I could- -
60 mı? Yapma, Tookie.
Come on, Tookie.
Görüşürüz, Tookie.
See you around, Tookie.
Tookie Burroughs'u görmeye gittin.
You went to see Tookie Burroughs.
Carlton "Tookie" Burroughs ama mazereti sağlam.
Carlton "Tookie" Burroughs, but he's got an alibi.
Carlton "Tookie" Burroughs.
Carlton "Tookie" Burroughs.
Neden ona vurdun Tookie?
Why'd you hurt her, Tookie?
Tookie tehlikeli biri olduğunu falan sanıyor.
Tookie just thinks he's dangerous.
Geri çekil, çakma Tookie.
Man, back up, fake-ass Tookie.
Aslan kral değildir.
Maybe Tookie wrong and Mean Lion not king.

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