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Yapmissin translate English

22 parallel translation
Anne... kumasla bize elbise yapmissin.
Ma, you used your yard goods to make dresses for us.
Basi ve boynu dogru yapmissin ama gövdeyi atlamissin.
You got the head and neck right but you avoided the body.
Zekice bir hareket yapmissin avukat.
Shrewd move, Counselor.
Nasil oluyorda birileri bunu sen yapmissin gibi gösteriyor?
How the hell did someone make it look like you did?
Richard Sambora adina iki gün önce giris yapmissin.
You checked in two days ago under the name Richard sambora.
Benimkini çok güzel yapmissin.
You did a wonderful job on mine.
Iyi bir arastirma yapmissin gibi görünüyor.
Seems like you have done a thoroug h resear ch.
inanilmaz bir koleksiyon yapmissin Bay Stevens.
An impressive collection, Mr Stevens.
Öldürerek iyilik yapmissin o zaman.
It was a kindness.
Evde antrenman yapmissin.
You've been practicing at home.
iyi yapmissin.
They were nice.
Kendin için yapmissin.
So do it for you.
Çocuklarin için yapmissin.
Do it for your kids.
Cok iyi plan yapmissin.
Your plan is nothing short of brilliance.
Sen kesinlikle bunu daha once yapmissin.
You have definitely done this before.
Seks yapmissin.
You've had sex.
Yarim yamalak is yapmissin.
You were sloppy.
Basarili tercih yapmissin hirbo.
Nice choice, you fuck.
Sen yapmissin.
It was you.
- Ödevini iyi yapmïssïn.
- You did your homework good.
Sen sihir yapmissin, dostum!
You have created magic, my friend!
Temizlik yapmissin.
You cleaned up.

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