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Translate.vc / Turkish → Portuguese / [ H ] / Honorary

Honorary translate Portuguese

6 parallel translation
- Onur derecesi. - Ja ( evet ).
Honorary degree...
National Honorary Band Fraternity lncorporated.
A Fraternidade Nacional Honorária das Bandas, S.A
Honorary Title'ı görmek istiyorsun sanıyordum.
Pensava que querias ver os Honorary Title.
The Honorary Title'ı ne kadar çok sevdiğimi anlatamam.
Não sei dizer o quanto adoro os Honorary Title.
The Honorary Title'a hoşgeldiniz diyelim!
Dêem as boas-vindas aos Honorary Title!
The Honorary Title, Matthew Ryan, The Cure, Audioslave, Haley James Scott.
The Honorary Title, Matthew Ryan, The Cure, Audioslave, Haley James Scott.

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