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Involved translate Spanish

10 parallel translation
He didn't understand what he was involved in.
Estaba metido en algo que no entendía.
Yağ torbası avukat da işe dahil oldu.
Slimebag lawyer just got involved.
Bildiğini neden söylemiyorsun. Bagwell'i takip edip yakalayabiliriz. we'll get geary's effects back to his family, I'll make sure that everybody involved knows that your help was invaluable.
Por qué no me dices lo que sabes, encontramos a Bagwell,... devolvemos las cosas de Geary a su familia, me aseguraré que todos sepan... que tu ayuda fue invaluable.
Does lack of democracy, human rights, in countries like Egypt encourage people to get involved in extremist radical groups?
¿ La falta de democracia, derechos humanos en países como Egipto... HOSSAM BAHGAT, ACTIVISTA DE DERECHOS HUMANOS... impulsa a la gente a involucrarse en grupos radicales extremistas?
Then I'd never have got Nina involved in any of this.
Así no habría involucrado a Nina en nada de esto.
Ganó la atención nacional, cuando se vio el rostro y la naturaleza del crimen, y los individuos de alto perfil moral implicados...
Buna kalkıştığıma inanamıyorum.
No puedo creer que este medio hit involved'm.
Yüz yılın yarışının içinde olmak gerçekten heyecan verici. Bu noktada tabiki geçtiğimiz 132 yıldaki istikrarı sürdürmek istiyoruz.
It's gonna be very exciting to be involved in the race of a century, and at this point, we're hoping that we can find a way to prevail like we have over the last 132 years.
911'i aramadan önce onları sakladım, böyle onları fark edemeyeceklerdi.
I hid them before I called 911, so she wouldn't have to be involved.
Is that why you don't want to get involved with me?
¿ Por eso no te involucras conmigo?

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