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Much translate Spanish

442 parallel translation
- Değirmencinin oğlu Much.
- Much, el hijo del molinero.
¡ Much!
Bu notu Arabın Başı'na götürüp Much'a ver.
Llévale esta nota a Much.
Ah, Much.
Oh, Much.
- Much, ne oldu sana?
- Much, ¿ qué te ha pasado?
- Much, ne oldu?
- Much, ¿ qué ha pasado?
Onlara, "Too Much Mustard." ı çalmalarını söyle.
Dígale que toquen "Demasiada mostaza".
Çok teşekkür ederim.
Thank you very much.
"Doggie in the Window?" ne kadar sattı? 3 milyon plak.
"¿ How Much is that Doggie?" Vendió 3 millones.
When l was younger, so much younger than today l never needed anybody's help in any way
Cuando era joven, mucho más joven que hoy. Nunca necesité ayuda de nadie, de ningún modo.
"l Need You" ) You don't realise how much l need you
No te das cuenta de cuánto te necesito.
- Thank you very much.
- Muchas gracias.
When l was younger, so much younger than today l never needed anybody's help in any way
Cuando era joven, mucho más joven que hoy. Nunca necesité ayuda de nadie de ningún modo.
When l was younger, so much younger than today l never needed anybody's help in any way
Cuando era joven, mucho más joven que hoy, Nunca necesité la ayuda de nadie de ningún modo.
# # That I need him as much as he needs me
Que lo necesito tanto Como él me necesita a mí
# # You cannot see how much I long to be free
No pueden ver cuánto deseo ser libre
# Söylenecek öyle çok söz var ki
♪ There's so much to say ♪
# Yapacak o kadar çok şey var ki
♪ There's so much to do ♪
Hayatı yalnız yaşamak zordur.
Es much difícil llevar una vida solitaria.
But I can remember when we never dreamed of splitting this much up among the bunch of us.
Pero puedo recordar muy bien que nunca soñamos.. ... repartirnos tanto entre todos.
"Could we ever feel much finer..."
"Could we ever feel much finer..."
"... no, he couldn't look much stranger... "
"... no, he couldn't look much stranger... "
"Could we ever feel much finer?"
"Could we ever feel much finer?"
Neden geldiğini biliyorum.
Lo siento much por sus amigos.
Sürekli kötü ürün ve kuraklıklar köy şefleri için sıkıntılara neden oluyor olmalı.
Las cosechas malas incesantes y la sequedad debe estar causando... La penalidad de... much para los jefes del pueblo.
* Hiç meraklısı olmadım oyunların *
# I never cared too much for games
Küçük kulaklar çok iyi olacak
Little ears will be much better
Hit me just how much I wanted to stay around, especially with this boat and this crew.
De pronto empecé a pensar que quería vivir sobre todo en éste barco... con ustedes.
Yapayalnız kaldım ve çok şey öğrendim
I been out on my own and I learned so much
ldidn't even knowyou, you couldn't have been too much more than ten lain't nopsychiatrist lain't no doctor with degree lt don't take too much high lQ to see whatyou're doing to me
~ I didn't even know you, you couldn't have been too much more than ten ~ I ain't no psychiatrist I ain't no doctor with degree ~ It don't take too much high IQ to see what you're doing to me
The Much Heralded kitabı
El libro Much Heralded.
Police don't like us much.
A la Policía no le gustamos.
Julia, do you know how much I love you?
Julia, ¿ sabes cuánto te quiero?
You've got so much
Tienes demasiado.
You've got so much!
Tienes demasiado.
Technique can make love eager You got so much!
Es una técnica cuando haces que el amorperdure. Tienes demasiado.
Fazla bilmiyorum...
Don't know much...
Fransızca hakkında fazla bir şey bilmiyorum seninle beraber olmak ne kadar harika bir dünya...
Don't know much about the French I took could be with you what a wonderful world...
Aşkını elde edebilirim tarih hakkında fazla bilmiyorum ve bilmiyorum seni ne kadar çok sevdiğimi ve senin de beni sevdiğini bilirsem dünya ne kadar harika olur.
I can win your love for me Don't know much about history don't know much that I love you and I know that if you love me too what a wonderful world this would be.
* Seni nasıl sevdiğimi Asla bilmedim *
* I never know How much I love you *
* Seninle nasıl ilgilendiğimi Asla bilmedim *
* I never know How much I care *
* Seni nasıl sevdiğimi Asla bilmedim *
* Never know How much I love you *
* Seninle nasıl ilgilendiğimi Asla bilmedim *
* Never know how much I care *
# Ama senin aşkın öyle güçlü ki
But your lovin'is much too strong
- Ormandan koşup gelen Değirmenci Much.
- ¡ Es Much, huyendo del bosque!
Bizim değirmenci Much, görünen o ki mısır öğütmek yetmemiş ona.
Much es el molinero local... Pero ha estado moliendo algo más que maíz para ganarse la vida.
Much, uzaklaş buradan.
Much, vete.
Much, Küçük, Nottingham'ın güneyine.
Much, Pequeño, vayan al sur a Nottingham.
- Much, sen bir dahisin. - Ne?
Much, eres un genio.
"1956, The Man Who Knew Too Much". Söyleyecek bir şeyiniz var mı, Hitchcock?
¿ algo que declarar?
Sadece erkekler!
* You'll never know, dear How much I love you * ¡ Solo los muchachos!

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