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Translate.vc / Turkish → French / [ I ] / Importantly

Importantly translate French

4 parallel translation
I lured my opponents into traps, jumped high when I was scared and most importantly, ran really fast.
J'attirais mes ennemis dans des pieges, je sautais quand j'avais peur... et surtout, j'ai couru tres vite.
Your shelter must be practical, you need to travel light and most importantly, enjoy the 24 hours of sunlight.
Votre refuge doit etre pratique, vous devez voyager leger... et plus important : profitez des 24 heures de soleil.
More importantly, this book is one of the greatest love stories of all time.
Ce livre est surtout l'une des plus belles histoires d'amour de tous les temps.
And more importantly, what the hell did you do to the person you got it from?
Et plus important, Qu'as-tu fait à la personne dont tu l'as eu?

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