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"stuff a cat"? Because they are glorious creatures, and only a barbarian would skin one.
- Porque son criaturas gloriosas y solo un salvaje los despellejaría.
Only he can take us across the bridge and only he can bring us back.
Solo él puede llevarnos a través del puente y solo él puede traernos de vuelta.
Commander Steel has it, and only you know where he is.
Steel lo tiene, pero solo tú sabes dónde está.
And only because he's your best friend.
Y solo porque es tu mejor amigo.
She never really cared about me and only came back into my life to steal from me and frame me for a felony.
A ella nunca le importé y solo volvió a mi vida para robarme e incriminarme por un delito grave.
And as I've told you, from now on I'll only be eating raw chicken and beef. And we'll be having a side dish of "How's Abby doing?"
Y como te dije, desde ahora voy a comer carne y pollo crudos, con guarnición de "¿ Cómo le está yendo a Abby?".
That's the house. Swimmer's pool, chef's kitchen, and at least my mom doesn't ask me every week why we only had one kid.
La casa tiene piscina, cocina profesional y mi mamá no pregunta por qué tenemos una sola hija.
A chain is only as strong as its weakest link, and I know that's what I am.
La cuerda siempre se rompe por lo más delgado y sé que esa parte soy yo.
You shared something horrible with me, gave me no time to process it, and while I was taking it in, you not only attacked my integrity, you made me feel ashamed of myself.
Me confesaste algo horrible, no me diste tiempo para procesarlo y, mientras lo hacía, no solo atacaste mi integridad, hiciste que me avergonzara de mí misma.
- And I also told you that the only reason I agreed to this whole thing in the first place was because I couldn't stand to watch someone like Oliver fail and not be able to help him.
- También te dije que la única razón por la que accedí a esto es porque no soportaba ver fracasar a alguien como Oliver y no poder ayudarlo.
And we only have one shot at having someone speak for me.
Y solo tenemos una oportunidad de que escuchen a un testigo.
The only problem with that is I went to 15 firms before I came to you, and none of them would take my case because of that photo.
El único problema con eso es que fui a 15 bufetes antes de recurrir a usted, y ninguno hubiera tomado mi caso por culpa de esa foto.
It's hard making it in a society that only cares about profit and pleasure.
Es difícil vivir en una sociedad que solo se preocupa por el dinero y el placer.
And two... you were the only person in this office who noticed and removed a compromised employee.
Y en segundo lugar, fuiste la única persona en esta oficina que detectaste y despediste a un empleado corrupto.
Yes, sir, but a fullscale assault at this juncture will not be prudent and will only draw more attention to the situation in Purgatory, not to mention the slaughter of thousands.
Sí, señor, pero un asalto total en este momento no sería prudente y solo atraerá más atención a Purgatory, sin mencionar la muerte de miles.
I brought my magic gun to remind you all that I'm the goddamn Earp heir and the only one who can send Wyatt's revenants back to hell.
La traje para recordarles a todos que soy la maldita heredera Earp, ¡ y la única que puede enviar a los Renacidos de Wyatt de vuelta al infierno!
Only when I am alone can I court the muse and dream up the next step in my glorious scheme.
Sólo cuando estoy sólo puedo cortejar a la musa y conjurar el siguiente paso de mi glorioso ardid.
I ordered three dozen wings and I only count 35.
Pedí tres docenas de alas y solo cuento 35.
She and the butler are the only live-in servants.
Ella y el mayordomo son los únicos sirvientes que viven aquí.
He was a mental defective, we were told, and the only option was a discreet institution.
Era un enfermo mental, se nos dijo... y la única opción fue una institución discreta.
I can only assume she burst in and scared him and he lashed out.
Sólo puedo asumir que ella entró abruptamente... y lo asustó y él debió golpearla.
It's nature's candy, and the only way to get it is to drill into the ground.
El caramelo de la naturaleza, y la única manera de conseguirlo es perforar el suelo.
You know, all I did was like you, and it wasn't just because you were the only person that matched with me on the website.
Tu sabes, todo lo que hice te gustó, Y no solo porque fuiste la única persona que compaginó conmigo en el sitio web.
I said threaten, not hurt. With the medallion destroyed, Captain Hunter is the only one who can tell us where Commander Steel and the final piece of the spear is.
Con el medallón destruido, el capitán Hunter es el único que puede decirnos dónde están Steel y el último fragmento de la Lanza.
This place only existed because Rip believed it did, and now that he's seen the truth...
Este sitio solo existía porque Rip creía que existía, y ahora que ha visto la verdad...
Lady and gentlemen, the one, the only, livewire.
Señoras y señores, la única e inigualable, Livewire.
And you're not the only hero in national city.
Y no eres la única heroína en National City.
And apparently I'm the only person in national city that appreciates how evil she actually is.
Y aparentemente, soy la única persona en National City que ve lo mala que en verdad es.
You know, I've been talking to some of the regulars and apparently earth males are only supposed to express their feelings about sports and, occasionally, monster trucks. So...
, he estado hablando con algunos de los regulares y aparentemente los hombres de la Tierra solo se suponen que expresen sus sentimientos sobre deportes y de vez en cuando, camionetas monstruo.
Look, I'm not in love with him, but it's the only way to stop him from hurting other people, and from killing you.
Mira, no estoy enamorada de él, pero es la única manera para que dejara de herir a otras personas, y te mate.
A fusion bomb that only he's mentioned and no one else has seen.
Una bomba de fusión que solo él ha mencionado y que nadie más ha visto.
You deliberately published an article using catco resources on a competing social media platform, which is not only a conflict of interest but also a direct and flagrant breach of contract.
Publicaste deliberadamente un artí culo usando recursos de CatCo en una red social competitiva, lo cual no es solo un conflicto de intereses si no también un directo y flagrante incumplimiento del contrato.
But an alien who was under our protection, who had been given amnesty, was taken against his will and we were his only hope.
Pero un alienígena que está bajo nuestra protección, al que hemos dado amnistía, fue capturado contra su voluntad y éramos su única esperanza.
And I was worried that only people born before 1980 read your magazine.
Y yo estaba preocupada de que solo leyera tu revista la gente nacida antes de 1980.
And I only figured this out after I cross-checked the name with the court transcripts.
Lo averigüé tras contrastar el nombre con las transcripciones del juicio.
So, you're not only a masked vigilante and a photographer, you're also a child psychologist now.
Así que, no eres solo un vigilante enmascarado y un fotógrafo, ahora eres también psicólogo infantil.
Only a knowledgeable and motivated individual would use a small retail shop for a buy like this.
Solo un conocedor motivado usaría una pequeña empresa para una compra así.
You will just glide along, rich, with even bigger apartments and nicer watches and faster planes, only none of it will matter to you at all.
Solo te dejarás llevar, rico, en departamentos aun más grandes, relojes caros, aviones. Ya nada te importará.
How would you like to be done with this floor for good and out of that halfway house, and home, with only your platinum wristwatch for jewelry instead of an ankle bracelet?
¿ Te gustaría dejar de limpiar pisos para siempre, y salir de ese lugar, estar en casa con tu reloj de platino, en vez de un brazalete en el tobillo?
And I've only had one child, a son.
Y solo tuve un hijo, un varón.
It seems to me that only yesterday, you were willing to... harm anyone who came close to you, and I was concerned that you were incapable of change.
Me parece que apenas ayer estabas dispuesta... a lastimar a cualquier persona que se te acercara y me temí que serías incapaz de cambiar.
Tonight, I can only suspect Congress will spend a dark night of the soul, after which they will reconsider their paralysis and choose to act.
Sospecho que esta noche los congresistas sentirán la oscuridad en su alma, y después reconsiderarán su parálisis y decidirán actuar.
There is only one Tangent in the room, sir - - and that's me.
Sólo hay una Tangent en la habitación, señor... y ese soy yo.
Good morning, sir, I just thought I'd come and let you know that there is only one bathroom for masters.
Buenos días, señor, pensé en venir y hacerle saber.. que sólo hay un baño para los maestros.
Toby read about Lady Circumference - - and her only son...
Toby leyó sobre Lady Circumference... y su único hijo...
And the only way to take it back is to do one little evil thing myself.
Y la única manera de recuperarla es hacer una pequeña cosa malvada por mí mismo.
This totem represents that power, and the only way to figure out how to heal him is to channel it, which will give it access to me.
Este tótem representa ese poder y la única forma de averiguar cómo curarle es canalizarlo, lo cual le dará acceso a mí.
As he is the only one who can kill an Original... the Hollow has received this offering and given us a gift in return.
Como él es el único que puede matar a un original... el Hollow ha recibido su ofrenda y nos ha dado un regalo a cambio.
See, your ancestors were the only thing holding him back and when you severed that link you allowed it to go free.
Los ancestros eran lo único que lo retenía y cuando rompiste esa conexión permitiste que fuera libre.
And before today, the only thing I knew about it was that it was a spirit practicing very dark magic, and it was trying desperately to get back into this world.
Y hasta hoy, lo único que sabía sobre esto era que era un espíritu practicando magia muy oscura y que estaba intentando volver a este mundo desesperadamente.
I only made a deal with Dominic to try and save you.
Solo hice un trato con Dominic para intentar salvarte.
and only then 44
and only you 38
only 1631
only you 239
only me 129
only the best 34
only a little 36
only you can 21
only for you 27
only time will tell 38
and only you 38
only 1631
only you 239
only me 129
only the best 34
only a little 36
only you can 21
only for you 27
only time will tell 38
only thing 21
only then 35
only now 58
only one way to find out 127
only if you want to 26
only i 19
only better 42
only one problem 30
only child 42
only one 202
only then 35
only now 58
only one way to find out 127
only if you want to 26
only i 19
only better 42
only one problem 30
only child 42
only one 202
only two 46
only once 48
only us 19
only in america 16
only that 31
only this time 157
only about 26
only by reputation 21
only joking 24
only just 22
only once 48
only us 19
only in america 16
only that 31
only this time 157
only about 26
only by reputation 21
only joking 24
only just 22