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Translate.vc / Turkish → Spanish / [ W ] / Went

Went translate Spanish

102 parallel translation
Yes. Because to me it just didn't seem right. It went too smoothly.
Esto no me pareció complicado fue suave.
# Babası çekip gittiğinde
♪ But when the daddy went away ♪
"... went on to organize. "
"... went on to organize. "'
"Well, I went to the boss, said,'I've got a date." " The boss said,'No dice, son.
"Well, I went to the boss, said,'I've got a date."'
"Well, I went to my Congressman. He said..." "...
" Well, I went to my Congressman.
* Ve kontrolden çıktığımda *
# And went out of control
ln the days l went a-Courtin'l was never tired of resortin'
"En los tiempos que iba de cortejo nunca me cansé de merodear"
Dün gece yatağa geç gittikten sonra
Late last night after I went to bed
The drummerboy from lllinois went crash, boom, bang
~ The drummer boy from Illinois went crash, boom, bang
What I went through to make all this come true.
¡ Todo por lo que he pasado para hacer esto realidad!
Buraya gelirken, "The Night, The Lights Went Out In Georgia came on" u dinledim.
Cuando venía para acá pasaron "La Noche Que Se Apagaron las Luces en Georgia".
When he returned to Trill, I went with him.
Cuando regresó a Trill, me fui con él.
- Everything went perfectly.
- Todo salió perfectamente.
Nobody knew it came and went
Nadie supo que vino y se fue
The way we went out
Por donde nos fuimos.
Senin bebeğini doğurmak için evine gitti.
She went home to give birth to your baby.
Aynen bir maymunun kafesinden çıkıp tekerlekte sallanması gibi.
It's like someone went into the ape cage and took out the tire swing.
Ve bir de bankanın finansal krizde olduğu yönünde basına verilen demeçler... though they managed to keep it of the wire, it almost went on.
Y luego hubo un comunicado de prensa... que sugirió que el banco estaba en problemas financieros... aunque se las arreglaron para mantenerla del alambre, casi continuó.
Hayır.Konu benim yukarı kata çıkmam değil.
It's not that I went up there.
Anyway, you know, I went to the zoo... Her neyse, hayvanat bahçesine gittim. Her neyse orada birbirinden bir şeyler alan iki maymun vardı ve bu bana ikimizi hatırlattı.
Como sea, fui al zoológico y allí vi a dos monos que estaban limpiándose mutuamente y empecé a pensar en ti y en mí.
If you went through what I've been through... this place would give you the willies too.
si hubieras pasado por lo que yo pase... este lugar te daría nervios a ti también.
He went shy on us four days ago.
Se puso silencioso con nosotros desde hace cuatro días.
" The itsy-bitsy spider Went up the water spout
La araña pequeñita Subió, subió y subió
I think it's time you and your friends went on your merry way.
Creo que es hora que usted y sus amigos vuelvan a su feliz viaje.
'Cause I went to bed on top of the world
'Cause I went to bed on top of the world
One night Mama went to fetch Herself a sweet potato
Un día mamá fue por una patata
Eğer ay bulutların arkasına giderse.
As if the moon went into the clouds.
Fakat "The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia" şarkısını seçerek çişimi getirdin.
Aunque tu elección de "The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia" me podría haber acobardado.
Görev çizelgelerine baktım.
But I went through the duty roster.
# You kept right on lovin', and I went on a fast ( Sen sevmeyi sürdürdün ve bense perhizdeydim ) #
# # Tú seguiste amando # # # # Y yo empecé a ayunar # #
-... hemen sonra kardeşlerini tembihlemiş. - Harika.
went squealing to his brothers right after. / Great.
o yaz ailemle Naples'e gittim.
That summer I went to Naples to see my family.
ertesi gün arabanın yanına gittiğimde... onu parçalamışlardı.
The next day, when I went down to get the car... They'd destroyed it.
ben de isviçreye gittim.
I went to Switzerland.
para için gittik ve kazandık.
We went for money and we got it.
That's the way it went down for you, huh?
¿ Así es como todo se vino abajo para ti?
The stars went bright
# The stars went bright #
... spider went up the water spout
... una araña subió por el caño
He wasn't answering the phone so his sister went over.
No respondía al teléfono. Su hermana se inquietó.
You know they went missing out in the woods.
Ud sabe que ellos se perdieron en el bosque.
Bu şarkı Froggy Went a-Courting halk müziği şarkısı olan Froggy Went a-Courting. Mmm-hmm.
Esta canción es Froggy Went a-Courting, la canción tradicional.
# Frog went a-courtin'and he did ride, uh-huh
# Frog went a-courtin'and he did ride, uh-huh
# Frog went a-courtin'and he did ride
# Frog went a-courtin'and he did ride
# Didn't feel so bad till the sun went down
# Didn't feel so bad till the sun went down
Went the distance, now I'm back on my...
# Recorrí distancias, estoy de regreso en- -
Pierce ve komutan aynı geçmişe sahipler.
Pierce y el CO Went regresaron.
Dorothy ile Toto Gökkuşağını geçip
¿ Por qué Dorothy y Toto Went Over The Rainbow
Even went as far as shoving broken glass up the nether regions of critics.
Hasta le metió vidrios rotos en el trasero a los críticos.
Like you were when you went to see Mark?
¿ Cómo cuando saliste a ver a Mark?
Beyler adamın nereye gittiğini gördünüz mü?
Did you guys see where he went?

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