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Translate.vc / Turkish → Spanish / [ C ] / Cannot

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You cannot leave someone like that to do what he wants!
No puedes dejar a alguien así que haga lo que quiera.
Then, why does that man see her when I cannot?
¿ Entonces, por qué aquel hombre la ve cuándo yo no puedo?
We cannot show ourselves. You must stay away.
No podemos mostrarnos.
# # You cannot see how much I long to be free
No pueden ver cuánto deseo ser libre
# Keyif veremeyen bir görüntü
♪ An image cannot rejoice ♪
"Just exactly where we're going, I cannot say..."
"Just exactly where we're going, I cannot say..."
I cannot hear it whistle! "
"... I cannot hear it whistle! "
And I cannot separate myself from it.
Y no puedo separarme de ellos.
"'Buna nasıl derim hayır "'
"'Cannot be denied "'
# Ama bazı hayaller vardır gerçekleşmeyecek
But there are dreams that cannot be
And yet you tell me that you cannot attack in the morning?
¿ Y aún así Ud. me dice que no puede atacar en la mañana?
General, Trimble sends his compliments and says that if the troops he had the honor to command this day cannot take that position, all hell can't take it.
General, Trimble le envía sus saludos y le dice que las tropas que él tiene el honor de comandar este día no pueden tomar esa posición y mierda que no puede.
Nedenini anlayamıyorum
# I cannot see the reason No puedo ver la razón
~ İster yaşayamayacağım yerlerde terk et ~
"Take me where I cannot stand" Llévame adonde no pueda estar de pie
# That you cannot control ( Kontrol edemediği ) #
# # Lo que no puedes controlar # #
I cannot believe a Survivor Winner heard me take a dump.
No puedo creer que un ganador sobreviviente me oyera "cagar".
I cannot.
No puedo.
Göremeyeceğini bildiği yarının aydınlık olmasını dileyerek
Hoping for a bright new day that cannot be seen yet
This is so painful, I literally cannot stop screaming. I can't lie...
Esto es tan doloroso, que literalmente no puedo parar de gritar.
# You cannot change this
¶ No puedes cambiar esto ¶
l cannot keep buried what l have done.
No puedo ocultar lo que hice.
# I cannot even tell ( ama söyleyemem )
# No puedo incluso decirlo
♪ you cannot find the light
♪ usted no puede encontrar la luz Aw.
I cannot be with such a mistrusting man.
No puedo estar con un hombre tan desconfiado.
Polisin seni almasına izin veremezmiş.
She say cannot let police take you.
Tutamayacağın sözler vermemelisin.
You should not make promises you cannot keep.
Onlara karşı duramazsınız.
You cannot stand en contra de ellos.
? The solid book we wrote cannot be found today
# El libro sólido que escribimos no se puede encontrar
Reddington, bunu yapamaz...
Reddington, que cannot- -
"I won't leave" No me iré "I can't hide" No puedo huir "I cannot be" No puedo vivir
♪ In the dark I cannot sleep
Ve çalışma arkadaşımla, net olmayan sanat okulu konseptinin... And I cannot speak to this nebulous art school concept .. taşlarını döşemekten bahsetmeyeceğim...
No puedo hablar de este concepto nebuloso que mi colega armó de algún modo pero puedo hablarles del corazón de Le Petit Village.

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