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Written translate French

16 parallel translation
Scénario NODA Kogo et Yasujiro Ozu
A LETTER NEVER SENT Written by G. Koltunov, V. Osipov, V. Rozov Directed by Mikhail Kalatozov
UNE LETTRE JAMAIS ENVOYEE écrit par G. Koltunov, V. Osipov, V. Rozov dirigé par Mikhail Kalatozov photographie par Sergey Urusevsky
Ve ne yazılıysa onu yönetecek, senin de yazacağını bildiğim gibi.
And he will direct whatever was written. Just as I know that you are going to write it.
Zira senaryo dediğin yazılı bir şey, ekranda gördüklerin ise resimlerden ibaret.
- Naturally, because in the script, it is written. And on the screen, it s pictures.
Written and Directed by :
Scénario et réalisation :
Written and Directed by : Takao Nakano
Écrit et réalisé par Takao Nakano
Written by Aya Watanabe
Scénario Aya Watanabe
Nasılsa fazla kalmayacağım.
Je serai dehors en clin d'oeil de toute manière. Written and Directed by NA Hong-jin
# Hepsi kumda yazılı #
♪ It was all written in the sand ♪
# Hepsi havada yazılı #
♪ It was all written in the air ♪
I've written about the sparkling, Ben, parlamalar hakkında yazmıştım ama kendim gözlemlememiştim!
J'ai écrit sur le scintillement, mais je ne l'avais jamais vu de mes propres yeux.
Be careful, there will be a written test.
Soyez attentifs, il y aura une interrogation écrite.
* Düzeltmek için bütün hataları, bir doğum günü şarkısı yazdım sana *
♪ and so tonight to right the wrong ♪ ♪ l've written you a birthday song ♪
It's been written in the scars on our hearts? ?
♪ C'est écrit dans les cicatrices de no coeurs ♪
â ™ ª Everybody, they talkin'â ™ ª â ™ ª I dreamt about how I'm livin'â ™ ª â ™ ª Reality was written, I put effort in my vision â ™ ª
♪ Tout le monde, ils parlent ♪ ♪ J'ai fait des rêves de mon mode de vie ♪ ♪ La réalité était écrite j'ai mis de la réussite dans ma vision ♪
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