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'Cause you need a name as pretty as you are.
Porque necesitas un nombre tan bonito como tú.
If you have something special, you don't need to share it or hide it or feel sorry for the other losers that aren't as talented as you are.
Si tienen algo especial, no es necesario compartirlo, ocultarlo o sentir pena por los otros perdedores que no tienen su talento.
Then he's just as stupid as you are.
Entonces es tan estúpido como tú.
That's solely determined by the U.S. Attorney's office, a.k.a. the Feds, who are probably just as douchey as you are, but at least they can deliver on their promises... and their threats.
Eso lo determina exclusivamente la oficina de Fiscales Federales. Ellos serán tan miserables como usted, pero al menos pueden cumplir sus promesas y sus amenazas.
Look, I know, and I'm as shocked as you are.
Mira, lo sé, y estoy tan impactado como tú.
And weak and broken as you are, you abused that credit.
Y, como hombre débil y quebrantado, abusaste de ese crédito.
If you think I have a sentimental attachment to them, you are as foolish as you are mad.
Si piensa que tengo un apego sentimental a ellos, es tan tonto como loco.
Someone as dangerous as you are?
¿ Alguien tan peligroso como tú?
Nurse Cross wasn't nearly as strong as you are.
La enfermera Cross no era ni de lejos tan fuerte como tú.
♪ You are a teenager, and you're as good as gold.
♪ Eres un adolescente, y eres tan bueno como el oro.
As soon as your new IDs are uploaded into the system, we can move you somewhere on the grid.
En cuanto vuestras nuevas identidades estén introducidas en el sistema, podemos trasladaros a otro sitio.
And as far as I can tell, only you, Mr. Ramse, and I are aware that anything is different.
Y por lo que puedo decir, solo usted, el Sr. Ramse y yo somos conscientes de que algo es diferente.
As for the mission... I'm ready when you are.
Y para la misión... estoy listo cuando tú lo estés.
If you were half as smart as you think you are, you'd fix on this.
Si fueras la mitad de inteligente de lo que piensas que eres, lo hubieras solucionado.
Not as smart as you think you are, though.
Pero no tan inteligente como cree.
But, I promise, as soon as she gets here you guys are gonna love her.
Pero, les prometo, tan pronto como ella llegue aquí... ustedes chicos van a amarla.
Those are 200 thousand, as soon as you open the bank
Esos son 200 mil, en cuanto abra el banco
You know, they say the Dutch women are as sex-mad as the French.
Saben, dicen las mujeres holandesas Son tan locos por el sexo como los franceses.
Randy, what are you going to do in 10 days when Barb fires you, huh?
 ¿ Quà © harà ¡ s en diez dà as cuando Barb te despida?
Not my problem, is it? You said you'd have the money, it wasn't yours to take. What the fuck are you talking about?
Dijiste que tendrà as el dinero, no era tuyo, lo tomaste.
Why are you dressed as a boy?
¿ Por qué te vistes de chico?
You are no longer disguised as a girl?
¿ Ya no te vistes como chica?
You are both mass murderers, as far as I'm concerned.
Ustedes dos son asesinos en masa, por lo que a mí respecta.
You are a drug dealer, you're a murderer, you're a gangster, and as far as I am concerned, you're a terrorist.
Usted es un traficante de drogas, es un asesino, es un mafioso, y por lo que yo sé, es un terrorista.
Now, here at Capitol Pictures, as you know, an army of technicians and actors and top-notch artistic people are working hard to bring to the screen the story of the Christ.
Como saben, aquí en Películas Capitol un ejército de técnicos, actores, y artistas de primera están trabajando duro para llevar a la pantalla la historia del Cristo.
We know exactly who you are, and we will be speaking to the Ambassador directly, as well as to the Foreign Minister in Moscow.
Sabemos exactamente quién es y hablaremos directamente con el embajador, al igual que con el ministro de Asuntos Exteriores en Moscú.
Are you as sick as I am of having grown-ups everywhere you go?
¿ Estás tan cansada como yo de tener adultos en todos los sitios a donde vas?
"In my father's house are many mansions. If it were not so, I would've told you."
"En la casa de mi padre hay muchas moradas, si no fuera as', te lo habr'a dicho".
Minister, you are using this so-called "relocation" as a cover for the systematic extermination of the Armenian people.
Ministro, ustedes están utilizando la supuesta "reubicación" para encubrir el exterminio sistemático del pueblo armenio.
See, you're not as clever as you think you are.
Ves, no eres tan listo como piensas que eres.
The reason he's helping you is because he feels that you are a man of action, as he is.
La razón por la que lo está ayudando es porque siente que eres un hombre de acción, como él.
Some of you guys are ugly as hell.
Algunos de ustedes son feos como el demonio.
As ever, you rose to the challenge... and showed them that we are made of much sterner stuff.
Como siempre, estuvieron a la altura del desafío... y les demostraron que estamos hechos de buena madera.
You know, removing the hands and feet are usually used as either a form of punishment for a crime, such as thievery, or as a method of torture.
, quitarle las manos y los pies normalmente se usa o como forma de castigo por un crimen como el robo o como método de tortura.
As are you, apparently.
Como tú, aparentemente.
As you can see, bananas are nature's superfood.
Como pueden ver, los plátanos son el súper alimento de la naturaleza.
"'You are blessed when people hate you, when they exclude you, "'insult you, and slander your name as evil because of the Son of Man. "'
Qué bendiciones cuando los odien los excluyan, los insulten y los maldigan, como si fueran gente maligna porque siguen al Hijo del hombre...
Ms. Marshall, are you prepared to fulfill your duties as an alternate?
Srta. Marshall, ¿ está lista para cumplir su deber como alterna?
- Not unless you are called as a witness, young lady.
Nada a menos que la llamen como testigo, jovencita.
It's hard when you're as talented as you and I are.
Es duro cuando eres tan talentosa como tú y yo somos.
As you can see behind me excited fans are scrambling in.
Como pueden ver detrás de mí, los fanáticos emocionados están ingresando.
As you can see... thousands of fans are here to wish their hero Sultan a speedy recovery.
Como pueden ver, miles.. .. de fans están aquí para desearle a Sultán una pronta recuperación.
As we speak, there are morphological changes indicative of cell death caused by progressive enzymatic degradation that will make this kidney inviable unless you let us go right now.
Mientras hablamos, hay cambios morfológicos... indicativos de la muerte móvil... causado por degradación enzimática progresiva... que hará que el riñón sea inservible... al menos que nos dejen ir ahora mismo.
They are up there, Captain Jackson, your wife, your child, and she, as you well know, soon to go to her end, but yet you do not visit.
Están allí, Capitán Jackson, tu esposa, tu hijo, y como bien sabes, pronto llegará su final, y aún así no los visitas.
But you, as we know, are an ignorant fellow.
Pero tú, como ya sabemos, eres un ignorante.
As you can see, there are thousands of people here today to witness this historic event.
Como ven, hay miles de personas aquí hoy para presenciar este evento histórico.
As long as they are treated with respect, you will be as well.
En tanto así lo hagan, también se los respetará a ustedes.
Here we are, as always, stuck in the middle of some ridiculous shithole because you think you're so free.
Aquí estamos, como siempre, en el medio de un desastre porque tú crees que eres libre.
Are you as fast as the Flash?
¿ Eres tan rápido como Flash?
look. As pointless as you think your life is, there are people out there right now, right now...
Me ocuparé de ellos, por lo menos ganaré un par de minutos.
We sprang some pretty big news on you last night and I got the sense that maybe you're not as happy as we are.
Surgimos algunos bastante grandes noticias de anoche y me dio la sensación de que tal vez no eres tan felices como nosotros.
as you are aware 22
as you wish 846
as you know 1680
as you requested 56
as you can see 1468
as you can imagine 154
as you may know 70
as you were 223
as you say 390
as you want 26
as you wish 846
as you know 1680
as you requested 56
as you can see 1468
as you can imagine 154
as you may know 70
as you were 223
as you say 390
as you want 26