Received translate French
4 parallel translation
Baş bölgesinde de hasar var, görünüşe göre kafası tuvalete sokulup, sifon çekilmiş kafası yumruklanmış ve polonyalı bisiklet sürüşü uygulanmış.
And from the damage to his head area, @ @ @ 141 00 : 08 : 51,660 - - 00 : 08 : 54,348 @ @ @ it appears he was also given a swirly, a colossal one. @ @ @ @ @ @ It also appears like he received a noogie, and, a Polish bike ride. @ @ @
Ama biz daha fazla dikkat çektik ;
But we received more interest perch?
Açılmış idi gözüm... Mesudum artık ben gün boyunca. Eyvah ki Mesih'in kanı döküldü...
I received my sight and now I am happy all the day alas and did my savior bleed and did my sovereign die would he devote
They received instructions by text from an untraceable phone.
Ils ont reçu les instructions par texto d'un téléphone intraçable.