And fortunately traducir español
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And fortunately, your life didn't end then... you were able to find a way to continue on with your life the way you're meant to.
Y afortunadamente, su vida no terminó... pudo encontrar una forma de seguir con su vida como se suponía que debía ser.
I did yesterday and fortunately for us, she didn't see it.
Por suerte ayer no lo vio.
And fortunately, George himself rebelled in time.
Y, por suerte, George mismo se reveló tras un tiempo.
I was forced to.. to.. to make him sizzle! And fortunately, he had the good sense not to ask for a repeat.
Pero me he visto obligado a... a... a calentarle y para su suerte ha tenido el buen juicio de no pedir la réplica.
Our guest are here and fortunately still alive.
Ya llegaron nuestros invitados y afortunadamente vivos.
Yes, and fortunately he can't get in!
Sí, y afortunadamente él no puede entrar!
Fortunately, Representative saw the news and took immediate action, so it's all safe.
Afortunadamente, el Presidente vio las noticias, y corrió a traerlo de regreso.
Fortunately, she's past the critical phase, and is far better now.
Por suerte ha superado el momento crítico, ahora está mucho mejor.
Madame Colet, if I were your father... which, fortunately, I am not... and you made any attempt to handle your own business affairs, I would give you a good spanking, in a business way, of course.
Madame Colet, si yo fuera su padre... que, afortunadamente, no soy... e hiciera cualquier intento de manejar sus asuntos financieros, le daría una buena azotaina, en un sentido comercial, por supuesto.
Fortunately you are the one you used to be again a man who's satisfied with his rod and pond.
Afortunadamente, eres el que solías ser de nuevo un hombre feliz con su caña y su estanque.
Assault and battery, but fortunately the bail is trifling.
Asalto y agresión, pero la fianza es mínima.
Fortunately, the room has just been papered and the fireplace has an excellent draft.
Acaba de ser empapelada y el fuego tiene un buen tiro.
Fortunately, they saw our smoke and came over to investigate.
Afortunadamente, vieron el humo y se acercaron para investigar.
Fortunately, most people are content to follow the normal course and take things as they are.
Afortunadamente, la mayoría de las personas se contenta... con vivir una vida normal y aceptar las cosas como son.
Well, I'm sure Rupert, fortunately, has the intelligence and imagination -
Estoy seguro de que Rupert tiene la inteligencia e imaginación...
Fortunately, an epidemic of diphtheria restored the status quo almost immediately and even brought me a bonus in the shape of the Duchess.
Afortunadamente, una epidemia de difteria... restableció el status quo casi inmediatamente... e incluso me trajo un añadido en la persona de la duquesa.
Fortunately, there is one witness who is qualified to testify... on the only matters of pertinence to this hearing... the question of Miss Em's sanity and the question of undue influence.
Hay un solo testigo capacitado para testificar... sobre la única cuestión que concierne a esta vista... si la Srta. Em estaba cuerda y si hubo una influencia excesiva.
The past is dead and buried, fortunately.
El pasado está enterrado. Por suerte.
This was my first and only sight... of the cool, hard, professional soldier... whose scrupulous regard for the rules of warfare had been exercised... in this instance, so fortunately for myself.
Ésta fue la primera y única vez que vería al impasible y férreo soldado profesional, cuyo escrupuloso respeto por las reglas de la guerra había servido, en esta ocasión, para mi buena suerte.
Fortunately, I, and I believe I speak for Roseanne as well, am not quite satisfied with this return to nature of yours.
Por fortuna, yo, y creo que hablo también por Roseanne no estoy nada convencido de ese retorno tuyo a la naturaleza.
Fortunately, the torpedo was a dud, and no one was injured.
Por suerte no estalló y nadie está herido.
Fortunately, the Marques sent guns and mercenary gunners... both English, from Port Royal.
Por suerte, el Marqués envió cañones y mercenarios... ambos ingleses, de Port Royal.
Fortunately, I now see the man. I've put this matter to you, and you have the view that.
Y de golpe, de un día para otro, eso fue prohibido.
Fortunately, in times of emergency men arise with a brand of courage and fortitude that go far beyond the call of duty, and you are one of these.
Afortunadamente, en los tiempos de emergencia hay hombres que surgen con una marca de coraje y fortaleza que van más allá de su deber y usted es uno de ellos.
Fortunately. So, the farther you and I are, the better.
Afortunadamente, por eso, cuanto más apartados estemos tú y yo, será mejor.
In reality people steal and kill far less than you would think, fortunately. You're a fine one to talk!
En realidad se roba y se mata mucho menos de lo que imaginas, por suerte para el resto.
Fortunately, I'm still in one piece and no one's crying over me.
Por suerte, sigo de una pieza y nadie llora por mí.
Fortunately there's always men and women ready to take those risks.
Por suerte, hay personas dispuestas a asumir esos riesgos.
Fortunately, my fiancé arrived and dealt with the situation.
Afortunadamente, mi prometido llegó y manejó la situación.
Fortunately, the next city administration was a thoroughly dishonest one, and it granted him his request.
Afortunadamente, la próxima administración de la ciudad es deshonesta, y se le concedió su petición.
Fortunately, Paramount's files and Hitchcock's records were donated to the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, which has always been extremely helpful to us, as has the archive there.
Afortunadamente los archivos de Paramount y los informes de Hitch se donaron a la Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, que siempre nos ha ayudado mucho, y el archivo nos fue muy útil.
Two or three times during a picture, certain scenes, he would make a rough sketch, which I still have some, fortunately, and he wanted this or that.
Dos o tres veces durante una película, para ciertas escenas hacía un boceto, afortunadamente aún conservo algunos, y quería esto o aquello.
Fortunately, there are more things on heaven and earth than any general...
Hay más cosas afortunadamente, en el cielo y en la tierra que cualquier general...
" Fortunately, I remembered your confessions and teachings.
Por suerte, Juliette, siempre recuerdo tus confidencias. Tus lecciones.
Brown started to pump him about his work habits fortunately Bob saw him through it right away and just to make sure he was not on the wrong track he arranged to meet him again, that's right, Bob?
Brown empezó a sonsacarle sobre su trabajo aquí pero por fortuna Bob se dió cuenta enseguida. Pero sólo para asegurarse de que sus sospechas eran ciertas, consintió en volver a verlo. ¿ No, Bob?
Fortunately, there was a skilled surgeon right nearby, and he was saved.
Afortunadamente, había cerca un gran cirujano. ¡ Salvado!
Fortunately, I was standing nearby and I pointed out a lady in grey.
Yo estaba cerca y te señalé.
Mother Nature sets the table for us. And, fortunately, we have plenty of water.
La madre naturaleza nos pone la mesa y hay abundante agua.
And here, woman, fortunately, has been released from those two terrible plagues.
Y aquí, la mujer afortunadamente, se ha liberado de estas dos terribles plagas.
I enjoy reality as much as the next man, but in my case, fortunately... reality includes a good, stiff belt every now and then.
Disfruto de la realidad como cualquiera. En mi caso, por suerte, la realidad incluye un buen trago de vez en cuando.
Then, of course, a few weeks unlearning Greek, which involved a considerable amount of vodka and an unpremeditated trip to Madrid for the bullfights, which fortunately, since I can't bear the sight of blood, had long since gone on to Seville.
Y después, unas semanas olvidándome del griego, lo que supuso vodka en cantidad y un viaje a Madrid para ver los toros, que menos mal que, como no soporto ver sangre, hacía tiempo se celebraban en Sevilla.
And missing, fortunately, because I can't stand the sight of blood.
Y fallé, menos mal, porque no soporto ver sangre.
Fortunately, both the compartment and the conference room can be reached from the baggage compartment which runs underneath.
Por suerte, se puede llegar al compartimiento y a la sala a través del compartimiento de equipaje que pasa por debajo.
Fortunately this is rare, and in fact almost never occurs. You're wondering why, aren't you? Why is it that since this tactic is so obvious it seldom is used?
Por supuesto que la posibilidad rara, que casi nunca se ha presentado... y se asombran así por ello... aunque parece que prácticamente no ha sucedido nunca...
And then I'd forget... fortunately!
Y luego, lo olvidaba... afortunadamente.
Jane knows how to take care of herself, and I don't have any children, fortunately.
Jane, sabe cómo cuidar de sí misma, Y no tengo hijos, por suerte.
Fortunately, the robot did not detect my presence and deactivate my phaser.
Afortunadamente, el robot no detectó mi presencia y desactivó mi fáser.
Fortunately, the missile was intercepted and destroyed by our defense system :
Estarán felices de saber que el proyectil, ha sido interceptado y destruido por nuestro sistema de defensa :
But fortunately I stopped that. And that was a good thing.
Pero, por consejo de Gwen la dejé, e hice muy bien.
Fortunately, small boys are extremely springy and elastic.
Afortunadamente, los niños son muy elásticos y flexibles.
- Blackmoor and Green, fortunately.
Blackbourne y Green, afortunadamente.
fortunately 946
fortunately for us 24
fortunately for you 43
fortunately for me 17
and forever 16
and forgive us our trespasses 37
and for us 23
and fyi 64
and for now 27
and friends 41
fortunately for us 24
fortunately for you 43
fortunately for me 17
and forever 16
and forgive us our trespasses 37
and for us 23
and fyi 64
and for now 27
and friends 41
and for all i know 16
and fuck you 55
and father 32
and fourth 18
and for once 56
and for good reason 43
and for whatever reason 27
and finally 517
and forsaking all others 18
and from now on 89
and fuck you 55
and father 32
and fourth 18
and for once 56
and for good reason 43
and for whatever reason 27
and finally 517
and forsaking all others 18
and from now on 89