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An incident traducir español

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I'm checking an incident.
Estoy chequeando un incidente.
We have an incident in progress.
Tenemos un incidente en progreso.
There hasn't been an incident here at Menard in many years.
No ha habido un incidente en Menard en muchos años.
I heard about an incident last year between the Akashi and Owari Clans.
Escuché sobre un incidente el año pasado entre los clanes de Akashi y Owari.
We just got police reports of an incident downtown.
La policía acaba de informar un incidente en el centro.
I heard there was an incident in the parking lot.
Escuché que hubo un incidente en el estacionamiento.
It's a bit of a sensitive issue, but there's been an incident between Mr Anderson and his daughter and I've asked him to leave the premises.
Es un tema delicado, pero huno un incidente entre el Sr Anderson y su hija y le pedí que deje las instalaciones.
- There's been a bit of an incident here.
- Hubo un pequeño incidente.
There was an incident.
Hubo un incidente.
And that - I mean, an incident like this over a populated urban center -
Y eso..., quiero decir, un incidente como ese sobre un centro urbano poblado...
Why wasn't there an incident report?
¿ Por qué no hay un informe del incidente?
I'd like to report an incident I saw earlier on today...
Quisiera informar sobre un incidente que observé en el día de hoy...
We've had an incident in the flat upstairs.
Tuvimos un incidente en el departamento de arriba.
She said there was an incident on a train, and I know how much you love trains.
Dijo que hubo un problema en el tren, y sé cuanto te gustan los trenes.
If it could have been avoided, it's not an accident, it's an incident,
Si se podía evitar... no es un accidente.
Boyd's records show an incident where he was a minor.
Los archivos de Boyd muestran un incidente cuando era menor de edad.
As many of you know, there was an incident involving a government employee in Ramsett Park.
Como muchos de ustedes sabrán, hubo un incidente, que involucró a un empleado del gobierno. En el parque Ramsett.
We had an incident at school... A small thing...
Tuvimos un incidente en el colegio, nada importante...
We had an incident at school.
- ¿ Una semana? Tuvimos un incidente en el colegio...
Why wasn't there an incident report?
¿ Por qué no se reportó el incidente?
There's been an incident at Beringer marine.
Ha habido un incidente con el marine Beringer.
I've asked Bettyanne Mulhaney to share with us an incident related to her by a relative.
Le he solicitado a Betty Anne Mulhaney que comparta con nosotras un incidente relacionado con ella por un pariente.
Well, if you know Sir Henry I imagine you'll find out about it. There was an incident.
Inspector, por que usted dejó de trabajar en Londres?
There was an incident at my house in Harlan.
Hubo un incidente en mi casa en Harlan.
Yeah, we're investigating an incident That happened in this building.
Sí, estamos investigando un incidente que ocurrió en este edificio.
It's an incident, certainly.
Ciertamente, es un incidente.
- There was an incident.
- Hubo un incidente.
Then he gave me my present, a pet rock, which I later used in an incident I regret.
Entonces me dio un regalo, una roca mascota, que yo después utilicé en un incidente del que me arrepiento.
If something else happens, you'll become an incident. Got it?
Si algo sucede, te convertirás en un incidente. ¿ Lo tienes?
-... There was a bit of an incident.
- Hubo un pequeño incidente.
Unfortunately, Halloween was marred for me personally By an incident long ago.
Lamentablemente, Halloween fue arruinado para mí por un incidente hace mucho tiempo.
An incident which turned into a riot, for which my family was blamed.
Un incidente que provocó una revuelta por la que culparon a mi familia.
So Math tells me there was an incident last night involving your roommates.
Math me dijo que hubo un incidente la otra noche que involucró a tus compañeros de habitación.
Sir, there's been an incident at liberty island.
Sr. Secretario, ha habido un incidente en Liberty Island.
Well, I was angry at you because of an incident that happened a few weeks before where you and I were in the Dumpster behind Wendy's.
Bien, yo estaba enfadado contigo a causa de un incidente que ocurrió unas semanas antes de que estuvieramos en el basurero detrás de Wendy's.
This is an incident to remind us how insignificant... we are in the universe. Al Qaeda? Possibly the Chinese?
This can't turn into an international incident.
- Sí. Esto no puede tornarse en un incidente internacional.
We had an unfortunate incident involving a boomerang.
Tuvimos un desafortunado accidente involucrando un bumerang.
I don't like it any more than you but this is now an international incident.
Me gusta tanto como a ti pero esto se convirtió en un incidente internacional.
All we gotta do is get in there, identify the threat, eliminate it without causing an international incident.
Todo lo que tenemos que hacer es entrar allí, identificar la amenaza, eliminarla sin provocar un incidente internacional.
I was involved in an international incident on Russian soil, and... if I lose you, then who'gonna back me up?
He estado involucrada en un incidente internacional en suelo ruso, y... si te pierdo, entonces ¿ quién va a apoyarme?
Well, last night's incident could have been a glitch in an even bigger plan, guys.
bueno, el incidente de anoche puede haber sido un atisbo de un plan mayor, tios.
This doesn't have to be an international incident.
Esto no tiene que ser un incidente internacional.
We don't want an international incident on our hands.
No queremos un incidente internacional en nuestras manos.
Explain how it's possible that last night Chuck, aided by the world class spy that is Morgan Grimes, managed to elude you and cause an international incident that the president of the United States himself had to apologize for.
Explica como es posible que anoche Chuck, ayudado por el espía de clase mundial que es Morgan Grimes, consiguió eludirte y causar un incidente internacional que el presidente de los Estados Unidos por sí mismo ha tenido que pedir disculpas.
Oh, great, an international incident.
Oh, genial, un conflicto internacional.
There was an unfortunate incident with a dancing bear, and we had some bad luck with a fire breather, but everyone got out in time.
Hubo un desafortunado incidente con un oso bailarín, y tuvimos algo de mala suerte con un lanza fuego, pero todo el mundo salió a tiempo.
- Just became an international incident.
Esto acaba de convertirse en un incidente internacional.
Well, I'm sure it was just an isolated incident.
Bueno, estoy seguro de que fue sólo un incidente aislado.
It's not like what happened between Chuck and Jenny was an isolated incident.
No es que lo que pasó entre Chuck y Jenny haya sido un incidente aislado.
I will give you, it was an unfortunate incident.
Le diré, que fue un incidente desafortunado.

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