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Fired translate Russian

14 parallel translation
Ateşlenen torpidolarla temas ihbarlarının çoğu şüpheli dedi.
- Он [адмирал Мур ] сказал что многие из доложенных контактов о торпедах кажутся сомнительными... Admiral Sharp : - He [ admiral Moore] said many of the reported contacts with torpedoes fired appear doubtful...
"Bugün bile Kay, istifa mı ettim, kovuldum mu bilmiyorum."
"Даже по сей день, Кей, я не знаю точно : я ушел, или был уволен." "Even to this day, Kay, I don't know whether I quit or was fired." Она сказала : " Ты сошел с ума.
Bugün Chloe'nin babasını kovduğunu duydum.
I just found out that you fired Chloe's father today.
You think it was just an excuse to stay home because she got fired?
Думаешь, это был только предлог, чтобы остаться дома, потому что её уволили?
Suspect worked for elementary schools and was fired for molestation in March, April'68.
Подозреваемый работал в начальных школах и был уволен за приставания в марте-апреле 68-го.
House benim seçtiğimi daha görmeden kovdu.
House fired my pick sight unseen.
Sarah'nın onu diziden atmak isteyişi sebebiyle dellenmişti.
She was all fired up About Sarah wanting to write her off the show.
Bu arada kovuldun.
Oh, and by the way... you're fired.
You were fired.
Atılırız... Acıyla atılırız.
Мы уволят..... fired с болью.
Havuzu temizleyen çocuğu kovdum.
I fired the pool guy. You were right.
I'm so fired up for the presentation, my head is buzzing, but that might be from sleeping against the copier.
С нетерпением жду презентацию, голова гудит, но это, наверно, из-за сна у ксерокса.
Sen hala Sarah Grace'in okuldaki Oyunundan kovulduğun için kızgınsın sanırım?
You still mad about being fired off Sarah Grace's preschool play?
Kovuldun. " dedi.
You were fired. "

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