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Wheelock translate English

27 parallel translation
Bay Wheelock'a onunla görüşmek istediğimi söyle.
Tell Mr. Wheelock I want to see him.
İyi geceler, Bay Wheelock.
Good night, Mr. Wheelock.
Joe, bir dakika görüşebilir miyiz?
Wheelock : Joe, may I see you a moment?
Ben Wheelock.
This is Wheelock.
Henry Wheelock.
Henry Wheelock.
Bu Wheelock nereliydi?
Where is Wheelock from?
Peki, Wheelock'lar bebeklerini Currylerden ne kadar süre sonra aldı acaba?
And how long after the Currys did the Wheelocks get their baby?
Wheelock Malaney'nin köpeği 11 Aralık'ta doğmuş.
Wheelock... Maloney's dog was born December 11th, ten weeks...
Wheelock New Providence, Pennsylvania.
Wheelock... New Providence, Pennsylvania.
Wheelock'u arayıp da bebeğini ona veren insanlar tarafından öldürüleceğini nasıl söyleyebilirim?
How can I call Wheelock and tell him he's going to be killed by the people who gave him his baby?
Bayan Wheelock, sanırım o evdedir.
Mrs Wheelock? - Is she at home?
Haydi, aşağıya in Bay Wheelock.
Go down the stairs, Mr Wheelock.
Bay Wheelock?
Mr Wheelock!
- Wheelock'u öldürdün mü?
Did you kill Wheelock?
Bobby Wheelock ve diğer 93 çocuk onun tamı tamına genetik kopyaları.
Bobby Wheelock and 93 other boys are exact genetic duplicates of him.
Old Buck yolundaki Wheelock arazisine polis ve ambulans istiyorum.
I'd like an ambulance and a police car at the Wheelock residence on Old Buck Road, please.
Simon Harrington, Jack Curry ya da Bobby Wheelock.
Neither is Simon Harrington or Jack Curry or Bobby Wheelock.
On yaşındayken, babam beni ve Uncas'ı Peder Wheelock'un okuluna göndermiş.
My father sent Uncas and I to Reverend Wheelock's school when I was 10.
Pekala bana şu Wheelock adamından bahset enerji şirketinle olan sözleşmenden...
Luntz : So, tell me about this guy, Wheelock, your contact at the power company.
- Bu zavallı Wheelock, D.Y.H'deki adam...
Luntz : This Chip Wheelock, the guy at E.C.H....
Chip Wheelock, Doğu Yakası Hidroelektrik'te üst düzey bir yönetici.
Chip Wheelock, senior manager at East Coast Hydroelectric.
Üzgünüm, Wheelock.
Sorry, Wheelock.
Sana Chip Wheelock olduğumu mu söyledi?
He told you I was Chip Wheelock?
Stanzler, Wheelock'un seni ikna etmek üzere burada olacağını söyledi sana.
Stanzler told you that Wheelock would be here to lure you out.
Bay Wheelock?
Mr Wheelock?

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