And my family traducir español
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Me and my family are coming in tonight.
Mi familia y yo vamos esta noche.
Me and my family are the big party of 10!
Mi familia y yo somos el grupo grande de 10.
Not unless you come between me and my family.
No a menos que te interpongas entre mi familia y yo.
I don't need Bill to be all things as long as my home and my family stays intact.
No necesito que Bill lo haga todo mientras mi hogar y mi familia permanezcan intactos.
My parents had moved the whole family to Philadelphia to be near me, and my family is very poor, so I had to work.
Mis padres mudaron a toda la familia a Filadelfia para tenerme cerca, y mi familia es muy pobre, así que yo debía trabajar.
and my family Went, " There's something wrong with you.
y mi familia se fue, " Hay algo mal con usted.
Eddie : It had been a few months since we moved from D.C. to Orlando, and we were all looking forward to my mom's family coming to visit.
Hacía unos meses desde que nos mudamos de D.C. a Orlando, y todos estábamos ansiosos por la visita de la familia de mi mamá.
I'm so sorry to bring you into this, but they are threatening to deport me, and my whole family.
Lamento mucho involucrarte en esto, pero están amenazando con deportarme, y a toda mi familia.
Hey, listen, man, you can't steal my family just'cause you adopted and ain't got one of your own.
Escucha, no puedes robarme la familia... solo porque eres adoptado y no tienes a nadie.
You know, my real family broke up three times'cause of my three dads, and I thought this family would be together forever.
¿ Saben? Mi familia real se rompió tres veces... por culpa de mis tres padres... y yo pensaba que esta familia siempre estaría junta.
I'm leaving, and I want to say good-bye to my family.
Voy a irme y quiero despedirme de mi familia.
And since we've been in business together, I've done nothing but compromise my time with my family.
Y desde que me asocié con usted, no he hecho más que comprometer mi tiempo con mi familia.
As the toasts began and I readied myself for my moment in the sun, I couldn't help but notice that Suzanne was having a delightful time with her soon-to-be husband and his family.
Cuando empezaron los brindis y me preparé para mi momento de gloria, no pude dejar de notar que Suzanne estaba pasando un agradable rato con su futuro marido y su familia.
Pulling this IPO off before I die and getting my family where it's supposed to be.
Hacer la Oferta Pública de Venta antes de morirme, darle a mi familia lo que necesita.
There's a green light on a cop and his family... my partner.
Hay luz verde en un policía y su familia... mi compañero.
My family was shattered on that day, and neither my husband nor I have been able to work consistently.
Ese día destrozó a mi familia. Y ni mi marido ni yo... pudimos trabajar de forma consistente.
To put the pieces back together and return to my family.
Juntar de nuevo las piezas y regresar a mi familia.
And my new family.
Y mi nueva familia.
My relationships with my family have been... challenging at times, and they've certainly had a significant influence.
Mis relaciones con mi familia han sido... un reto a veces, y ciertamente han tenido una influencia significativa.
If that goes well, then she'll be out of my place real soon, and I've avoided a family crisis.
Si todo sale bien, se irá de mi apartamento muy pronto y yo habré evitado una crisis familiar.
I want to go and see my family.
Quiero ir a ver a mi familia.
And according to tradition, my mom, the Queen, has to bestow upon me our greatest family heirloom- -
Y de acuerdo con la tradición, mi mamá, la reina me tiene que entregar la mayor reliquia familiar- -
Forgive me my trespasses against the family and please keep Mark safe and help guide us through this uncertainty.
Perdona las afrentas contra mi familia y, por favor, mantén a salvo a Mark y sírvenos de guía en toda esta incertidumbre.
May I use your restroom? Um... I've been hearing a lot of people talk today about, um, family values, and in my opinion, the most important family value is, um, accepting your family for who they are.
¿ Puedo usar tu baño? He oído a la gente hablar mucho sobre los valores familiares, y en mi opinión, el valor familiar más importante es aceptar a tu familia por quién es.
And then after he was killed, they became my family.
Y cuando lo mataron, se volvieron mi familia.
I just want my family to know that I'm free and clear of Henry's influence.
Solo quiero que mi familia sepa que soy libre y libre de la influencia de Henry.
Well, we need to leech our planet of toxins, which is why it's so crucial that my family and I be on the show.
Bueno, tenemos que eliminar las toxinas de nuestro planeta, por lo que es tan crucial que mi familia y yo estemos en el programa.
If there's anything my family and I can do to repay you...
Si hay algo que mi familia y yo podamos hacer para pagártelo...
My allegiance is to my family and to my people here.
Mi allegiance es para mi familia y para mis personas aquí.
And he always promised to look after my family.
Y me prometió que cuidaría siempre de mi familia.
Small, well, yeah, I mean, it's me, my mom and my dad and then extended family, but yeah, no, so it was small family.
Pequeña. Bueno, quiero decir... Somos mis papás y yo y luego la familia extendida pero sí, era una familia pequeña.
Look, if it's any consolation, my anniversary trip was a crushing disappointment, even without family injuries and civil war.
Mira, si te sirve de consuelo, mi viaje de aniversario fue una decepción aplastante, incluso sin lesiones de la familia y de la guerra civil.
So I kept on ringing my family and then I started speaking to the family and I says, "My phone is getting hacked."
Así que seguí sonando mi familia y luego empecé a hablar con la familia y me dice : "Mi teléfono está siendo hackeado."
You guys are my only friends, and everyone in my family's a moron.
Ustedes son mis únicas amigas y, en mi familia, son todos idiotas.
It had been a minute since my family left D.C., and we were all definitely settling into Orlando.
Ha pasado un tiempo desde que mi familia dejó Washington Y definitivamente nos asentamos en Orlando.
And that's how my family started reppin'Orlando.
Y así es como mi familia comenzó a representar Orlando.
I'm sorry, I was on the phone with my family, and then it was so late that I just...
- Lo siento, hablé por teléfono con mi familia, y se hizo tan tarde - que yo...
When his family were killed in a bombing raid, my brother and I adopted him.
Cuando su familia murió en un bombardeo, mi hermano y yo lo adoptamos.
My dearest Emma, I know when I mentioned my family the other day that I painted a dark and gloomy picture of them, but that wasn't quite the whole story.
" Mi adorada Emma, sé que cuando mencioné a mi familia el otro día describí una imagen oscura y triste de ellos, pero eso no era toda la historia.
This is my family, and I'm her father.
Esta es mi familia, y yo soy su padre.
Oh, and just so you know, my worst nightmare, which is actually recurring, is me and Santa Claus getting chased through the snow by Lurch from the Adam's family.
Y para que sepas, en mi peor pesadilla, que es recurrente, aparezco con Papá Noel, y nos persigue por la nieve... Largo, de Los locos Addams.
No, a family is a family, and between my beautiful wife and my kids, who look more like me, my plate is full with my own business.
No, una familia es una familia, y entre mi preciosa mujer y mis hijos, que se parecen más a mí, mi plato está lleno con mis propios asuntos.
The department ran a search and seizure On all my personal belongings- - Family heirlooms, sentimental things,
El departamento hizo una búsqueda y una incautación de todas mis pertenencias... reliquias familiares, cosas sentimentales.
After my dad passed away in 2004, my brother and my mother took over the family business.
Después que mi padre falleció en 2004, mi hermano y mi madre asumieron la empresa de la familia.
And now my job is to look out for my family, because no one else will.
Y ahora mi trabajo es mirar por mi familia, porque nadie más lo hará.
And then... after I learned how my family died, trapped in a burning building...
Y luego... después de descubrir cómo murió mi familia... atrapada en un edificio en llamas...
When my dad told me he was gay, I was totally angry at him for lying to my family, but then I realized that carrying around bad feelings was gross and probably giving me premature wrinkles.
Cuando mi padre me dijo que era gay, estaba completamente enfadada por mentir a mi familia, pero luego me di cuenta que estar sintiendo malos pensamientos era repugnante y probablemente me daría arrugas prematuras.
I don't even know if I'm ready to ace my stats final, let alone get married on May 7th in a Very Wang gown with a birdcage veil in front of 400 of our closest family and friends.
Ni siquiera sé si estoy lista para bordar mis notas finales, así que ni digamos sobre casarnos el 7 de mayo con un vestido de Vera Wang en una pajarera frente a 400 amigos y familiares.
I sent word to the family that my son Charles was staying with, and they said he left for French court.
Envié aviso a la familia con la que estaba mi hijo Carlos, y dijeron que él había dejado la corte francesa.
I'm living a Justin lifestyle, and so is my family.
Vivo el estilo de vida de Justin y también mi familia.
He's lost his way, and I need to get my company back before he destroys it, or destroys my family.
Perdió el rumbo, y necesito recuperar mi empresa antes de que la destruya, o destruya a mi familia.
and my sister 48
and my daughter 48
and my husband 46
and my mother 97
and my brother 55
and my best friend 18
and my ex 21
and my personal favorite 20
and my friends 35
and my 108
and my daughter 48
and my husband 46
and my mother 97
and my brother 55
and my best friend 18
and my ex 21
and my personal favorite 20
and my friends 35
and my 108
and my brother lives with them 20
and my mom 49
and my dad 65
and my friend 37
and my wife 60
and my son 78
and my father 65
and myself 59
and my life 17
my family 595
and my mom 49
and my dad 65
and my friend 37
and my wife 60
and my son 78
and my father 65
and myself 59
and my life 17
my family 595
family 1231
family is everything 18
family first 36
family guy 58
family comes first 25
family dinner 19
family reunion 17
family emergency 19
family and friends 25
family members 20
family is everything 18
family first 36
family guy 58
family comes first 25
family dinner 19
family reunion 17
family emergency 19
family and friends 25
family members 20
family stuff 23
family only 25
family law 16
family history 17
family too 21
family meeting 38
family man 38
family business 42
family only 25
family law 16
family history 17
family too 21
family meeting 38
family man 38
family business 42