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Zorbalik translate English

30 parallel translation
Müvekkillerim zorBalik ve yildirma yoluyla, itiraf etmek zorunda Birakildiklarini iddia ediyorlar,
My clients contend that they were forced to confess... through brutality and intimidation.
Uh, zorbalik?
Uh, tyranny?
Zorbalik bu sinifta sahip oldugumuz sey.
Tyranny is what we have in this classroom.
Dogumda yardim ettigim Cocuk, simdi zorbalik ediyor.
I'm being bullied by the child I helped deliver.
Ben çogu zorbalik. Onlar kaybetti Ilk darbe bile önce.
Most of the lost a match before the first attack.
Reaksiyonu genellikle, Hitler'in zorbalik politikalarini red seklindedir.
His reaction is mainly a rejection of Hitler's outrageous policies.
Bu zorbalik olur.
They become tyrants. Not if they are chosen by God.
Zorbalik yaparken zorbalardan nefret etmeni seviyorum.
I love how you hate a bully while you're being one.
Belki de cocukken matematikciler tarafindan zorbalik goren biridir.
Perhaps he was bullied by mathematicians as a child.
Eskiden zorbalik okulla sınirliydi.
Used to be bullying was limited to the confines of your school.
Jordan, siber zorbalik yapilan cocukların 10'undan 1'i ebeveynlerine soyliiyor.
Jordan, only one in ten cyberbullying victims tell their parents.
Ben cocukken bana zorbalik yapildigmda, fiziksel isaretleri olurdu.
When I was a kid, if you got bullied, there were physical signs.
2 ay sonra da. zorbalik basladi.
Two months later, the bullying started.
Baskasi gibi davranmak, cihazlara sizmak. siber zorbalik, son darbesi ne olacak?
Catfishing, spoofing, rating, cyberbullying- - what's the endgame?
Sana zorbalik mi yapiliyordu?
You were bullied?
Ama bana siyah § apkayi takip zorbalik yapildi diye görülmüş because you were bullied. en büyük SCADA saldirısini yaptigını soyleyemezsin.
But you can't tell me you put on the black hat and orchestrated the largest SCADA attack we've seen because you were bullied.
Hayir, ama zorbalik yapilmasi beni kacmaya zorladi. yalniz olmaya.
No, but being bullied forced me to escape, run away, become a loner.
Bana sizin tarafindan zorbalik yapildi, ve iskence gordum
I've been bullied, tormented, tortured by you.
Siber zorbalik sayfasmda yeni bir gonderi ciktigi an kararli bir sekilde link gonderen veya ToggleFiy da yorum yapan 12 genç var, o da Twitter gibi bir sey.
As soon as a new post appeared on the cyberbullying page, there were 12 teens who consistently sent out the link or commented on ToggleFly, which is like Twitter.
Ve siber zorbalik bir suctur
And cyberbullying happens to be a crime.
" Siber zorbalik yaparken 2 defa duşunmelisin.
" You should think twice about cyberbullying.
Arastirmayi daralttim, siber zorbalik sayfasina baktim.
I narrowed them down, looking at the time stamps of the cyberbullying page,
Genellikie siber zorbalik kurbanları kendilerini oldurur baskalanni degil.
Usually victims of cyberbullying kill themselves, not other people.
Zoey'ye siber zorbalik mi yapiliyordu?
Zoey was being cyberbullied?
Bize siber zorbalik yapan Sara Harvey'e resmini mi atacagiz?
Do we text a photo of him to our new cyber bully Sara Harvey?
Televizyoncu sersemler sadece zorbalik ve siddetten anlar.
These TV jerks only respond to bullying and aggression.

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