And we're clear traducir español
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Once we're in the clear, you go your way and I'll go mine.
No te debo nada. Una vez que esto acabe, tú sigues tu camino y yo el mío.
You tell that bunch of hoodlums that i said... if they come over here again, we're going to fight... clear down to our boots and up to our necks in blood.
Dígales a esos matones que si vuelven a venir... pelearemos hasta que la sangre nos cubra de pies a cabeza.
And we're gonna keep going until we're clear out of the United States... across the Rocky Mountains into Mexico.
Y seguiremos hasta que salgamos de los Estados Unidos... - por las Montañas Rocallosas, a México.
We're gonna clean up this town and clear for Havana.
Limpiamos la ciudad y nos vamos a La Habana.
But you're wrong, because they'll be back one of these days and we'll drive the Japs clear out of these islands, right back where they belong!
Volverán un día de estos y echarán a los japoneses de estas tierras.
Two days and we're clear underway.
Dos días y zarpamos.
We're into the nominations, and I was just trying to make clear to everyone here what I believe to be the only sound basis for corporation management today.
Estamos en el periodo de candidaturas y estaba tratando de dejar claro a todos que creo ser el único capaz de dirigir la corporación hoy en día.
Come, boys, let's turn to beer, boys And make it clear we're awfully glad that Kathie's here, boys
Vamos, chicos, otra ronda de cerveza estamos contentos que esté Kathie aquí, chicos
Philip. He wants to know if we're out And if the coast is clear.
Es Philip, quiere saber si nos hemos ido o si seguimos aquí.
Might take weeks or months, but I'll let you know when I think we're in the clear and you can drink yourself stupid.
Puede llevar semanas o meses, pero te diré cuándo crea que estamos a salvo y podrás pillar la gran borrachera.
I don't know who you are and we don't know anything at all about radar or jets or anything else but if you're really low on fuel we'll clear you to land here.
¿ Nos tienen en el radar o no? No se quien es usted y jamas he oido hablar de radar, ni tampoco de ningun jet. pero si estan secos, vamos a autorizarles a aterrizar.
But if we all find the money first and turn it in, we're all in the clear.
Pero si encontramos el dinero primero y lo devolvemos, estamos todos libres.
We'd like to clear the grid, and momentarily, we're off and running.
Se empieza a vaciar la pista.
It's past quitting time now, so there's nothing we can do tonight... but tomorrow morning, you're gonna have all that equipment transferred to clear ground... and you're gonna supply me with all the trucks and labor I need to move the Whitlock memorials... and I'm gonna see the job gets done.
Ya se ha terminado la jornada laboral, así que no podemos hacer nada hoy... pero mañana trasladarás todo el equipo a la tierra despejada... pondrás los camiones y unos peones para mover lo de los Whitlock... y yo me encargaré de que eso se haga.
I want the schedule of when and where we're gonna get that food you promised us. clear?
Quiero saber dónde y cuándo tendremos la comida que nos prometió, ¿ entendido?
So he takes one look at that hunk of junk he bought, we offer to refund his two grand, which he takes back like that, and we're in the clear for the Cunningham deal.
Echará un vistazo a ese poblacho que compró... ofreceremos devolverle su dinero, que aceptará sin dudar... y estaremos listos para cerrar el trato con Cunningham.
From the newspaper, we're not clear exactly what you did and why... but we want you to know we're for you.
En la prensa no queda claro lo que hizo y por qué pero queremos que sepa estamos de su parte.
Ten feet down, 50 feet out, and we're free and clear on the other side of the wall.
3 metros hacia abajo, 18 de largo y estaremos libres al otro lado del muro.
We're on them, loud and clear.
Los tenemos, alto y claro.
No, they've told me, and they've made it very clear, I'm to stay in touch, but until your nephew is released, believe me, we're way back.
Me dijeron muy claramente que debía estar en contacto pero, hasta que liberen a su sobrino, le aseguro que nos mantendremos lejos.
And I'll pay it again, just so we're clear.
Y lo pagaré de nuevo, para que quede claro.
You go on that basis and we're going to solve this case. Is that clear?
Si empieza por ahí, lograremos resolver este caso. ¿ Está claro?
'We're receiving signals. loud and clear. relayed from the same probe.
No hay duda al respecto.
I want tunnel nine, main and ancillary workings closed down once we're clear.
Quiero túnel de nueve años, principales y accesorias funcionamiento cerrado una vez que estemos claros.
We're safe and clear now.
Estamos a salvo ahora.
We're receiving you loud and clear.
Estamos recibiendo fuerte y claro. Encima.
What we're looking for, this is no more than an educated guess I'd like to make that clear, is some multi-cellular life form with stripes, huge, razor-sharp teeth, about 11-foot long and of the genus felis horribilis.
Lo que estamos buscando, aunque esto es sólo una conjetura, quiero que quede claro, es una forma de vida multicelular... a rayas, con enormes dientes afilados, de unos tres metros... y del género Felis horribilis.
Look, I'm sorry, but we're looking... for some very good jazz dancers... and it's been made very clear to me... that those people don't fit in to that particular category.
Lo siento, pero estamos buscando bailarines de jazz muy buenos y me queda bien claro que esa gente no encaja en esa categoría en particular.
We're free and clear.
No debemos nada.
With all due respect, general, that kind of technical operation takes time, and they're impractical on this type of terrain. We'd have to reroute subways, clear the streets for a half-mile in either direction. We can't take that kind of time.
Con todo respeto, General, ese tipo de procedimiento toma mucho tiempo... y no es práctico en esta clase de terreno... tenemos vías subterráneas, tendríamos que despejar a todo el público... no podemos tomar ese tipo de procedimiento.
5 more minutes and we're clear on the highway.
¡ Tranquilito! Estaremos en la carrera en cinco minutos.
"Let it be clear that with the capture of Aldo Moro and the consequent trial in the people's court, the match is not over." "We're setting a password, according to which, the whole movement of offensive resistance..."
" Queda claro, por lo tanto, que con la captura de Aldo Moro y con el proceso al cual será sometido por el tribunal del pueblo, no entendemos cerrar la partida, sino levantar una consigna sobre la cual todo el movimiento de resistencia ofensiva...
And we're clear.
Y que quede claro.
But Rae, if we're going to help try and clear all of this- -
Si vamos a ayudarte a aclarar esto...
We're up and clear. You got that?
Todo marcha bien. ¿ Recibido?
And we're clear.
Hemos terminado.
We'll hear the bells loud and clear at dawn... if they're still well...
Oiremos las campanas fuerte en el amanecer si ellos están bien.
He says we're going to clear that floor... and we're going to Puerto Rico.
Dice que vamos a arrasar con la pista... e iremos a Puerto Rico.
He's got a dog on this throat. Just say "thank you" and that we're clear.
- Bien ya hablaste, gracias, ok, estamos bien.
Then the fifth time he visited and all should've been clear already... the guy said : "Now, David Lee, we're going to sauna", and since they were drunk... they agreed, but Dave couldn't get his tie open at first so the guy went ahead... and David Lee went afterwards and complete silence fell when the guy saw what his son-in-law was like.
Entonces la quinta vez que lo visitó y todos ya lo tenían claro... el tipo dijo : "Ahora, David Lee, vamos al sauna", y como estaban borrachos... estuvieron de acuerdo, pero Dave no podía sacarse la corbata así que el tipo prosiguió... y David Lee fue después y un silencio total cayó cuando el tipo vio cómo era su yerno.
And we're clear. ( TWO ALARM-LIKE BELLS SOUND )
Y corten.
It is clear that you had no involvement with this escapade and we're wasting your time.
Queda claro que no tiene nada que ver y que le estamos haciendo perder el tiempo.
People scream : "We're hungry!" Loud and clear.
¡ La gente grita "Tengo hambre", y se oye fuerte y claro!
And we're clear.
Y terminamos.
He's gonna type in his password, and we're gonna get a clear shot.
Usará la clave y la podremos ver claramente.
And... we're clear!
Y ya está.
And... we're clear.
- Y... terminamos.
And we're clear.
Y estamos claro.
- And we're clear.
- Roberto.
- And we're clear.
- Y fuera.
We could ride it through the rift and then break away once we're clear... that is, if we survive the ride.
Nos llevará hacia la grieta y después huimos. - Si es que seguimos con vida.
and we're off 44
and we're running out of time 21
and we're back 55
and we're done 73
and we're walking 16
and we're 60
and we're out 44
and we're here 22
and we're like 16
and we're not 31
and we're running out of time 21
and we're back 55
and we're done 73
and we're walking 16
and we're 60
and we're out 44
and we're here 22
and we're like 16
and we're not 31
and we're in 21
we're clear 298
clear 3420
clearly 1747
clearance 26
cleared 26
cleary 58
clears throat 1710
clear your mind 34
clear the table 19
we're clear 298
clear 3420
clearly 1747
clearance 26
cleared 26
cleary 58
clears throat 1710
clear your mind 34
clear the table 19
clear your head 52
clear the area 71
clear my head 36
clear the way 99
clearing throat 68
clear a path 30
clear the air 23
clear as a bell 21
clear the court 17
clear the bridge 17
clear the area 71
clear my head 36
clear the way 99
clearing throat 68
clear a path 30
clear the air 23
clear as a bell 21
clear the court 17
clear the bridge 17
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clear out 126
clear it 26
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clearing of throat 39
clear it out 16
clear here 17
clear as day 33
clear the room 54
clears his throat 22
clear out 126
clear it 26
clearly not 42
clearing of throat 39
clear it out 16
clear here 17
clear as day 33