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Can't you feel it traducir español

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Can't you feel it?
¿ No lo sientes?
# I know it can't be chronic but if you feel this way # # Perhaps you need a little tonic three times a day #
No es crónico, pero si te sientes así tendrás que tomar un tónico tres veces al día.
On the other hand, if you feel that you can't get along without her, it wouldn't be the first sacrifice I've made for you.
Por otra parte, si sientes que no puedes vivir sin ella... no sería la primera vez que me sacrifico por ti.
It may be hard to understand, but you can't feel the connection.
Quizá cueste comprenderlo, pero no puede sentir, no se le puede atar.
Well, nobody can say you didn't give it a fair test. How do you feel?
No se puede decir que no lo hayas intentado.
You can't imagine how good it made me feel.
No se imagina lo bien que me sentí.
You can't feel worse about it than I do.
A mí me desagrada más que a usted.
- Can't you feel it?
- ¿ No lo siente?
It's bad enough to feel you can't write your own name, but it's on account of my stuff that Bob Baker's life is turned inside out.
Ya es malo sentir que una no sabe escribir ni su nombre, pero ahora por mi culpa la vida de Bob Baker está patas arriba.
Why do you say it that way so I feel like I ain't doing all I can?
Por cómo lo dice, siento que no hago todo lo que puedo.
But you can't expect everybody in the world... to feel just the same as you do, you know? It doesn't matter, Sam.
No pasa nada.
Don't make me feel bad. I tell you true, I can't do it.
No me hagan sentir culpable, les digo que no puedo.
But you can't expect me to be a cook and housekeeper during the day... and a loving wife in the evening. Just because you feel like it.
Pero no puedes esperar que sea cocinera y ama de casa por el día y amante esposa por la noche, sólo porque tú quieras.
I'm glad you feel that way. It makes things so much easier. - And I can't do much about it.
Me alegro de que opines así, me facilitas las cosas, y no puedo hacer mucho más.
I know how you feel, but you can't keep hanging on to it.
Sé cómo te sientes, pero no puedes seguir así.
I won't be asleep - I'm much too upset - so you can come in and say good night to me if you feel like it.
Puedes entrar a darme las buenas noches, si te apetece.
I'll hold you. It isn't right, it can't be, to feel like this, like, I don't know.
No puede serlo, sentirse así... como... no lo sé.
Can't you feel it?
Siento una corriente de aire.
I just can't figure it out. One day you're out with someone who isn't anybody special, and then he makes you feel like everybody else is... well... nobody.
No sé cómo explicarlo, un día sales con alguien que no significa nada en especial y Luego... te hace sentir como si todos Los demás...
You can feel it, can't you?
Puedes sentirlo, ¿ verdad?
Well, I see it, I feel it and I got it. If that can't make you see what's driving me on, nothin'can.
Yo lo veo, lo siento y lo tengo... y eso es lo que me da más fuerza para continuar
Can't you feel how cold it is?
Hace un frío de perros.
You can't be safe and secure by just telling yourself to feel it.
No puedes estar a salvo y segura con sólo decírtelo.
Don't let us have a "hate", Judy. People can't feel about each other the way we did and write it off completely. Please, will you go.
No me odies, Judy, no podemos borrar lo que una vez sentimos los dos.
If you can feel that staying human is worthwhile, even when it can't have any result whatever, then you've beaten them.
Si podemos sentir que vale la pena ser humano, aunque no sirva para nada, les habremos vencido.
You can't feel it.
Tú no lo sientes.
But he hates it. " Hmm." I can't tell you how miserable I feel for him. "
No sabe lo mal que me siento por él ".
Now you've got me all flustered and I can't even think straight. I feel self-conscious about getting dressed up. Of course, it is spring.
Ahora me tienes confusa y no puedo pensar correctamente, y me siento cohibida por haberme arreglado.
Well, if you feel you can't afford It.
- Bueno, si no puede pagarla...
Something's here. Can't you feel it?
Hay algo aquí, ¿ pueden sentirlo?
If you don't know the reason, you're Spanish, you're a man of the church, you can feel it.
Si no sabe la razón, usted que es español y clérigo, puede deducirla.
But for some reason, you feel you can't do it alone.
- Pero por alguna razón, cree que no puede hacerlo sola.
You can't feel it as I do
No puedes sentirte como yo.
It's a war you can't feel.
Es una guerra que no se siente.
They don't tell you you can get so scared, so numb that even the rough canvas webbing, you can't feel it.
No te dicen que sentirás tanto miedo que te entumece hasta el punto de no sentir nada más ;
And, uh, if you don't feel up to it, we can cancel.
Y, eh, si no te sientes bien, podemos cancelar.
I'm well aware of how you feel about me and I just can't find it in my heart to blame you.
Sé lo que piensa de mí y no puedo culparle, la verdad.
You can feel it, can't you?
¿ Lo puedes sentir, verdad?
I can just hear you now, accusing me of chasing excitement again but I feel sure America is bound to get into this thing, sooner or later and I had to get into it as soon as I could, and don't ask me why.
Puedo oírte ahora mismo, acusándome de buscar emociones de nuevo pero siento que América está destinada a entrar en esto tarde o temprano y yo tenía que entrar lo antes posible, y no me preguntes por qué.
Can't you feel that it's as a woman?
¿ No siente que es la mujer?
- I just do, I can feel it and you won't come and see me at the cemetery.
- Lo sé. Lo siento y tú no vendrás a verme.
You can't switch and change and swap about just when you feel like it.
No puedes cambiar y dejar todo cada vez que se te ocurra.
- Can't you feel it?
- ¿ No lo sientes?
Can't you feel it?
¿ No lo nota?
- We're being watched. Can't you feel it?
- Nos vigilan. ¿ No lo notas?
You can't feel it.
Puedes sentirlo.
You can't tell me to fuck off and forget about you and then wander back into my life whenever you feel like it.
No puedes decirme que me vaya y me olvide de tí, y regresar a mi vida cuando quieras. Créeme.
He was just laid off, then he can't find another job, and they are evicted and they move in here, and it make him feel like he was ashamed, you know?
Le despidieron y no podía encontrar trabajo. Los desahuciaron y vinieron aquí, estaba muy avergonzado, como si hubiera perdido su hombría.
Do you know, if you pinch your elbow you can't even feel it?
¿ Sabes que si te pellizcas el codo ni se siente?
Alquist and the others feel that as soon as it's over, they can move into power. But you don't?
Creo que el plan de asesinato es un error.
You can feel it, can't you?
Lo hueles, ¿ eh?

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