And whatever it is traducir español
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This isn't S.E, and whatever it is, it's not just in her brain.
Esto no es s.E. Y sea lo que sea, no está sólo en su cerebro
Yeah, and whatever it is... You're gonna ruin it for everyone.
Sí, y lo que quiera que sea... vas a arruinarlo para todos.
We don't know what we're dealing with yet, and whatever it is, we're gonna take care of it.
Todavía no sabemos a qué nos enfrentamos pero sea lo que sea, nos ocuparemos.
And-and whatever it is that happened between you and Chuck, I'm sure you can fix it, because if there was
Y lo que sea que esté pasando entre tú y Chuck, seguro que puedes arreglarlo, porque si hay
- Yeah, I looked at them and whatever it is, it's unlike anything I've ever seen before.
- Sí, los miré y sean lo que sean, no es nada parecido a lo que haya visto antes.
He's been a wonderful father and husband all these years, and I know that you can help him through whatever it is he's going through.
Ha sido un padre y un marido maravilloso todos estos años, y sé que puedes ayudarle a superar aquello por lo que este pasando.
Whatever it is, let's go home and discuss, brother.
Sea lo que sea, vamos a casa y discutamos, hermano.
And don't call me a snort fuck or whatever it is you called me.
Y no me digas "nariz de puto" o lo que me hayas dicho.
The fact that we do the stuff live and that we do it on camera and we get it in one take or two takes, or whatever, is pan of the romance of the genre.
El hecho es que hicimos todo en el mismo instante y lo hicimos con la cámara en una sola toma, o dos tomas, como sea, es parte de la poesía del género. En la escena de la secundaria en donde estoy sentada en la sala,
Whatever that is, and, you know, it takes, you know, one does all sorts of things with painting.
Lo que sea, y sabes, conlleva... uno hace todo tipo de cosas con la pintura.
Do you think you can come here and do whatever you like, is that it?
¿ Usted cree que puede venir aquí y hacer lo que quiera? ¿ No es así?
So... get in there, vamp up, vamp out, whatever it is you do, and... rip this fucker to shreds.
Así que entra ahí, vampirízate, saca tu vampiro interior, lo que sea y corta a este violador en pedazos.
Like you have your beading thing or whatever it is, and then I have my area, you know?
Tienes tu área para hacer joyería y yo tengo la mía, ¿ cierto?
Listen, this is gonna sound totally crazy, and I know that, but... I've been having this feeling lately that, that maybe whatever happened to us when we were little... I think it's starting again.
Mira, esto te va a sonar descabellado y lo sé, pero últimamente he estado sintiendo que lo que sea que nos pasó cuando éramos niñas empieza de nuevo.
But I also believe that what's happening to Lisa is real, and if Rusk is a national security risk... whatever happened, agent Dunham, it's over now.
Pero también creo, que lo que le pasa a Lisa es real, Y si Rusk es un riesgo para la seguridad nacional- - Da igual lo que haya sucedido, agente Dunham,
And then they took you away from me, and everybody starts running around, and they're doing whatever it is that they're doing, and they made me go outside, and I yelled at them.
Y luego te llevaron lejos de mí, y todos empezaron a correr, y hacían lo que sea que debían hacer y me hicieron salir afuera y yo les grité a ellos.
Because you've been avoiding me. And I wanted you to know that whatever is going on with you and Matt, it's okay.
Porque me has estado evitando y quería que supieras que lo que sea que pasa entre tú y Matt está bien.
I've grown up and now I'm leaving home and in my case that means kissing goodbye to Mummy Country and Daddy... you know, Daddy whatever it is that daddies stand for.
He crecido y ahora yendome de casa y en mi caso eso significa decir adiós a Mamá País y Papá... ya sabes, Papá es lo que sea que los papás representen.
So what's it been-like, ten calls he's made to you in the past couple of weeks? - Well, whatever it is you have to say, it's gotta be important enough for you to lie, manipulate and evade the FBI, so please - Give or take.
Entonces como va esto, ¿ diez llamadas que te ha hecho en las últimas dos semanas?
- The deal is whatever we say it is, and right now we need you to cooperate.
- El trato es lo que nosotro digamos que es, ahora.
And if she wants to clear his name, whatever is left of it, why won't you let her?
Y si ella quiere limpiar su nombre, lo que quede de el, ¿ Por qué no se lo permites?
I will knock my teeth out and do DentAssure or whatever it is.
Me romperé los dientes y promoveré DentAssure o como se llame.
I didn't introduce you to him To try and hit you up for money Or to pull some scam or whatever it is
No te lo presente para tratar de pedirte dinero o engañarte o sea lo que sea que tu y tu hermana piensan que quiero
Assuming that it's true, and I file a motion to compel production of the taps, whatever is on those taps will come out.
Asumiendo que es verdad y pido una moción para recopilar copias de esas grabaciones lo que sea que haya en esas cintas...
Whatever it is seems to link Torstensson and Harderberg.
Sea lo que sea parece vincular a Torstensson y a Harderberg.
And whatever that implement is, it punctured the carotid artery, Leading to exsanguination, Your official c.O.D.
Y todo parece indicar, que perforó la arteria carótida, que condujo al desangrado, esa es la causa oficial de la muerte.
Whatever you do in your personal life Is totally up to you, and I'm cool with it.
Lo que hagas con tu vida personal es cosa tuya, y estoy bien con eso.
Of an award-winning blog. I'm gonna go and let you two make love Or whatever it is you do.
- Voy a irme para dejar que esos dos hagais el amor o lo que sea que hagais.
No one is more interested in this wedding going off smoothly than I,... and I'll do whatever is in my power to make it so.
Soy la primera interesada en que esta boda salga perfecta, y haré cuanto esté en mi mano para que así sea.
I'm sure you're guilty of whatever it is you've been locked up for and more.
Estoy seguro que eres culpable de cualquier cosa que se trate tu has sido atado por y más.
If you have the right to download my music for free, then let's say that you are a plumber or a car mechanic, or whatever, then I have the right to call you up and demand that you come over and fix my plumbing for free, or fix my car next time it is not functioning for free.
Si tienes el derecho de descargar mi música de forma gratuita y entonces digamos que eres plomero o mecánico de autos o lo que sea, entonces tengo el derecho de llamarte y pedirte que vengas y arregles mi cañerías gratis o que arregles mi auto la próxima vez que no funcione, gratis.
The silence, whatever it is, is still out there, and I have to...
El silencio, lo que fuera, sigue ahí fuera y tengo que...
Whatever else I am, I am Merliah, half-mermaid Princess of Oceana, and it is my duty to protect my subjects.
Independientemente de lo qque soy, Estoy Merliah, la mitad sirena Prrincesa de Oceana, y es mi deber para prooteger a mis súbditos.
Absolutely. What would probably be even better is if you type up whatever you want and I'll sign it.
Probablemente sería mejor que tú la escribieras y yo la firmo.
Please, tell me what is troubling you and I promise you, whatever it is, I can answer it.
Por favor, dime lo que te está molestando y te prometo, sea lo que sea, que puedo resolverlo.
Whatever she says, my mother is as strong as an ox, and it's high time she let go of her scheme for upsetting everything.
Diga lo que diga, es fuerte como un toro. Y ya es hora de que renuncie a alterarlo todo. Y también nosotros.
If the universe is accelerating, something must be causing it and dark energy is just defined to be whatever it is that's causing the universe to accelerate.
Si el universo se acelera, algo lo debe estar causando y la "energía oscura" está definida como lo que sea que causa esa aceleración del universo.
I'm sure that you and Ricky can work out whatever it is you need to work out.
Estoy seguro de que tu y Ricky podeis solucionar lo que sea que necesitais solucionar.
And whatever else it is that people do.
Y cualquier otra cosa que la gente hace.
Yeah, and then whatever you do, don't start telling me how natural it is what she did because the women in the Ramalamadingdong tribe like to sleep with teenage boys.
Sí y entonces, hagas lo que hagas, no empieces a decirme lo natural que es lo que hizo porque a las mujeres de la tribu Ramalamadingdong les gusta acostarse con adolescentes.
I brought this wine as a gift, therefore it is my wine, and I will drink whatever I want, you sexy townie ho.
Traje este vino como regalo, así que es mi vino, y beberé lo que quiera, pueblerina sexy.
Me winning means you losing, and you'll do whatever it takes to make sure that doesn't happen, so what is in it for you?
Que yo gane significa que tú pierdes, y harás lo que sea para asegurarte de que eso no pase, así que ¿ tú que obtienes?
You're putting you and your glee club on the line, and I want you to be sure that whatever you're doing it for is worth it.
Estás poniéndote a ti y al coro en la línea, y tengo que asegurarme que lo que estés haciendo valga la pena.
It's just you can live your whole life without any proof of something like a god or whatever and then one day, you look up and realize the guy sitting across from you is Ra.
Es sólo que Puedes vivir toda tu vida sin ninguna prueba de algo... y luego un día miras y te das cuenta que el hombre que se sienta frente a ti es es Ra.
You know, the trucks coming and going with all the toxic materials, the guys in the hazmat suits poking around- - whatever it is you guys are doing that got my friend Mickey Gosney killed.
Tu sabes, camiones que van y vienen con material tóxico y los tipos con trajes anti radiación dando vueltas por ahí, lo que sea que esteis haciendo y que hizo que a mi amigo Mickey Gosney lo mataran.
Whatever it is you're up to, pack it in and get back to work.
Sea lo que estén haciendo, vuelvan al trabajo.
Take my number and, uh, just in case whatever it is resolves, you know...
Toma mi número y, sólo por si acaso de que sea lo que sea se resuelve, sabes que...
So whatever it is that you're doing here, why don't you just get on with it and leave town.
Lo que quiera que sea eso, tú lo estás haciendo aquí. Porque no lo aceptas y dejas el pueblo.
And it reminded me... that life is about... buying the damn plant... Nurturing it, and watering it, and... just doing whatever you can to make sure that it doesn't die.
Y eso me recuerda que... la vida consiste en... comprar la planta florida... abonarla... y regarla, y... simplemente hacer lo que puedas, para asegurarte no se te muere.
Ring the Admiralty and get them to yank this joker back to whatever pointless job it is he does.
Llama al Almirantazgo y consigue que envíen a este bromista de nuevo al insignificante trabajo que sea que hace.
Whatever it is, Melissa taped it and she's dead now because of it.
Sea lo que sea, Melissa lo grabó y está muerta por ello.
and whatever you do 86
and whatever happens 34
and whatever 18
whatever it is 1472
it is 11007
it is good 116
it is what it is 220
it is not okay 24
it is done 137
it isn't 1519
and whatever happens 34
and whatever 18
whatever it is 1472
it is 11007
it is good 116
it is what it is 220
it is not okay 24
it is done 137
it isn't 1519
it is mine 58
it is me 119
it isn't worth it 21
it isn't real 27
it is not possible 57
it is beautiful 109
it isn't possible 18
it is possible 151
it isn't easy 32
it isn't mine 27
it is me 119
it isn't worth it 21
it isn't real 27
it is not possible 57
it is beautiful 109
it isn't possible 18
it is possible 151
it isn't easy 32
it isn't mine 27