Can't you tell traducir español
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I can understand why you wouldn't want to tell Skinner, but I was there, I saw you on your knees in pain.
Puedo entender que no se lo quieras contar a Skinner, pero estuve allí, te vi de rodillas sufriendo.
I won't tell you their last names, to protect their privacy, but I can tell you what they are fighting against- -
No les diré sus nombres para proteger su privacidad, pero les diré contra qué están luchando...
You can tell that he hasn't worked in television.
Como se nota que no ha trabajado en televisión.
But, didn't you tell me that we can't travel outside Spain?
¿ Napoleón? Pero ¿ no me dijo que no se puede viajar fuera de España?
I can't tell you here, too many ears listening. - What?
Aquí no te lo puedo contar, que está Maroto, el de la moto...
I hope that someday you can forgive me, although I doubt you will when you find out... that you have a son and that I haven't been able to tell you about him all this time. "
Espero que alguna vez puedas perdonarme, aunque dudo que lo hagas cuando sepas que... que tienes un hijo y que no he sido capaz de decírtelo en todo este tiempo ".
Well, if you can't tell, does it matter?
Bueno, ¿ importa si no estás seguro?
You mean I don't force myself on some young new hire who can't tell you to fuck off?
¿ Quiere decir que no fuerzo a mí mismo en alguna joven empleado nuevo que no le puede decir a la mierda?
I can see that you're feeling some other feeling, but you won't tell me what it is, so I have to guess.
Veo que estás sintiendo otra cosa pero no me lo dices y tengo que adivinar.
You mean to tell me you can't find anything in those fancy photos?
Usted me quiere decir que no se puede encontrar nada en esas fotos de fantasía?
I can't help you if you don't tell me these things.
No puedo ayudarte si no me dices todas las cosas.
You know, I can't really see myself coming back here to tell you the truth.
Ya sabes, realmente no me veo regresando aquí a decir verdad.
But whatever you do, you can't tell her about last night or that you know me.
Pero pase lo que pase, no le digas nada de anoche o que me conoces.
You come into my house, and you tell me that my son is hiding some girl, and that he's in danger, but you can't tell us why?
Vienen a mi casa, me dicen que mi hijo esconde a una niña, que él corre peligro, ¿ y no puede decirnos por qué?
Richie's from Brooklyn. Can't you tell?
Richie es de Brooklyn.
Somebody did this to me, I'll tell you what I'd do, and if you can't do that, I will not vote for you.
Si alguien me hiciera algo así, le diré lo que haría, y si no puede hacerlo, no votaré por usted.
I can't tell you what I've lived through.
No puedo decirle lo que he pasado.
Okay, you can't tell anyone, but Hachette just made me a big offer.
Está bien, no puedes decirle a nadie, pero Hachette acaba de hacerme una gran oferta.
You can't tell her anything.
No puedes decirle nada.
- You know I can't tell him what to do, Jen.
Sabes que no le puedo decir que hacer, Jen.
- I have Cornell, if you can't tell.
Yo soy de Cornell, por si no lo sabes.
Well, I can't tell you what I don't know.
Bueno, no puedo decirte lo que no sé.
I've seen many of you come and go over the years, and I can tell the ones who enjoy their time here and the ones who don't.
He visto a muchos de ir y venir en los ultimos años, y te puedo decir los que disfrutan de su tiempo aqui y los que no lo hacen.
You can tell the board that my narrative will be completed on time, and it won't be a retrospective, as I'm sure you have all feared.
Se puede decir que la junta que mi narracion se completara a tiempo, y que no sera una retrospectiva, como estoy seguro de que todos han temido.
What in the hell have you gotten yourself mixed up in that you need 4,000 goddamn dollars? ! I can't tell you, Dad, okay?
¡ ¿ En qué cojones te has metido para necesitar cuatro mil jodidos dólares?
Look, I already told you I can't tell you, okay?
Mira, ya te he dicho que no puedo decirte nada, ¿ vale?
If there's no other cash coming in, I don't know what else I can tell you.
Si no hay otra fuente de ingresos, no sé qué más puedo decirte.
What, they get told and they can't tell you?
¿ Qué, se les dice y no pueden decirte?
So he represent "don't let everybody tell you you can't." "Don't let anybody tell you don't dream."
Él personifica las frases : "No dejes que nadie te diga que no puedes, no dejes que nadie te diga que no sueñes".
I tell myself, you can't beat me again.
Digo : "No puedes ganarme otra vez".
Well, I'ma tell you, you can't have none of this ass, Lonnie.
Pues estas nalgas, nunca las podrás tocar, Lonnie.
If he don't see the vision that you have, oh, man, I want you to look him straight in the eye and you tell him, "You can kiss my twat."
Si no comprenden la visión que tienes, Dios, quiero que les mires a los ojos y les digas : "Podéis besarme el toto".
Well, I can't tell you what I don't know.
No puedo deciros lo que no sé.
And you can't tell me what it is that Spencer needs?
¿ Y puedes decirme qué es lo que Spencer necesita?
If you don't tell it, I can't help you.
Si no lo dices, no te puedo ayudar.
I'm not your dog, you can't tell me what to do.
No soy tu perro, no puedes decirme qué hacer.
Well, I just can't tell you how pleased I am to meet you, Hannah.
Estoy realmente encantada de conocerte, Hannah.
But as a man, you can't tell on yourself.
Pero como hombre, no puedes delatarte.
Well, I'll tell you this, Rich, nobody gonna tell you what you can't do.
Te digo una cosa, Rich : nadie puede decirte lo que no puedes hacer.
Alright, and you can't tell anyone this but the truth is, when a real farmer dies..
Está bien, y no puedes contarle esto a nadie... pero la verdad es que, cuando un granjero verdadero muere...
You can't tell me it's only two people.
No puedes decirme que solo son dos personas.
Well, respectfully, Madam President, I hope you do because if the President of the United States can't tell the difference between Treasury Secretary and stock market patsy, that's pretty disturbing.
Con todo respeto, presidenta, espero que sí. Porque si la presidenta de EE.UU no ve la diferencia entre secretario y chivo expiatorio de bolsa es alarmante.
I can't tell you because I don't know.
No puedo decírselo porque no lo sé.
Then basically, you can't tell us anything.
Entonces, básicamente, no puede decirnos nada.
Look, to tell you the truth, I can't stand it here. It's full of old people.
Mira, a decir la verdad, ya no soporto este lugar.
I can't tell you how much everyone at Isodyne appreciates your help.
Yo no te puedo decir lo mucho que todos en Isodyne aprecia su ayuda.
I can't tell if you're motivated by strong convictions or spite.
No puedo decir si lo que te motiva son convicciones fuertes o rencor.
You... you know I can't tell you about the...
Tú... tú sabes que no puedo decirte sobre la...
Why don't you tell her, " Sorry, I can't make it tonight
Por qué no le dices, " Lo siento, Esta noche no puedo
- A thing you can't tell us.
- Una cosa que no puedes contarnos.
Can't tell if you're fucking with me right now.
No sé si me estás manipulando en este momento.
can't you see me 22
can't you see 340
can't you wait 18
can't you understand 52
can't you guess 22
can't you talk 16
can't you hear me 48
can't you smell it 16
can't you 596
can't you feel it 34
can't you see 340
can't you wait 18
can't you understand 52
can't you guess 22
can't you talk 16
can't you hear me 48
can't you smell it 16
can't you 596
can't you feel it 34
can't you read 58
can't you hear it 44
can't you hear 28
can't you see i'm busy 35
can't you understand that 28
can't you see it 39
can't you sleep 32
can't you do something 42
can't you see that 128
can't you do it 19
can't you hear it 44
can't you hear 28
can't you see i'm busy 35
can't you understand that 28
can't you see it 39
can't you sleep 32
can't you do something 42
can't you see that 128
can't you do it 19