Because if i don't traducir español
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All right, I don't care if you're not taking it, because I am.
Muy bien, no me importa si no lo vas aceptar, porque yo sí.
Seriously, for a moment, let's consider the possibility... That you have your own motives, that maybe you don't want me to be with Will because if I had a personal life, then I wouldn't be available to you 24 / 7.
En serio, por un momento, consideremos la posibilidad de que tengas tus propios motivos, que tal vez no quieres que esté con Will.
I have no idea what kind of magic spell she's casting over chase right now, but if that big old country boy wants to go back on his word, he's going to catch hell when he gets back to Carolina because Carolina people don't like that.
Pero si ese chico del campo quiere faltar a su palabra irá a un infierno cuando vuelva a Carolina, porque a la gente de Carolina no le gusta eso.
Look, dude, bit of a weird one, but if you aren't gonna make it through, I mean if you can't, then don't worry, because Zara's great, and I'll be waiting, if you check out, in a friendly way... not like a vulture... to check in.
Escucha, amigo, es algo un poco raro pero si no vas a salir de ésta, no te preocupes, porque Zara es genial y yo la apoyaré, amistosamente, si tú te vas
Don't even think about doing that, because I'll kill you if you do.
Ni lo pienses porque te mato si lo haces.
If there's a DVD inside, please don't take it out, because it remembers where it was if I stopped it...
Si hay un DVD dentro, por favor no lo saques... porque memoriza dónde estaba si lo paré...
And second of all he didn't guess it because he said if I sing and I dance and I talk and I don't go under the radar, I'll be voted off.
Y en segundo lugar, él sí lo adivinó porque dijo que si cantaba y bailaba, y hablaba y si no iba bajo el radar sería expulsada.
It's not the point, but if I have offended anyone, and I'm sure I have, then I don't apologise for it, because there's a spate of comedians going, "Oh, sorry, I didn't mean it."
En serio, no es lo que quiero Pero si he ofendido a alguien y seguro que así ha sido no voy a disculparme por ello Porque algunos cómicos dedican un espacio a decir :
I don't think it was ; if that's what you think, that is fine, but I don't think that, because we was start already building the bomb which is went off in the World Trade Center.
Yo no creo que haya sido, si eso es lo que piensa, que está muy bien, pero yo no creo eso, porque era comenzar ya la construcción de la bomba que estalló en el World Trade Center.
Because of the unendurable frustration I feel, I do this because if I don't let it out at least once a month, I feel like I'm going to die.
Por la frustración insoportable que siento... si no la dejo salir, por lo menos una vez al mes, siento que me voy a morir.
I don't know if it was a mistake or intentional, but this all happened because he couldn't tie the knot.
No sé si fue un error o intencional, pero todo esto sucedió porque no podía hacer el nudo.
If I'm not picking up, it's probably because I don't want to talk to you.
Si no atiendo es porque quizá no quiero hablar contigo.
Because if you don't accept me, I'll be homeless.
Porque si no me acepta, no tendré donde vivir.
If you're here because of what Bryce said I don't need your help.
Si está aquí por lo que dijo Bryce no necesito su ayuda.
Because right now there's a guy out there named Stu with 730-plus birds, and if I don't get out there, people could say he's the greatest birder of all time.
Porque ahora mismo afuera hay un sujeto llamado Stu con 730 aves más, y si no voy allí, la gente podría decir que el es el observador más grande.
And I don't care if no one believes in us, because I believe.
No me importa si nadie cree en nosotros, porque yo sí creo.
I don't even know if what I'm doing is right because I must be really fucked, you know?
Ni siquiera sé si lo que estoy haciendo es lo correcto porque estoy realmente jodida, ¿ sabes?
Did I go over burrow because I don't know if I got...
¿ Les hablé de- - Porque no sé si alcancé a- -
You know, I just want to know if you go with women for the taste or is it because you too dry, crusty, and ugly, so don't no man want you?
Quiero saber si andas con mujeres por el sabor, o porque eres lacónica, malhumorada, fea, y ningún hombre te quiere.
I'm a virgin because they say after 90 days the vagina closes up again if you don't have sex.
Soy virgen porque dicen que después de 90 días la vagina se cierra de nuevo, si usted no tiene sexo.
You're upset, but I don't think the police will come if we say : "Some buys were chased." Because nothing actually happened.
Estás molesto pero no creo que la policía venga si decimos "unos chicos fueron perseguidos" porque en realidad no sucedió nada.
I don't even know what a taint is. But if I have the best one, that's because of my mother.
Ni siquiera sé qué es un periné pero si tengo el mejor, es gracias a mi madre.
If you don't want to, that's fine, but don't get an attitude because I'd rather have a life than make shit up.
Si tú no quieres, está bien. Yo prefiero tener una vida a inventar cosas.
Lester, don't take this the wrong way, but if we lose the chance to win free beer because of your boat, I will eat you!
Lester, no tomes esto por el lado malo, pero si perdemos la oportunidad de ganar cerveza gratis por culpa de tu bote, te voy a comer!
Look, I don't think it's funny, and if you guys are doing some type of stress experiments, or isolation test, well then you can stop now because... because I'm very isolated and very stressed!
No creo que sea divertido. Y si están haciendo algún tipo de experimento de stress o alguna prueba de aislamiento pueden parar ahora, porque estoy ¡ Muy aislado y muy estresado!
I don't think there really is a problem with industry connections between scientists and the food industry, primarily because if the beef industry has a question about their products, shouldn't they go to the best scientists?
No creo que realmente exista un problema de relaciones industriales... entre los científicos y la industria alimenticia, principalmente porque si la industria de la carne tiene alguna pregunta... acerca de sus productos, ¿ no debería recurrir a los mejores científicos?
Because I will fucking blow you up now if you don't.
Porque te volaré ahora si no lo haces.
Thank God the feeling passed because I don't know if I could continue with our friendship.
Gracias a Dios que el sentimiento pasó. Porque no sé si podría continuar con nuestra amistad.
Because if you don't, I'm gonna ju...
Porque si no lo haces, yo...
Uh, because of the interference I don't know if my calls are going through, but...
Porque con las interferencias que hay no sé si mis llamadas salen, pero...
And because you're just my buddy, I can tell you that if you don't start shaving up here, I'm gonna stop shaving down there.
Y porque sólo eres mi amigo te digo que si no te afeitas aquí, me voy a dejar de afeitar allá abajo.
If I did leave, which I don't know yet because all I did was take one meeting, I'd write you a check for your bonus.
Si me fuera, que todavía no sé porque sólo fui a una cita yo te pago tu bonificación.
Because... I'm going to tell that certain someone my true feelings tonight, and if everything goes as I hope, I don't wanna be caught in last year's Chantelle.
Porque... yo explicaré y ese alguien puede que conozca mis verdaderos sentimientos esta noche, y si todo va como espero, no quiero llevar puesto Chantelle de la temporada pasada.
Well, you know, I don't know if it's because I'm in such a good mood or because of the charming Ann Perkins, but I am going to seriously consider that.
¿ Sabes? No sé si es porque estoy de muy buen humor o por la encantadora Ann Perkins pero lo consideraré seriamente.
That's right. When we started this, we were working with a surrogate, and, um... I don't know if it's because that didn't work out, but we're more interested in being parents rather than passing on our genes.
Cuando empezamos esto, optamos por una madre de alquiler, y no sé si es porque aquello no salió bien, pero estamos más interesados en ser padres que en transmitir nuestros genes.
Maybe it's you, maybe it's someone smart... definitely smarter than me, because I don't stop to see if there's a photographer nearby when I do the people's dirty work.
Quizá fue usted, o alguien más listo que yo porque no me detengo para ver si hay un fotógrafo cuando hago el trabajo sucio de la gente.
Because if you don't, I'm done.
Porque si no, terminé.
I don't know if it's because you're racist or because I intimidate you sexually, but I know it's one of those two.
No sé si es porque eres racista o porque te intimido sexualmente, pero sé que es por alguna de las dos. Dean-a-ling-a-ling.
I don't even know if I should say anything Because I don't know anything officially, But I got a pretty bad feeling about it.
Ni siquiera se si debería decir algo porque no es nada oficial, pero tengo un mal presentimiento sobre ello.
- Because if you aren't, then I really don't know what the hell we're doing.
Porque si no es así, no sé qué diablos hacemos.
Because if I wake up one day and decide I don't need you... that changes everything.
Porque si un día me despierto y decido que no te necesito... eso lo cambiará todo.
I don't know if she's lying to protect him, or because she thinks he's innocent, but she knows where he is.
No sé si miente para protegerlo, o porque piensa que es inocente, pero ella sabe dónde está.
Because you're a victim of domestic abuse, and if you don't press charges against your husband, then I will.
Porque es una víctima de abuso doméstico, y si no presenta cargos contra su esposo,
Because I don't know if you'll be here when I wake up.
Porque no sé si estarás aquí cuando me despierte.
Because if you don't you're going to go to a funeral every week and I will not stop until you begin to feel what I felt all these years.
Porque si no va a ir a un funeral cada semana. No pararé hasta que sienta lo que yo sentí todos estos años.
I don't know what you mean, but if I did, it would be because I have our best interests in mind.
No sé a qué te refieres, pero de haberlo hecho, sería porque tengo nuestros mejores intereses en mente.
And I said, "You know, if you don't mind, I would rather do it," because I kind of wanted to spring the news on her.
Y les dije : "Si no les importa, preferiría hacerlo yo", porque quería sorprenderla con la noticia.
What are you going to do if I don't? Ahhh. Don't even think about telling coach about this, okay, because you threw the first punch.
Y si no lo hago? Ni pienses contarle esto al entrenador, ok, porque intentaste pegar primero.
If he's not there then I quit. I quit school, I don't care because this is wrong.
Si el no está dejo la escuela, no importa porque esto es un error.
If Zachary sees Ethan in a punitive context because he's forced to I just don't see anything positive coming out of that.
Si Zachary se ve con Etahn en un contexto punitivo, forzado a ello, no creo que nada positivo salga de ahí.
Megan, the only reason I didn't say anything about the relationship before is because I don't even know yet if it is a relationship.
Megan, la única razón por la que no dije nada antes sobre la relación es porque ni siquiera sé todavía si esto es una relación.
because if you don't 161
because if 20
because if not 42
because if you do 92
because if you're not 18
because if i do 20
because if we don't 23
because if you are 57
because if it is 53
because if you did 49
because if 20
because if not 42
because if you do 92
because if you're not 18
because if i do 20
because if we don't 23
because if you are 57
because if it is 53
because if you did 49
because if so 25
if i don't 193
if i don't make it 42
if i don't go 27
if i don't come back 30
if i don't do this 17
i don't care how long it takes 27
i don't think so 6892
i don't speak russian 17
i don't smoke 209
if i don't 193
if i don't make it 42
if i don't go 27
if i don't come back 30
if i don't do this 17
i don't care how long it takes 27
i don't think so 6892
i don't speak russian 17
i don't smoke 209
i don't know 71756
i don't care 5140
i don't understand 6275
i don't 12020
i don't understand what you mean 21
i don't give a shit 400
i don't care what happens to me 20
i don't care anymore 101
i don't know what you mean 438
i don't mind 890
i don't care 5140
i don't understand 6275
i don't 12020
i don't understand what you mean 21
i don't give a shit 400
i don't care what happens to me 20
i don't care anymore 101
i don't know what you mean 438
i don't mind 890