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But if the matador could only see his godson just for a minute -
Juste une minute. C'est son filleul.
# We could reach out and gather a star #
On peut tendre la main et cueillir une étoile
Sonra I could atlarını almak.
Tu ferais n'importe quoi pour de l'or.
Peki bir kralla konuşabilir misin?
Do you think you could talk to a king?
Kangren olup ölebilirim, biliyormusun.
You know, l could get gangrene and die.
# Could my tears forever flow
Puissent mes larmes couler á jamais
# Could my zeal no languor...
Mon zèle ne connaître de langueur
Charlene gibi, you could sleep with and throw away.
Tu peux coucher avec elle et la jeter quand tu n'en veux plus.
# And if I could just draw me a mean one
Et si je peux m'en trouver un bien méchant
# Çünkü # Bana kimsenin # Yapamadığı
For you do something to me that nobody else could do
# Bana # Kimsenin yapmadığı # Bir şey yapıyorsun
You do something to me that nobody else could do
Ne kadar güzel. - Sure could have fooled me.
- J'ai failli m'y laisser prendre.
Nasıl bir başkasıyla dans edebilirsin...
So how could I dance with another
we could have a luau. Olmaz, yarın işe gidip muazzam gelirini kazanmalı. and earn that big money.
Non, il doit travailler demain pour ramener plein d'argent.
# Cidden kaçmak isterdim o an #
# And I wished I could escape from #
# Biliyorum ölüyorum ve isterdim dilenebilmek #
# I know that I am dying and I wish I could beg #
" yaşamaya devam etmenin başka bir yolu var mı, bilmiyorum... sensiz
See, I was just... I was hoping, sir, that perhaps you could talk to somebody about this arrangement of the troops.
Voir, j'espérais juste, monsieur, que peut-être vous pourriez... parler à quelqu'un de cette disposition des troupes.
We, uh, could attack of course, general but the boys have had a good fight and that will be a strong position.
On pourrait attaquer bien sûr, général... Mais les garçons ont déjà combattu et ce sera une position forte.
It could have been larger.
Elle aurait pu être plus grande.
Perhaps we could've pushed harder.
Peut-être que nous aurions pu pousser plus fort.
You did everything you could.
Vous avez fait au mieux.
If only we could get the symbiont back in time.
Si seulement nous pouvions réimplanter le symbiote à temps.
Either condition could be fatal.
Ce qui peut être fatal.
I wish we could have made it three.
J'aurais aimé que la nôtre en dure trois.
I could never watch television.
Je n'ai jamais pu la regarder.
I could make things out of clay and lay by the bay, I may.
Ou faire des objets en bois ou m'allonger en croix?
# It was a teenage wedding and the old folks wished them well # You could see that Pierre did truly love the mademoiselle
C'était un mariage d'adolescents et les vieux leurs souhaitaient bon vent vous pouvez voir que Pierre aime vraiment la demoiselle
I could barely even lift it now.
- Je peux à peine la soulever.
You could make use to me?
Tu me donnes un coup de main?
Could be the company l'm keeping.
Peut-être parce que je suis en bonne compagnie.
Never thought I could be so free
Je suis libre comme l'hirondelle
/ / Kept thinkin'Icouldnever live withoutyoubymyside / /
/ / Kept thinkin'I could never live without you by my side / /
- Ton taxi avait un gyrophare.
Çeviren : walkytalky İyi Seyirler!
The One That Could Have Been Ce qui aurait pu se passer
# Uzak davulları duyabiliyordum. #
? I could hear the distant drums?
# Yitireceğimizi hiç düşünmememize rağmen... #
? Though we never thought that we could lose?
I thought I could help you sell him on it.
Je voulais t'aider.
You could say he went all to pieces.
Il s'est effondré.
# Ve asla bizi ayıramayacaklar.
# And they could never tear us apart
# Binlerce yıl
# We could live
# Söylemiştim.
# That we could fly
# Bizi asla ve hiçbir zaman
# And they could never
# Hayranlık içinde kayboldum, sana gerçekten bu kadar ihtiyacım var mı?
# l'm lost in admiration, could I need you this much?
Malik, could you hold these books?
malik, tu peux me tenir mes livres une minute?
For the thousandth time, I said, "Swallow that thing." Am I right? How could Priscilla dump me, Jake Wyler?
Pour la millième fois, j'ai dit "avale ça!" Priscilla a osé me plaquer.
-... any girl could be prom queen.
- elles peuvent toutes être reine.
- Yavrum!
We could bill and coo, the way... Chérie!
Bir tanesini, benim için imzalar mısınız?
Could you sign one for me, please'?
Şimdi biraz yiyebilirdim.
I could use some right now.
Could you believe it? Son saniyede!
- Juste à la fin.

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