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Translate.vc / Turkish → English / [ U ] / Uçmayï

Uçmayï translate English

15 parallel translation
O birkaç yïlda, burada uçmayï ögrenen o birkaç adam bahri havacïlïgï kurdu.
In those few years, the men who learned to fly here really built Naval aviation.
Ve simdi siz uçmayï ve savasmayï ögrenmek için buradasïnïz mirasïmïzïn bir parçasï olmak için.
And now you're here to learn to fly and to fight become a part of that heritage.
Uçmayï ögretmek için sizi tekrar transfer etmeyecegiz.
We won't order another transfer to teach you to fly.
Uçmayi sever misin?
Do you like flying?
Etrafini sarip ; onlari, zamanin ötesine uçmayi basarmis böcekler gibi donatiyor iste, düsünebilecegi bir nokta, zamanin disinda :
He pins them down and decorates them like insects that would have flown beyond time, and which he could contemplate from a point outside of time :
Okyanus zengin ve burasi ucamayan karabatagin, suda yuzme ugruna ucmayi feda ederek hayatta kalma yontemini buldugu yer.
The ocean is rich and this is where the flightless cormorant has found its way of surviving. By trading flight for streamlining.
Uçmayi yapti.
Then they found out about the types that I Forbade touching lintuuni.
Uçmayi özlüyorum.
I miss flying.
Laura da dünyanin etrafinda uçmayi planliyor.
Laura plans on flying around the world, too.
Ben ucmayi onlarda ogrendim.
That's how I learned to fly.
Peki, uçmayi öğrenmek istediğini söyledin.
Well, you said you wanted to learn.
Uçmayi ögrendigim uçak
Same plane I learned to fly on.
Ben ucmayi öğrenmek istediğini saniyordum.
I thought you wanted to learn how to fly.
- Do you like to fly?
You have wings. Learn to fly.

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