As we know traducir español
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As far as we know,
Como sabemos,
As far as we know, Cathy Calvert shared no social contacts with the other two.
Hasta donde sabemos, Cathy Calvert no compartía contactos con las otras chicas.
Should we hide in a hole and wait for the end of the world as we know it?
¿ Deberíamos escondernos en un agujero... y esperar el fin del mundo... como lo conocemos?
We'll check in with you as soon as we know anything.
Le avisaremos en cuanto sepamos algo.
As far as we know, he moves drugs, not people.
Hasta donde sabemos mueve drogas, no gente.
And as we know, no one rolls better than me.
Y como sabemos, nadie se enrolla mejor que yo.
This is the end of Bluebell as we know it.
Este es el fin de Bluebell tal como lo conocemos.
So far as we know.
Hasta donde sabemos.
We'll update you on her condition as soon as we know anything.
Le informaremos de su estado en cuanto sepamos algo.
The door to Olympus is not a door as we know it, it is a door in the speed of time.
La puerta del Olimpo no es una puerta como creíamos, es un acceso a la velocidad temporal.
As you all probably know, we need two new staff members.
Como probablemente saben, necesitamos dos nuevos miembros en el personal.
You know, you keep on talking about the right thing as if we've no idea what it is.
Hablas una y otra vez de lo correcto como si no tuviésemos idea de qué es.
You know, I thought you would jump at the chance to watch all of us make fools of ourselves as we delve into the perversions of your mind.
Sabes, pensé que saltarías al tener la oportunidad de vernos... hacer el rídiculo... mientras ahondamos en las perversiones de tu mente.
Charity is all well and good, and you know I believe in it as much as you, but we need to find other donors to lessen our share.
La caridad es muy buena, y creo en ella tanto como tú, pero necesitamos más donantes que nos ayuden.
Well, yeah, but, you know, I figured we got a busy day ahead of us... might as well kill two birds.
Bueno, sí, pero, ya sabes, pensé que teníamos un día muy ajetreado por delante... y que podríamos matar dos pájaros de un tiro.
You know, we may, you know, have big smiles on our faces as we wish you well and say good-bye.
Ya sabes, quizá tendríamos, no sé, unas enormes sonrisas en nuestra cara mientras te saludamos diciéndote adiós.
- Is that a fact? - Sure as hell is, Because we both know that report
- Mucho me temo que sí, porque los dos sabemos que ese informe dice que ustedes son responsables por este accidente, y no vamos a firmar ningún acuerdo sin que ustedes lo admitan.
I wanted you and your wife to know that we've ruled them out as suspects.
Queríamos que tú y tu esposa supieran que los descartamos como sospechosos.
You know as well as I do that we need the Messengers to find the next Horseman.
Sabes tan bien como yo que necesitamos a los mensajeros para encontrar al siguiente Jinete.
And you were mine.... but I just think, like you always say, we're probably better off as... great friends, you know?
Y tú fuiste el mío... pero creo, como siempre dices, probablemente estemos mejor como... buenos amigos, ¿ sabes?
Blah. You know, but I felt like we had this real connection online. And I didn't wanna run the risk of not getting to know you better,'cause of something as shallow as looks.
Pero sentí que, por Internet, teníamos una conexión real, y no quería correr el riesgo de no conocerte mejor por algo tan superficial como la imagen.
We know him as Mr Smith.
Lo conocemos como el Sr. Smith.
Well, look, I know we talked about just going as friends, but then...
Sé que hablamos sobre ir como amigos, pero luego...
Look, we all know that some of us aren't as physically fit as others, but give Roderick some time.
Mira, todos sabemos que algunos de nosotros no estamos tan en forma como otros, pero dadle a Roderick un respiro.
I feel like this past year we've really been struggling as a group, you know?
Siento que este último año nos ha costado mucho trabajo como grupo, ¿ no?
You know, but as long as we're talking, what happened between you and your husband?
Pero ya que estamos hablando, ¿ qué pasó entre tu esposo y tú?
We used to go to botanical gardens just like these in Starling City, except she didn't know the... plants as well as you do.
Solíamos ir a jardines botánicos como estos en Starling City, la diferencia es que ella no conocía las... plantas tan bien como tú.
- Whenever you see these guys down and out, it's very sad as a fan. Because we feel like we know them. Feel like they're part of our lives, and- -
Cuando los ves pasar un mal momento, es muy triste para los fans... porque sentimos que los conocemos, que son parte de nuestra vida y...
But not solely in the way you already know him as my law partner... which he is still and we are, but we are also homosexual law and bed partners with each other.
Pero no solo de la manera que ya conocen como compañero de negocios... lo cual aún es, y lo somos, pero también somos compañeros de negocios y de cama homosexuales.
Until we know otherwise, we're treating his death as suspicious.
Hasta que descubramos algo en contrario, trataremos esta muerte como sospechosa.
Who, for all we know, view this punk as a hero.
Que, por lo que sabemos, ven a este tarado como a un héroe.
Yes, Catherette, we know, but Lena is not here as well?
Sí, Catherette, ya sabemos, ¿ Pero Lena no está acá también, o Lucien?
For all we know, she's as gullible as you are!
¡ Por lo que sabemos es tan crédula como tú!
As you know, Lisa and I purchased this plot of land and we are turning it into, drumroll, a community garden.
Hola. Como sabes, Lisa y yo compramos este solar, y lo vamos a convertir en... ... redoble de tambor...
Figure I'm gonna be here a lot, we might as well get to know one another.
Me imagino que estaré muchi por aquí. Por lo que deberíamos también llegar a conocernos.
Maybe we don't know her as well as we thought.
No. Quizá no la conocemos tan bien como pensábamos.
As you know, we're missing a contender, but not to worry.
Como sabes. hemos perdido un competidor. Pero no hay que preocuparse.
You know we might as well. Save us an earful, at least.
No importa, le dije que las pondríamos cuando terminemos de desempacar.
As soon as Justice moves one cent, we'll know about it.
Tan pronto como Justice mueva un solo centavo, lo sabremos.
We are still contaminated, so I-I will let you know as soon as I know, okay?
Todavía estamos contaminados, tan II le permitirá saber tan pronto como lo sé, ¿ de acuerdo?
We'll know for sure as soon as we get the spinal-tap results.
Lo sabremos con seguridad tan pronto como consigamos las espinal-tap resultados.
I'm not even sure if I like him but, we've had a couple dates and I just, I don't know, I just feel as though I should be straightforward with you.
No sé si me gusta a mí... pero tuvimos dos citas y no sé... siento que debo ser franca contigo.
The suspect's name is Joseph Siano, 52 years old, a sniper and expert survivalist, but we know him better as "Big Joe".
El nombre del sospechoso es Joseph Siano, 52 años, un francotirador y sobreviviente experto, pero lo conocemos mejor como "Big Joe".
You know, this place ain't half as bad as where we lived in Philly.
Sabes, este sitio no es ni la mitad de malo... como el que teníamos en Filadelfia.
You know what we do with such as you when you stood in our way?
¿ Sabes lo que hacemos aquí cuando estamos en el camino se encontró con alguien como tú?
Whoa, whoa, whoa, boss, I don't know if you remember, but as of last night, we don't have any men.
No sé si recuerdas, pero desde anoche, no tenemos hombres.
You know as well as I do that we're stretched to the breaking point.
Sabe tan bien como yo que estamos al límite.
Yeah, well, Calcott's bat shit crazy, as we all know.
Sí, bueno, Calcott está como una puta cabra, como todos sabemos.
I mean, I know with your parole you ain't supposed to leave the state, and he owed a lot of people, probably almost as much as the place is worth, and so if we don't move fast,
Bueno, sé que con tu libertad condicional se supone que no debes salir del estado, y le debía a un montón de gente, probablemente casi a tanta como vale el lugar, y si no nos movemos rápido,
Look, I know that you're really worried about Mike, but as soon as they leave the diner, we're gonna follow Cyrus and we'll find out where he's going and what he knows.
Mira, sé que está muy preocupada por Mike, pero en cuanto se vayan del restaurante, seguiremos a Cyrus y averiguaremos a dónde va y qué sabe.
I know that these giant edifices aren't temples, as we once thought, but the gods themselves, or their enemies, defeated in battle and left to petrify.
Sé que estos gigantescos edificios no son templos, como pensamos una vez, sino los dioses mismos, o sus enemigos, vencidos en batalla y convertidos en piedra.
as well 1566
as well as can be expected 32
as well as 27
as well you know 20
as we speak 165
as we discussed 31
as we agreed 25
as we both know 23
as we all know 92
we know each other 82
as well as can be expected 32
as well as 27
as well you know 20
as we speak 165
as we discussed 31
as we agreed 25
as we both know 23
as we all know 92
we know each other 82