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Torrance translate English

239 parallel translation
Edward Higgins. 48 yaşında. Torrance County'de yaşayan bir fizik öğretmeni.
Edward Higgins, age 48, a physics teacher who resides in Torrance County.
İş Torrance Dükkânı'nda.
That's at the Torrance Mercantile Store.
Jabe Torrance yarın Memphis'teki hastaneden eve dönüyor.
Jabe Torrance is coming home from the hospital in Memphis tomorrow.
Lady yani Bayan Torrance yarın Jabe'i eve getirdiğinde onunla konuşurum.
Well, I'll speak to Lady... that's Mrs. Torrance, when she brings Jabe home tomorrow.
Ben Bayan Torrance.
This is Mrs. Torrance.
Evet, ben Bayan Torrance.
Yes, this is Mrs. Torrance.
Torrance Dükkânı.
Torrance Mercantile Store.
- Patronun Jabe Torrance.
- It's your boss, Jabe Torrance.
Beni neden görmek istemiştiniz Bay Torrance.
What was it that you wanted to see me about, Mr. Torrance?
Bay Xavier, Bayan Torrance dönmedi mi daha?
Mr. Xavier, did Mrs. Torrance get back yet?
İçeri girin Bayan Torrance.
Come in, Mrs. Torrance.
Tam arkanızdayım Bay Torrance.
I'm right behind you, Mr. Torrance.
Yavaş Bay Torrance.
Easy now, Mr. Torrance.
Torrance Dükkânı'nın arkasında.
Back of the Torrance Mercantile Store.
Hava sizin için biraz fazla soğuk Bay Torrance.
The air's a little too cold for you, Mr. Torrance.
Bana kalırsa fazla heyecanlandınız Bay Torrance.
I think you're getting yourself all excited, Mr. Torrance?
Birer birer çıkın Bay Torrance.
One step at a time, Mr. Torrance.
Ne demek istediğinizi biliyorum Bayan Torrance.
I know what you mean, Mrs. Torrance.
Evet, Bay Torrance'nin ilaçlarını verdim.
Yes, I've given Mr. Torrance medication.
Bu arada Dr. Torrance seni Estetik Cerrahi'de bekliyor.
Um, Dr. Torrance asked you to meet him at Plastic Surgery in five minutes.
Torrance'lı Florence Sigortası var
♪ Florence from Torrance She's got the insurance
Torrance'lı Florence, tüm erkekler Florence'ı istiyor
♪ Florence from Torrance The men all want Florence
Torrance'lı Florence
♪ Florence from Torrance
Çünkü onun sigortası var. Torrance'lı kız, Florence
♪'Cause she's got the insurance The girl from Torrance, Florence
Tüm parasını gönderin Torrance'lı Florence
♪ Send all her allowance Florence from Torrance ♪
Ateşli Florence, Torrance'dan geldi
♪ Hot-headed Florence, she's from Torrance
Torrance'dan geldi. Tüm sigortasıyla
♪ She's from Torrance with all the insurance
Torrance'da bir kızdı.
A little girl in Torrance.
Dan Torrance olmaz.
Not Dan Torrance.
Torrance geldi.
That's Torrance.
Bu Torrance.
It's Torrance.
İç ve çık git, Torrance.
Drink up and get out, Torrance.
- Dan Torrance alır!
- Dan Torrance does!
- Dan Torrance kimse için durmaz!
- Dan Torrance aborts for no man!
- Dan Torrance.
- Dan Torrance.
Kaptan Torrance kokpite.
Captain Torrance to the cockpit.
Kaptan Torrance'tan kokpite.
Captain Torrance to the cockpit.
Dan Torrance Harbinger Virajı'yla tanışıyor.
Dan Torrance meets Harbinger Curve.
Tuhaf bir adamsın, Dan Torrance.
You're a strange one, Dan Torrance.
İsmim, Jack Torrance.
My name is Jack Torrance.
Ben Jack Torrance.
I'm Jack Torrance.
Hayır, hiç de değil, bayan Torrance.
No, I ain't, Mrs. Torrance.
Torrance'ların bagajlarını eve götürün.
Have the Torrances'things brought to their apartment.
Bayan Torrance gelebilir mi?
Can we borrow Mrs. Torrance?
Burası Wendy Torrance Overlook Otelinden.
This is Wendy Torrance at the Overlook Hotel.
Sizin için başka bir şey yapabilir miyiz, bayan Torrance?
Anything else we can do for you, Mrs. Torrance?
Bayan Torrance?
And, Mrs. Torrance?
Evet, bay Torrance.
Yes it is, Mr. Torrance.
İstediğiniz kadar kredi, bay Torrance.
Your credit's fine, Mr. Torrance.
İyi akşamlar, bay Torrance.
Good evening, Mr. Torrance.
Sizin için bedava, bay Torrance.
No charge to you, Mr. Torrance.

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