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Translate.vc / Turkish → English / [ W ] / Winer

Winer translate English

7 parallel translation
Pat Lefkofsky, Arthur Winer'in bacağını kırmıştı.
When Arthur Weiner got his leg broken by Tad Lefkofsky.
Jonathan Winer, negatif
Jonathan Weiner - negative.
Harry Winer, Annenizin doktoruydum.
Harry Winer, I was your mother's neurologist.
Yani Robert Winer hakkında bir sorun olursa,
So if you have any questions about Robert Winer
Pasadena, Winer and Diner'da dört ceset çıkarılmış.
Four bodies pulled from the remains of the Winer n'Diner in Pasadena.
Dördüncü sınıf temsilcisi- - soyismi Winer, ismi Ima- -
Congratulations, Isabel. Fourth grade rep- - last name Weiner, first name Ima...
Bradford Winer o, uluslararası avukat.
Oof! That's Bradford Winer, international lawyer.

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