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Translate.vc / Turkish → Spanish / [ S ] / She

She translate Spanish

1,085 parallel translation
She's A Lady...
Es una Dama...
She's A Lady, hadi!
¡ Es una Dama, vamos!
Man Stopper şu an hızlandı, ve She's A Lady!
Para Hombres intenta adelantar, ¡ y también Es una Dama!
She's A Lady ve Man Stopper.
Es una Dama y Frena Hombres.
She's A Lady.
Es una Dama.
She's A Lady ikinci sırada.
Va segunda.
She's A Lady düştü!
¡ Ha caído Es una Dama!
She's a Lady'e aidim der gibi.
Hasta dice " "Es una Dama" ".
When she walk that walk
~ When she walk that walk
Tellme thatshe love me l love that talk
~ Tell me that she love me ~ I love that talk
When she talk like that l can't take it like that
~ When she talk like that ~ I can't take it like that
She wasa low-down hoochie coocher
~ She was a low-down hoochie coocher
She was the roughest, toughest frail
~ She was the roughest, toughest frail
She messedaround with a bloke namedSmokey
~ She messed around with a bloke named Smokey
She lovedhim though he was cokey
~ She loved him though he was cokey
She hada dream about the King ofSweden
~ She had a dream about the King of Sweden
Hegave herthings thatshe wasneedin'
~ He gave her things that she was needin'
I am sure that she will still consider keeping you all on... as a member of the Highway Patrol, regardless... of how shabbily you treated her son.
Estoy seguro que ella aun considerará que todos conserven sus trabajos, como patrulleros ¡ a pesar de lo mal que han tratado a su hijo!
She's droolin'.
Se le cae la baba.
A little old, wasn't she? Neden, seni ihtiyar.
Un poco mayor, ¿ no?
- Mahvolacak.
- She'II ser aplastado.
- Diane, ona kahvaltı hazırlar.
- - She'II tenerlo para el desayuno. -
İnan bana, she had it coming.
Puedes creerme, ella se lo merece.
Find out if they know where she is.
Averigua dónde está.
Let's call her up and take her with you so she can meet this girl... and then you shoot her, right in front of her... so your wife can see what you really are.
La llamamos y la llevas contigo para que conozca a la chica... y luego tú le disparas, enfrente de ella, para que tu esposa sepa quién eres.
Annie, do you know where she is?
Annie, ¿ sabes dónde está ella?
Cause she's a physical dream
Porque ella es un sueño.
Cause she's a human machine.
Pues es una máquina humana.
Cause she's a physical dream merhaba ben Garry Word.
Porque ella es un sueño. Hola, soy Gary Woods.
She's -
You see, she can blend in with the crowd.
Pasaría desapercibida en la multitud.
Been She-ra'yım!
¡ Yo soy She-Ra!
Merhaba He-man sana da She-ra.
Saludos He-Man y a tí también She-Ra
Şimdi Koruyucu Kılıc'a sahip oldun, ve She-ra'ya dönüştün. Her zaman olman gerektiği gibi. Geri kalanını biliyorsun.
Ahora has ganado la Espada de la Protección y te has convertido en She-Ra, como siempre ha tenido que ser el resto, depende de tí
- Hayır, sen de She-ra olduğunu söylememelisin.
No, y tampoco debes decirles que tú eres She-Ra Bueno, Adam, si tú lo dices
Ben She-ra'yım!
¡ Yo soy She-Ra!
- Sen kimsin kadın? - Benim adım She-ra. Krala ulaşma çabalarına son verebilirsin.
Me llamo She-Ra y puedes dejar de llamar al Rey yo liberé a la princesa
Tee-la, General, bu arkadaşım She-ra.
Tee-La, Man-At-Arms, ella es mi amiga She-Ra Gusto en conocerlos
- He-man.
She-ra ben yaralandım.
She-Ra... Estoy... herido...
Bir çarpışma bir savaşı kazandırmaz, She-ra.
Una batalla no gana la guerra... She-Ra
Elveda She-ra, Gücün Prensesi.
Hasta pronto She-Ra, Princesa del Poder
Prenses Ta-She'yi çağırman gerek zaman hapishanesinden onu kurtar ve o seninle Doomgaze'in gücünü paylaşacak.
Debes traer a la princesa Ta-She liberarla de su prisión en el tiempo y ella compartirá contigo el poder de la Mirada Fatal.
Şimdi Ta-She'yi çağır, Mumm-Ra.
Trae a Ta-She ahora, Mumm-Ra.
Ta-She Doomgaze'in gücünün sahibi Mumm-Ra'ya gel.
Ta-She poseedora del poder de Ia Mirada fatal ven a Mumm-Ra.
¡ Ta-She!
Tha She'den ne istiyorsun?
¿ Qué deseas de Ta-She?
Oh, gracias a Dios que están aquí
She-ra, dikkatli ol.
She-Ra, ¡ ten cuidado!
¡ Swiftwind! ¡ She-Ra!
She-Ra... tus manos...

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