And for good reason traducir español
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A booth like that wouldn't remain empty a single day therefore, I'd say the place has been closed within the last 12 hours, and for good reason.
Por lo tanto yo diría que lo han cerrado en las últimas doce horas. Y por buenas razones.
I dislike that smell... and for good reason.
Es un olor que no me gusta... y con razón.
And for good reason.
Y por una buena razón.
And for good reason.
¡ Y con razón!
And for good reason because work is so hard to draw.
Y hay una explicación : El trabajo es difícil de pintar.
And for good reason!
Tenía mis motivos.
They will flock to my cause, and for good reason.
Ellos se apresurarán a unirse a mi causa por una buena razón.
Beau was angry and for good reason.
Beau estaba enojado y con razón.
But I didn't forget our meeting, and for good reason.
Pero no olvidé nuestra cita, y por una buena razón.
I am, and for a very good reason.
Claro que sí, tengo buenas razones.
My whole life has been arranged to suit you : And now, for no good reason at all, you want to kick me out :
He reordenado toda mi vida para ajustarla a la suya... y ahora, sin razón alguna, quiere echarme.
Mr Trenchard, I see that you have not the good manners of society. And for that reason alone, I forgive the impertinence of which you are guilty.
Sr. Trenchard, veo que no tiene Vd. buenos modales, y por esa razón le perdono la impertinencia de la que es culpable.
That's the reason why I want my boy to have a good woman near him... and raise fine, beautiful kids for the glory of our heritage.
Por eso quiero que mi hijo tenga una buena mujer a su lado... y que críe hijos buenos y hermosos para la gloria de nuestra herencia.
I've good reason to believe the king is in this coach bound for the border and over the border, and why?
Tengo razones para creer que el rey está en este carruaje camino a la frontera y a pasar la frontera, ¿ y para qué?
- And what's more... Very often what seemed like a really good reason for a divorce isn't a good reason for a divorce at all.
- En principio, lo que parece una buena razón para el divorcio no lo es tanto.
because you may die or I may die no papuchka, I'll pray to God everyday that he'll keep you in good health and promise me, papuchka and promise me that you won't drink not for any reason whatsoever
Puedes morirte... puedo morirme... No, no, no, no papuchka, cada día voy a rezarle a Dios para que te de salud. Y prométeme, papuchka, prométeme, que no vas a beber.
For the good and sufficient reason that it was stolen in Florence.
Por la simple y sencilla razón de que lo robaron de la casa de Florencia.
And if I don't want to call it a day, I'm quite sure you won't for a very good reason.
Y si yo no pienso igual, ambos sabemos una buena razón para que no sea un gran día.
There was a very good reason for the will that made me trustee for Jim and Julie.
Hay una buena razón, tras el custodio de Jim y Julie.
And for good reason, ma'am.
Tengo un buen motivo :
And personally, I think a chicken is as good a reason for murder as a blonde, a mattress full of dollar bills, or any of the customary, unimaginative reasons.
Un pollo es tan buen motivo para matar como una rubia, un colchón lleno de billetes, o cualquiera de las razones que podamos imaginar.
But, could I ask you, a professional politician, to give me one good reason why me, Grant Matthews, should run for the biggest and the best job in the world when there are 10,000 other men...
Pero, puedo preguntar, como político profesional, que me dé una razón buena de por qué yo, Grant Matthews, debe debo postularme al mejor trabajo en el mundo - cuando hay otros 10,000 hombres...
The police have good reason to suspect that the man who shot and killed a bus driver in the Orchard Street Depot tonight is Gunther Wyckoff a recent fugitive from the State Hospital for the Criminal Insane.
La Policía sospecha que el asesino del chofer del autobús de la Estación de la calle Orchard es Gunther Wyckoff fugitivo del Hospital Estatal para Delincuentes Psicóticos.
Whatever he did, he did for good and sufficient reason... even if it turns out he murdered somebody.
Lo que hiciera, lo hizo por una buena razón... aunque haya asesinado a alguien.
- And I had good reason for haste.
- Y tenía razones para darme prisa.
And if one of us didn't show up, it would be for a darn good reason.
Y si uno de nosotros no iba, sería por una muy buena razón.
Well... now and then, for no good reason a man can figure out... life will just haul off and knock him flat.
Bueno... de vez en cuando, sin ninguna razón que un hombre puede imaginar... la vida te golpea brutalmente.
I can guess what the job is. And I'm sure you're doing it for a good reason.
Creo saber en lo que trabajas y seguro de que es para un buen fin.
You just have to believe that it's right and there's a good reason for it...
Tiene que creer que hay una buena razón para que algo ocurra.
Unless it entailed pain or violence, it would mean nothing to the child. ... for the good and simple reason that he has no sexuality.
A menos que conllevara dolor o violencia, no significaría nada, por la sencilla razón de que no tiene sexualidad.
If a samurai risks shame and ridicule to beg for a day or two's grace, he must surely have good reason.
Un samurái humillándose rogando unos días de gracia, debe realmente tener un motivo.
And I get up, and there's a very good reason for getting out of bed, until, of course, I remember.
Y me levanto porque tengo un motivo para salir de la cama, hasta que, claro, lo recuerdo.
There's a good reason Mother was afraid for you to go anywhere... and it still applies.
Había un buen motivo para que mamá temiera dejarte salir... y aún existe.
Ladies and Gentlemen! There's no reason to wait any longer for all the good things you need.
Damas y caballeros, ya no deben seguir esperando lo que necesitan.
There's good military reason for remaining friendly with the Arab governments and none for loaning a reserve officer as military adviser to a pipsqueak nation that'll be blown off the map on May 15.
Tenemos razones para mantener buenas relaciones con los gobiernos árabes, y ninguna para prestar a un oficial como asesor militar a una nacioncilla que van a borrar del mapa el 15 de mayo.
But you had better have a good reason for the council... and for the people.
Pero es mejor tener una buena razón para el Consejo... y para el pueblo.
Yesterday I slugged Luís for no reason,... and the innocent child was crying as he begged me not to hit him so hard,... but then - -- God forgive me! - -- I really let him have a good one!
Ayer a mi Luisito le pegué casi sin razón, y el inocente, llorando, me suplicaba que no le pegara tan duro, y yo - -Dios me perdone- - más fuerte le daba.
And for a very good reason.
Y por una excelente razón.
Her Majesty is in communication with my cousin, the king of France and I have good reason to hope for support from Ireland.
La Reina se ha puesto en contacto con mi primo, el Rey de Francia y tengo buenas razones para esperar recibir ayuda de Irlanda.
- and for a very good scientific reason.
-... por buenos motivos científicos.
And what is the reason for their crimes, if not knowing good?
¿ Y qué otra razón puede haber para sus crímenes, si no tal ignorancia...?
First, we were not your age, and it was for a good reason.
Primero, éramos más mayores. Y segundo, teníamos buenas intenciones.
And all the good happy folk of Happy Valley sang and danced all day long. And anyone who was, for any reason miserable or unhappy or had any difficult personal problem was prosecuted under the happiness act.
Y todos los felices habitantes de Valle Feliz cantaban y bailaban todo el día y cualquiera que por cualquier razón fuera infeliz o tuviese un problema personal era enjuiciado bajo el Acta de Felicidad.
Same scoundrels that took his doll, Sammy, and broke open his head, shot us all up for no good reason.
Unos canallas nos arrebataron su muñeco Samuel. Le partieron la cabeza y nos dispararon sin motivo.
And you said no, for what I thought was a very good reason.
Dijo que no y su razón me pareció muy buena.
He struck Neska, Arak's mother, for no good reason and...
Golpeó a Neska, la madre de Arak, sin ninguna buena razón y...
And Sister Germana is angry with me. And for a very good reason.
Bueno me pidieron responder una pregunta y lo hice y la hermana Germana se enfado mucho conmigo.
I know what is good for you both and you will have no reason to complain of anything I intend to do.
Sé lo que os hace falta, y no habréis ningún motivo de quejarse de lo que intento hacer.
All the good times we've been through, and all the bad times it breaks my heart to think that the only reason you came with me was for money!
¡ Con los buenos y malos momentos que hemos pasado... me rompe el corazón pensar que sólo estaban conmigo por dinero!
I'm not saying there may not be a good reason for all this but you ought to tell me about it and not let me go and find out for myself.
No digo que no existan buenas razones para todo eso... pero debería decírmelo y no permitir que yo lo descubra por mi cuenta.
For no good reason other than you were in a bad mood and that stinks!
Por la única razón de que estaba de mal humor.
and forever 16
and forgive us our trespasses 37
and for us 23
and for now 27
and for all i know 16
and for once 56
and for whatever reason 27
and forsaking all others 18
and for the record 267
and for some reason 87
and forgive us our trespasses 37
and for us 23
and for now 27
and for all i know 16
and for once 56
and for whatever reason 27
and forsaking all others 18
and for the record 267
and for some reason 87
and for the first time in my life 26
and for dessert 24
and for god's sake 35
and for that 299
and forgive me 21
and for me 98
and for the first time 59
and for you 233
and for your information 74
and for a while 22
and for dessert 24
and for god's sake 35
and for that 299
and forgive me 21
and for me 98
and for the first time 59
and for you 233
and for your information 74
and for a while 22
and fortunately 16
and for 69
and for what 396
and for that reason 27
and for this 25
and for what it's worth 63
for good reason 61
and fyi 64
and friends 41
and fuck you 55
and for 69
and for what 396
and for that reason 27
and for this 25
and for what it's worth 63
for good reason 61
and fyi 64
and friends 41
and fuck you 55
and father 32
and fourth 18
and finally 517
and from now on 89
and fast 161
and fire 35
and funny 55
and furthermore 69
and frankly 308
and fourth 18
and finally 517
and from now on 89
and fast 161
and fire 35
and funny 55
and furthermore 69
and frankly 308