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Ugrayip translate English

12 parallel translation
Bu civardaydim da ugrayip bir merhaba demek istedim.
I was in the area. I thought I'd stop by and say hello.
I was going to swing by on my way home and pick her up.
Biz de sehir merkezine gidiyorduk... bir ugrayip iyi geceler diyelim dedik.
Well, listen, uh, we are gonna hit the town... so we just wanted to pop back and say good night.
Ugrayip elinde ne olduguna bir bakayim dedim.
I thought I'd stop by and see what you've got.
Randevularimdan biri iptal edildi, ben de ugrayip bir içki içeyim diye düsündüm.
One of my appointments were cancelled, so I thought I'd drop by for a drink.
Yakinda bir yerde is üzerindeydik, Ugrayip bir selam vereyim dedim.
Working a job nearby, and I thought I'd stop in and say hey.
But we still got to stop by the bank and cash these savings bonds.
Seanstan önce ugrayip adamlarima bir merhaba demeyi düsündüm.
I thought I'd pop over, before my session here, and say hello to my boys, you know.
O yüzden, istersen evine ugrayip bebegine, evde bir erkek varligi hissettirebilirim.
So if you'd like me to, I could swing by your house So the baby can experience a strong male presence.
Matt ihanete ugrayip incinen insanlar bir sekilde bulusurlar. Sen ne sanmistin?
If all the people who got cheated on or got hurt were to find each other, what do you think would happen?
Abeer al-Janabi isimli 14 yasindaki Irakli bir kiz için kizgindi. Bu kiz, Amerikan askerlerince tecavüze ugrayip kafasina sikilmis ve cesedi atese verilmisti.
Mad about Abeer al-Janabi, a 14-year-old Iraqi girl who was gang-raped by American soldiers, who then put a bullet in her brain and set her corpse on fire.
Size ugrayip nasil selam verecegimi bilmiyordum.
I didn't know how to come over and say hi to you.

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