And david traducir español
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Now, I'm in no position to judge anybody, but the way you and David live, that is not the way we raised him.
Ahora, No estoy en posición de juzgar a nadie, pero la forma en que viven tu y David... esa no es la forma en como lo criamos.
But I miss burning my mouth on pizza, and David Blaine stunts where he could really die.
Pero extraño quemarme la boca con pizza caliente, y los trucos de David Blaine donde realmente puede morir.
My name is David and I've been here for um, it'll be six weeks on Tuesday.
{ \ fnMicrosoft Sans Serif } Mi nombre es David y he estado aquí desde...
One of my son's friend came back from the school, he'd been in the school, and said he'd seen David down there.
{ \ fnMicrosoft Sans Serif } Un amigo de mi hijo volvió de esa escuela y dijo haber visto a David ahí.
So we started by, yes, researching the school, and try and find out what the school was about, and we formed started to form plans on how we could possibly get in touch with David.
{ \ fnMicrosoft Sans Serif } Comenzamos a investigar e informarnos sobre la escuela y que se realizaba ahí dentro { \ fnMicrosoft Sans Serif } Mientras buscábamos formas de comunicarnos con el.
David wrote you this letter, um, and he gave it to us to give it to you. Okay... And I think it really helped him to know that you were gonna get this letter, so...
{ \ fnMicrosoft Sans Serif } David te escribió esta carta... { \ fnMicrosoft Sans Serif } Y me pidió que te la diera... por lo que...
So I think looking into the school, trying to make contact with the school, trying to understand who they were and how they held students, what they did.
{ \ fnMicrosoft Sans Serif } Mark Vecino de David. { \ fnMicrosoft Sans Serif } Por lo menos hasta que cumpliera los 18. { \ fnMicrosoft Sans Serif } Buscando información de al escuela.
Money was raised and put together for two members of the group to actually go down to the Dominican Republic.
{ \ fnMicrosoft Sans Serif } Intentando contactarnos con la escuela y tratando de comprender su forma de actuar. { \ fnMicrosoft Sans Serif } Se junto dinero para que dos personas { \ fnMicrosoft Sans Serif } Peggy Profesora de Drama de David.
Uh... we're, uh... uh... we're at the base of the hill here, so I guess if you wanna call David and tell him we're comin'.
- Cónsul de EE.UU. { \ fnMicrosoft Sans Serif } Estamos en camino... { \ fnMicrosoft Sans Serif } Así que...
We arrived, um, at the school, um, Doug and I went onto the campus and were allowed on, and were... brought to an office to sit down and meet with school personnel.
Si pudieras llamar a David y decirle que estamos en camino. { \ fnMicrosoft Sans Serif } Llegamos a la escuela llegamos a la oficina y pedimos hablar con el personal.
Then we presented the letter, and said, we want David out of here.
{ \ fnMicrosoft Sans Serif } Mostramos la carta y exigimos la liberación de David.
David wouldn't talk to me, his parents and Esceula Caribe threatened to sue if I continued with the film and I was forced to put the project on hold indefinitely.
{ \ fnMicrosoft Sans Serif } David no quería hablar conmigo. amenazaron con demandarme si seguía con la película. { \ fnMicrosoft Sans Serif } * Documento de Escuela Caribe - Pedido de Cese de Producción. *
Then David told me that he wanted his story to be told, and that he trusted me to help him tell it.
{ \ fnMicrosoft Sans Serif } Luego me dijo que quería que contara su historia. { \ fnMicrosoft Sans Serif } Y que confiaba en mi para contarla.
David asked you to call and check on me, didn't he?
David te pidio que me llamaras y vinieras a verme, ¿ no?
And even great filmmakers like David Cronenberg owe an enormous debt to Romero, an enormous debt to the "Night of the Living Dead."
incluso grandes directores como David Cronenberg tienen una gran deuda con Romero, una enorme deuda con "Night of the Living Dead."
We're having a boy, David, and he will grow to loathe your name.
Vamos a tener un niño, David, y crecerá para aborrecer tu nombre.
Family and friends fear that Zavala may have been the victim of homicide, at the hands of her lover, Dr. David J. Mathias.
Los familiares y amigos temen que Zavala pudo haber sido víctima de homicidio, a manos de su amante, el Dr. David J. Matthias.
And your son is David Ortiz.
Y tu hijo es David Ortiz.
Well, they want David Shore to executive produce, but they're going to give you a credit and enough money to get you back home.
Bueno, quieren David Shore para el productor ejecutivo, pero que van a darle un crédito y suficiente dinero para llegar de vuelta a casa.
And do you, David, take Bethany... the one who confesses and renounces sin finds mercy. ... to love and to cherish for better or for worse from this day forward?
... para amarla y protegerla, hasta que la muerte los separe?
They said, "Dave Skylark is stupid and incompetent."
Ellos dijeron : "David Skylark es estúpido e incompetente."
Hummm David and Rachid!
¡ Hummm David y Rachid!
"David, Apple has found your iPhone, and it's in the hands of your lying-ass girl."
"David, Apple ha encontrado tu iPhone... y está en manos de la mentirosa de tu chica".
David, if you were doing your job properly, you'd make him see what he's facing and make him understand his only faint hope of getting off lightly is to tell us what he knows about others like himself.
David, si estuvieras haciendo bien tu trabajo, te asegurarías de que viera a qué se enfrenta y le harías entender que su única esperanza de salir de esta más o menos es decirnos lo que sabe sobre otros como él.
I need to be there for David... and myself.
Tengo que estar allí por David... y yo mismo.
My name is David, and I am an alcoholic.
Mi nombre es David y soy alcohólico.
David wanted to see if it was possible to create a consciousness that can exist in eternal time periods and bodies who enjoy man's fantastic inventions - that we are considered part of.
David quería ver si era posible... crear una conciencia que pueda existir eternamente... y cuerpos que disfruten las fantásticas invenciones del hombre, de las que somos parte.
Inger : It was an investigation into Leo Eischers death and a code that you believe his father David Eischer created.
Fue una investigación sobre la muerte de Leo Eischer... y un código que Ud cree que creó su padre, David Eischer.
But we know that Mimi and Florentine were liberated by the same code created by David Eischer.
Pero sabemos que Mimi y Florentine fueron liberadas por el mismo código... creado por David Eischer.
Do you really think David killed Craig and that other guy?
¿ Realmente crees que David mató a Craig y ese otro sujeto?
David has neurological conditioning, Miss Peterson, designed to protect both him and the experiment.
David tiene un condicionamiento neurológico, Srta. Peterson diseñado para proteger tanto al experimento como a él mismo.
What's the name of that song... that David Bowie and Freddie Mercury sang?
¿ Cuál es el nombre de esa canción...? ¿ qué David Bowie y Freddie Mercury cantaron?
There is also an online blog written by Bill and his 12-year-old son David when they took a trip of a lifetime to the Galapagos Islands in 2009.
También hay un blog escrito por Bill y su hijo David de 12 años cuando hicieron el viaje de su vida a las islas Galápagos en 2009.
Now, the last year has taken a toll on her pretty smile, moping'around all day, only able to see David on the computer with the Facebook and Tweet and Skype, whatever it's all called.
Ahora, el último año ha mellado su bonita sonrisa, tristeando todo el día, sólo siendo capaz de ver a David en la computadora con el Facebook y Twitter y Skype, sea como se llame eso.
So, I made a coupla calls to some military friends of mine in the Pentagon, who agreed that David had served our country proud in Afghanistan the last fifteen months and deserved to be stationed a little closer to home,
Así que, hice un par de llamadas a algunos amigos míos militares en el Pentágono, quienes coincidieron en que David había servido a nuestro país orgulloso en Afganistán, durante los últimos quince meses y merecía estar estacionado un poco más cerca de casa,
Um, no, he's Robby and she's Ricky, but that's not what David means, is it?
Eh, no, él es Robby y ella es Ricky, pero eso no es lo que David quiere decir, ¿ verdad?
David and Francesca were kind enough to help.
David y Francesca fueron lo suficientemente amables para ayudar.
You're talking David and Goliath.
Está hablando de David y Goliat.
And if you talk David and Goliath, at least get your history the right way round.
Y si habla de David y Goliat, al menos haga que su historia sea la correcta.
The last time I saw that trick, it was David Nixon and Ali Baba.
La última vez que vi ese truco, fue a David Nixon y a Ali Baba.
David! These are Paul and Stan, the DJs of Cheers.
David, estos son Paul y Stan, los DJs de Cheers.
David bought the books and these were a gift, weren't they?
David compró los libros y estos eran un regalo, ¿ no es así?
And when she came back she told people David was a happy accident.
Y cuando volvió le dijo a la gente que David era un feliz accidente.
And then there was David Lloyd George.
Y luego estaba David Lloyd George.
I'd like to introduce you to David Thorogood and Ryan Cates.
Me gustaría presentarles a David Thorogood y Ryan Cates.
I will be all my life... ensuring your daughter Lucie... and his father, David.
Estaré toda mi vida... velando por tu hija Lucie... y por su padre, David.
David comes from losing his wife and incite to flirt.
David viene de perder a su esposa y lo incitas a coquetear.
Laura left us six months ago and now David.
Laura nos dejó hace 6 meses y ahora David.
She is the prime suspect in the murders of Curtis Hagen and Agent David Siegel.
Es la principal sospechosa del asesinato de Curtis Hagen y del agente Siegel.
Joe, take Jim, contact David, find out what his instructions are and attempt to get him into bed with us.
Joe, llévate a Jim, contacta con David, descubre cuáles son sus instrucciones e intenta hacer que se alíe con nosotros.
They think David approached us directly, and that's why they killed him.
Creen que fue David quién nos contactó directamente, y por eso lo han matado.
david 5757
davidson 44
davide 24
david lee 49
david bowie 16
david rosen 22
and daddy 20
and dad 64
and dangerous 40
and don't come back 66
davidson 44
davide 24
david lee 49
david bowie 16
david rosen 22
and daddy 20
and dad 64
and dangerous 40
and don't come back 66
and died 36
and drink 28
and don't be late 24
and don't worry 302
and drunk 16
and down here 16
and don't get me wrong 30
and don't forget 164
and don't say 42
and don't call me 18
and drink 28
and don't be late 24
and don't worry 302
and drunk 16
and down here 16
and don't get me wrong 30
and don't forget 164
and don't say 42
and don't call me 18
and done 40
and dr 337
and deep down 27
and don't you forget it 37
and don't move 29
and down 68
and did he 39
and did 22
and do you know what 33
and do you 86
and dr 337
and deep down 27
and don't you forget it 37
and don't move 29
and down 68
and did he 39
and did 22
and do you know what 33
and do you 86