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Winship translate English

20 parallel translation
Frasier, oradaki Winship Cook.
Frasier, that's Winship Cook.
İyi haber, Winship partime gelmeyi kabul etti.
Well, the good news is Winship has agreed to come to my party.
Winship seni partimde görmek için sabırsızlanıyorum.
Ah, Winship, so looking forward to seeing you at the party.
Bir hafta sonra, Widow Winship.
One week later, the Widow Winship.
Widow Winship.
The Widow Winship.
Widow Winship, bebek bekliyormuş.
The Widow Winship was with child.
Widow Winship'in bebek beklediğini nasıl bilebildiniz?
How did you know the Widow Winship was expecting a child?
Van Garrett'lar. Widow Winship. Baban Jonathan Masbath.
The Van Garretts, Widow Winship, your father, Jonathan Masbath, and now Philipse.
Widow Winship mi?
Widow Winship?
Winship ailesini tanıyor musun?
Do you know the Winship family?
- Claire Winship?
Claire Winship?
Camille Winship için geldim.
I came here looking for Camille Winship.
Winship kızı hakkında da yalan söyledin.
You lied about the Winship girl, too. Why?
Günaydın Bayan Winship.
Good morning, Mrs. Winship.
Sormak zorundayım, bize anlatmadığınız bir şeyler var mı Bayan Winship?
I have to ask, is there something you're not telling us, Mrs. Winship?
Bayan Winship. - Kusura bakmayın, uyurgezer gibiyim de.
Oh, Mrs. Winship.
Camille Winship sizin sınıfınızdaydı değil mi?
Camille Winship was in your class, right?
Şimdi de Winship ailesinin desteğe ihtiyacı var.
Now the Winship family... They need some of that support.
Bayan Winship, internette insanların Camille ilgili yazdıklarını görüp geldim.
Mrs. Winship, I came across some posts online...
- Ben Claire Winship.
I'm Claire Winship.

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