You feel it traducir español
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Don't you feel it?
¿ Lo sientes?
Can you feel it?
¿ Pueden sentirla?
I know you feel it, too, Cass.
Sé que tú también lo sientes, Cass.
Did you feel it, too?
¿ Lo sentiste también?
Don't you feel it?
- ¿ Lo sientes?
- Okay. - This is it. - Can you feel it?
- Es el momento. ¿ Lo sientes?
Secondly, and more important, how do you feel it went out there?
Segundo, y más importante, ¿ cómo crees que te fue ahí?
If for one moment you could feel like a lamb, and not like a beast... wouldn't you do it?
Si por un momento pudieses sentirte como un cordero y no como una bestia... ¿ no lo harías?
I get that you guys feel guilty, but whether this is a monster, a human or something in between, it is killing innocent people.
Veo que se siente culpable, pero si esto es un monstruo, un humano o algo intermedio, matamos a gente inocente.
Just being around you, I can feel it.
Solo con estar cerca, puedo sentirlo.
I feel like it's more than guilt though, you know, I feel like...
Siento que es más que la culpa, sabes, me siento como...
You know, I feel like I can't get it back.
Siento que no puedo recuperarlo.
But if it makes you feel any better, I didn't care about them.
Pero si te hace sentir mejor, no me importaban.
But it's something you want to feel again.
Pero hay algo que no volverás a sentir.
I know it may not feel like it right now, but what you're going through...
Sé que no lo parece ahora mismo, pero lo que estás pasando...
Good writing doesn't tell you it's raining... it lets you feel what it's like to be rained upon.
La buena escritura no te dice que está lloviendo... sino que te hace sentir que la lluvia está cayendo sobre ti.
Tell me, how's it feel knowing that you had no problem pulling the trigger to protect a bunch of Afghanis that you never knew, but you don't have the guts to do what's necessary to protect your own wife and child?
Dime, ¿ cómo se siente saber que no tenías ningún problema en apretar el gatillo para proteger a un grupo de afganos que no conocías pero no tiene las agallas para hacer lo que sea necesario para proteger a tu propia mujer e hija?
I was gonna give up being the Black Canary, but I realized I didn't know how I could because going out there and fighting alongside you guys, it's what makes me feel alive inside...
Iba a dejar de ser Canario Negro, pero no sabía cómo ya que ir afuera y pelear con ustedes, es lo que me hace sentir viva adentro...
My suspension is no longer a suspension, but, uh, it's funny, you know, because, you know, being a cop's all I ever wanted, but when I got that call, I didn't feel a thing.
Mi suspensión ya no es una suspensión, pero es extraño, saben, porque, todo lo que siempre quise fue ser policía, pero cuando recibí esa llamada, no sentí nada.
I thought it might make you feel better.
Pensé que te haría sentir mejor.
I mean, besides, it's not like it was a suggestion. You feel me?
Además, no fue una sugerencia, ¿ comprendes?
I think you'll feel better if you pay for it.
Creo que te sentirás mejor si pagas.
Did you guys ever think for one second what it would feel like for me to come back here?
¿ Pensaron por un momento...? ¿ lo que significa para mí volver aquí?
Look, you have to admit, even after five minutes, you can feel it.
Admítelo, después de cinco minutos... ya te das cuenta de lo que pasa.
And if it makes you feel better, I never cashed that paycheck he signed over to me.
Y si hace que se sientan mejor, nunca cobré el cheque que me endosó.
- It didn't feel like I was doing anything wrong, I... - Did you rape her?
No sentía como si estuviera haciendo algo malo, yo... - ¿ La violastes?
'Listen, if it'll make you feel better, 'I'll take my exams, I'll get my credits.
Escucha, si te hace sentir mejor, tomaré mis exámenes, conseguiré mis créditos.
This marriage, it changes nothing of how I feel for you.
Este matrimonio, no cambia lo que siento por ti.
You'll forgive me if I feel free to ignore it.
Espero que me perdone si libremente lo ignoro.
You really don't need to come in if you don't feel it's safe, but I'm going to go in, unless you stop me, of course.
En realidad no necesita entrar si no siente que es seguro, pero yo voy a entrar, a menos que me detenga, por supuesto.
It's difficult to make you feel guilty, isn't it?
Es difícil hacerle sentir culpable, ¿ no?
I'm staying just on the floor above and I know how horrid it is to feel you have to avoid people in a hotel.
Estoy en el piso de arriba... y sé lo horrible que es sentir... que tienes que evitar personas en un hotel.
If you feel that an encounter is becoming disagreeable or a waste of time, all you have to do is to press it discreetly, and an assistant will swiftly appear with some excuse, liberating you from your engagement.
Si una reunión le resulta desagradable o una pérdida de tiempo, solo tiene que pulsarlo discretamente y un asistente vendrá raudo con alguna excusa que le liberará de su compromiso.
It makes you feel uneasy.
Te hace sentir inquieto.
Does it feel like that to you?
It's about what you made me feel all these years that I'm just not good enough.
Se trata de lo que me hiciste sentir todos estos años. Que no soy lo suficientemente bueno.
You do brain jobs, I do boob jobs. We make people feel better, it's just that you take years, and I take a few hours.
Hacemos que la gente se sienta mejor sólo que a ti te lleva años y a mí, unas horas.
You know, it's okay to feel something.
Sabes, está bien sentir algo.
- A minute ago you didn't feel like it.
- Hace un minuto no te gustaba.
How does it feel when you move?
¿ Cómo se siente cuando te mueves?
I mean, if you feel you need to report it, you go ahead.
Es decir, si usted siente que necesita reportar que, de seguir adelante.
Alec, just say it, you'll feel better.
Alec, dilo, te sentirás mejor.
Would it make you feel better if I did?
¿ Te sentirías mejor si lo hiciera?
Well, if it makes you feel any better, I want to kill both of you.
Bueno, si te hace sentir mejor, quiero matarlos a los dos.
Of course. It's a must-stache, not an if-you-feel-like-it-stache.
Es algo que debes lavar, no algo que lavas si quieres.
Or does it matter less, or later? If you have time, or when you feel like it?
¿ O importa menos, o ya te encargarás cuando tengas tiempo o te apetezca?
It's whether it's a gut feeling or something about the discussion you have with them that you feel is going to help differentiate them from other people.
No sé si es una corazonada o algún detalle que discutiste con ellos... COFUNDADOR DE SEVIN ROSEN FUNDS... pero sientes que eso ayudará a diferenciarlos de otros.
So you might strike out a couple times, and you might fall down a couple times, but eventually you're going to start to get a feel for it, and you start getting a hit.
Es posible que tengas un par de trabas y que te caigas unas cuantas veces pero al final le hallarás el truco y comenzarás a anotar.
I feel it's important to personally address the document found in Mr. Goodwin's residence that was made available to you just before this conference.
Pero me parece importante mencionar personalmente el documento hallado en casa del Sr. Goodwin, cuya copia se les dio a ustedes antes de esta rueda de prensa.
Yes, I... I was going to shoot, if it makes you feel better.
Sí, yo... yo le iba a disparar, si te hace sentir mejor.
You know, feel free to loop us in whenever it's convenient.
Sabes algo, siéntete libre de compartir la información cuando sea conveniente.
you feel me 201
you feeling better 72
you feel better 80
you feeling okay 78
you feel better now 24
you feel bad 27
you feeling any better 33
you feel so good 17
you feel guilty 27
you feel okay 24
you feeling better 72
you feel better 80
you feeling okay 78
you feel better now 24
you feel bad 27
you feeling any better 33
you feel so good 17
you feel guilty 27
you feel okay 24
you feel good 50
you feeling all right 58
you feel that 128
you feel 41
feel it 211
it's fine 7136
it is 11007
it's not fair 795
it's friday 105
it's done 1271
you feeling all right 58
you feel that 128
you feel 41
feel it 211
it's fine 7136
it is 11007
it's not fair 795
it's friday 105
it's done 1271
item 93
it's been so long 173
it's cold 680
it is good 116
it's warm 139
it's over 4654
it's okay 22028
itis 22
it's ok 4874
itchy 49
it's been so long 173
it's cold 680
it is good 116
it's warm 139
it's over 4654
it's okay 22028
itis 22
it's ok 4874
itchy 49
italy 247
italian 217
it's me 10254
it was 5878
itch 25
it's all right 8832
itself 24
it's not 5855
items 25
it's about damn time 34
italian 217
it's me 10254
it was 5878
itch 25
it's all right 8832
itself 24
it's not 5855
items 25
it's about damn time 34