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Though translate Spanish

67 parallel translation
He needn't have bothered. Very nice of him, though.
No debió haberse molestado, pero es un detalle.
# I'll be back, though it takes forever #
Aunque me lleve la eternidad
- # # Though liquorice is chewy - # # And gumdrops are gooey
Aunque el regaliz es masticable La gelatina es almibarada
# # Though we may seem presumptuous
Aunque te parezcamos presuntuosos
* Olması gerektiği gibi *
# As though that's how it oughta be
Birkaç kilo kaybetmiş gibi olsan da
Looks as though you lost a pound or two
Though thestreamsare swollen
~ Though the streams are swollen
She lovedhim though he was cokey
~ She loved him though he was cokey
Fakat buna gücümüz yeter mi, though?
¿ Pero podremos pagarlo?
* Ateş tüm gece boyunca *
* Fever all though the night *
Her yerde kar vardı Derin ve çıtır çıtır
Though the snow lay round about deep and crisp and even
Buzlanma... - Ne istiyorsun?
Though the
And though they don't complain of our having paid for it in the good dear coin of mighty Virginia well, sir, they do object to starving.
Y no se quejan de nosotros habiendo pagado por ello... en la buena moneda costosa de la poderosa Virginia. Bueno, ellas lo hacen a propósito para molestar.
Kaybedeceğimizi hiç düşünmediysek de hiç pişmanlık yok.
Though we never thought that we could lose There's no regret
d They say that you're a run-around lover d d Though you say d d It isn't so d
♪ Dicen que eres un amante infiel ♪ ♪ Aunque tú dices ♪ ♪ Que no es así ♪
Daha sevimli ve daha ılımlı olmana rağmen sert rüzgarlar Mayısın sevgili tomurcuklarını sallar
Though you are more lovely and more tempered. Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May.
Kader kalpsiz ve berbat olabilir
# Though fate can be heartless and vile Aunque el destino puede ser cruel y vil
Her biri özel olmasına rağmen
# But though each is special Pero aunque cada una es especial
Yapsaydın güzel olurdu, dimi? ALTYAZI :
Be good if you could, though, wouldn't it?
Ve bir de bankanın finansal krizde olduğu yönünde basına verilen demeçler... though they managed to keep it of the wire, it almost went on.
Y luego hubo un comunicado de prensa... que sugirió que el banco estaba en problemas financieros... aunque se las arreglaron para mantenerla del alambre, casi continuó.
"Forbidden though it is, l always end up with a metaphor about eyes"
Aunque prohibido está, siempre acabo con un metafora sobre los ojos
- Sermaye gerektiriyor.
- Needs capital though.
It is fun, though, isn't it?
Pero es divertido, ¿ verdad?
- Even though I ain't worthy
- Even though I ain't worthy
- Though I ain't good enough
- Though I ain't good enough
And behave, though I'm too stuck in my ways
And behave, though I'm too stuck in my ways
Though an ocean of tears divides us
Aunque nos separe un mar de lágrimas
Ama ismini aldım.
Got his name, though.
Even though she's on vacation, Jennifer Lopez bugün haberlerde.
Bueno, incluso estando de vacaciones, Jennifer Lopez es noticia hoy.
Though I'm sure you're working your usual insightful magic on what will prove to be yet another eye-opening exposé.
Aunque estoy seguro que estás usando tu perspicacia de siempre en lo que será otra revelación majestuosa.
# I kissed her lips as though I thirsted still ( Dudaklarından öptüm hala susuzmuşçasına ) #
# # La besé en los labios # # # # Como si aún tuviera sed # #
/ * Şeytanlarla dolu dünyaAnd though the world with devils filled * / / * bizi mahvetmekle tehdit etse de... * /
Aún cuando estén demonios mil prontos a devorarnos...
Mostly in the bust though.
Sobre todo en el busto.
Even though my life before was tragic
Aunque mi vida era antes trágica
Sana buluşmanda iyi şanslar, THOUGH.
Buena suerte en tu cita.
It's kind of strange though, you know, being out here all by myself.
Es un tanto extraño, estar aquí tan lejos, solo.
"Kırılsa da kalpler, bir şekilde devam etmelisin"
Though many hearts are broken we must somehow carry on.
"Beni karanlıktan aydınlığa, sen taşımış olsan da"
Though it was you who saw me through the darkness to the dawn.
* Unutmaya çalıştım oysa *
Oh, Though I try to forget Oh, Aunque intento olvidarlo
Well, the Sarlaac ate some more sand people, though.
Bueno, el Sarlaac se comió a otros gente de la arena.
* * Seni istemesine rağmen * *
# Though he may want you, too... #
¶ Ben yukarılara tırmanırken, sen hala ilahı arıyorsun
¶ Though I climbed up You're looking divine
Gerçi sen ne bir şey düşündün ne de bir şey söyledin.
# Though you thought nothing and said even less
# Though pain is found
# Aunque el dolor se encuentre
# And though I may be leaving # # I'm still glad # You were once mine
# Y aunque deba irme... # #... aún estoy contento... # #... porque una vez fuiste mía #
Not used him on any proper cases though, have we?
No lo usaron en casos reales, ¿ verdad?
# Even though i wish she'd tell me # # What that woman left me for # That's what i been wonderin'#
Aunque deseaba que me dijera que esa mujer me dejó por lo que buscaba.
I guess, with the benefit of hindsight though, right?
Supongo, en retrospectiva, ¿ cierto?
Hadi ama. ♪ - Though my shoes are not for winter... ♪
Cell service is iffy, though.
Aunque el servicio celular es dudoso.
Though I never thought that we could lose
Pensé que nunca perderíamos.

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