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Power must be seen to come from me.
Debe entenderse que el poder procede de mí.
This letter mentions instructions to come from Hanover.
Esta carta menciona instrucciones que vienen de Hanover.
I suppose you think I should be grateful to you for making me an offer despite knowing where I come from.
Supongo que piensas que debería estarte agradecida por hacerme una oferta a pesar de saber de dónde vengo.
Where the storm come from?
Cuando la tormenta.
I come from a long line of Earps who have been hunting down the likes of your leader for decades.
Vengo de varias generaciones de Earps que han cazado a seres como su líder durante décadas.
And that's where they come from?
¿ Y de ahí provienen?
I will come from the swamp, Where you threw all of the bodies. What?
Voy a salir del pantano, donde arrojaste todos esos cuerpos.
You want to know where you come from.
Quieres saber de dónde vienes.
You come from far afield, mister?
¿ Viene de lejos, señor?
is an exclusive group. I chose you, not just because of our years of friendship, but because you come from France's most influential families.
Os escogí, no solo por nuestros años de amistad, sino porque procedéis de las familias más influyentes de Francia.
We could trace Rayna's bloodline back to wherever her ancestors come from.
Podríamos rastrear el linaje de Rayna hasta donde sea que provengan sus ancestros.
People don't come from the future.
La gente no viene desde el futuro.
Where'd you come from?
¿ De dónde has venido?
And they'd come from all around to see him throw.
Y venían de todos lados a verlo lanzar.
Well, most complaints concerning low-level crime come from districts like yours, Councilman.
Bueno, la mayoría de las denuncias relativas a delitos menores vienen de distritos como el suyo, concejal.
They come from you.
Vienen de ti.
They might as well come from you.
También pueden venir de ti.
She thinks I come from the wrong side of the tracks. You do come from the wrong side...
Ella cree que vengo del lado equivocado de las vías.
I come from a city called Tobolsk in Siberia.
Vengo de una ciudad llamada Tobolsk en Siberia.
Her cousin's getting married. They've come from Pune.
Su prima se va a casar, ellos vinieron desde Pune
[Michael] Another thing is that he cares about where the pigs come from.
Otra cosa es que a él le interesa el origen de los chanchos.
We come from a long line of cooks.
Venimos de una larga tradición de cocineros.
The flavors that we tend to prefer in smoked meat, uh, come from hardwoods.
En general, preferimos el sabor de la carne ahumada con maderas nobles.
[Sunita] I come from Delhi. I come from old Delhi.
Yo soy de Delhi, de la vieja Delhi.
I come from a farm country, uh, northwestern Quebec province.
Yo nací en una zona rural, al noroeste de Quebec.
I come from a family of ten... and, uh, food was a big part of our lives.
En mi familia éramos diez, y la comida era una gran parte de nuestra vida.
Where did this come from?
¿ De dónde viene esto?
And where does its power come from?
¿ Y de dónde viene su poder?
We've only just come back from our honeymoon.
Acabamos de llegar de nuestra luna de miel.
You know, when the children come, I think it would be nice to live far away from the city.
Ya sabes, cuando los niños lleguen, creo que sería bueno vivir lejos de la ciudad.
I am Captain Childers and I have come to rescue you from your present situation.
Soy el capitán Childers y he venido a rescatarla de su actual situación.
I have come to free you from your golden cage.
Vengo a liberarla de su jaula de oro.
You come in contact with anyone else... from Brooklyn Heights?
Tuvieron contacto con otra persona?
You come back from your car, you pop in a piece of gum, and everything's cool?
¿ Regresaste de tu coche, tomaste un pedazo de chicle, y todo está bien?
Have you come to us seeking liberation from the mind control of their radio waves and phone towers?
¿ Viniste a nosotros buscando liberarte del control mental de las ondas de radio y de las torres telefónicas?
Come on, get away from there, hustle!
Vamos, sal de allí, prisa!
I'll come and pick him up later, and you all try and keep your sides from hurting'cause this guy is gonna keep you rolling on the floor.
No, no, estará bien. Vendré más tarde... y todos ustedes traten y mantengan sus costados... sin lastimarse porque este chico... los tendrá rodando en el piso.
Come back from the ledge, man.
Regresa de la cornisa, hombre.
Don't come any closer and talk from there.
No te me acerques, y habla desde allí.
"Come, come bring us knowledge and wisdom from above."
Señor, concédenos sabiduría para conocer la diferencia.
Like I would close my eyes and I'd picture your face and I'd see all this hate in your eyes that I knew I could never come back from, and I kept on fucking her, and you hated me anyway.
Como cuando cerraba los ojos y me imaginaba tu cara... y que vería todo ese odio en tus ojos... que sabía que era algo de lo que nunca podría volver, y seguía cogiéndomela, y me odiabas de todos modos.
The governor had come to this village, newly recaptured from Boko Haram, to calm the local population.
El gobernador visitó esta aldea... recapturada de Boko Haram, para calmar a la población.
I'm an actor playing a role written from the testimony of a small number of people from NSA and CIA, all of whom are angry about the secrecy but too scared to come forward.
Soy un actor que interpreta un papel escrito por el testimonio de un pequeño número de personas de la NSA y la CIA, todos ellos están molestos por el secreto pero demasiado asustados para venir adelante.
- Oh, she wanted to come, but something started sprouting from the steps to the backyard. She wanted to see if it was edible. I'm not kidding.
- Quería venir, pero ha brotado algo en los escalones del patio y quería ver si era comestible.
- Hmm. So where would the money for Germany come from?
¿ Y quién le dará el dinero para Alemania?
She looks like she dropped straight down from heaven. - -Hi, come on in.
Parece recién caída del cielo. Hola, pasad. Bienvenidos al Bar Secreto. ¿ Qué os pongo?
It takes a human to catch the nuance, to spot the come-on, and to protect children from assholes like this guy.
Se necesita a un humano para atrapar el matiz, para detectar el comienzo, y proteger a los niños de idiotas como este tipo.
Come home soon from college.
Regresa pronto a casa
Come on, she's from Dillard.
Venga ya, es de Dillard.
And I have a tradition of cooking which has come down from my grandmother to my mother and now to me.
Y tengo una tradición culinaria que pasó de mi abuela a mi madre y ahora a mí.
You take the baton from the ones who've come before, and you carry it as far as you can.
Recibes el bastón de tus predecesores y lo llevas tan lejos como puedas.
from 995
from the bottom of my heart 69
from now on 1905
from your perspective 17
from the very beginning 50
from here on out 107
from the future 31
from time to time 154
from new york 38
from a distance 46
from the bottom of my heart 69
from now on 1905
from your perspective 17
from the very beginning 50
from here on out 107
from the future 31
from time to time 154
from new york 38
from a distance 46
from the heart 21
from this moment 32
from what i hear 195
from where 295
from this day forward 62
from the start 66
from your wife 16
from you 300
from here on 55
from the past 16
from this moment 32
from what i hear 195
from where 295
from this day forward 62
from the start 66
from your wife 16
from you 300
from here on 55
from the past 16