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Translate.vc / Turkish → English / [ U ] / Usagin

Usagin translate English

13 parallel translation
Su usagin tasidigi eski model bir seyler vardi.
There were some old hammer-lock muskets the butler was carrying.
Usagin ismi?
Servant's name?
Usagin isi bu.
It is the servant.
Doktor, bu kizin odasi su da usagin haydi ise koyulalim!
Doctor, this is the girl's room that's the servant's room lets get cracking!
Ya usagin kani?
Any of the servant's blood?
Kizin ailesi usagin kanini temizlemis...
The parents had cleaned up the servant's blood...
Bu, nasil yalnizca usagin kanini temizlediklerini acikliyor zaten, degil mi?
That's how they must've cleaned only the servant's blood, right?
Usagin bir damla kani bile odaya dusseydi ve hatta oda temizlenseydi bile adli tip uzmanlari yine de onu ayirt edebilirdi.
Even if a drop of the servant's blood had fallen in the room and even if they had cleaned it the forensic scientists would have still found out.
Hayir, usagin...
No, in the servant's room...
Usagïn cesedi yok.
- Who? The butler's body is missing.
- Niye usagïn kïyafetini giydiniz?
- Why are you wearing the butler's outfit?
Ölü usagïn elindeki, dïsarïdan getirtilen yemegin faturasï.
The bill in the dead butler's hand stating the weekend had been catered.
Uşağin beni kontrol etti.
Your little valet felt me up.

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