Did you know him traducir español
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- Did you know him?
- ¿ Usted le conocía?
Did you know him?
¿ Lo conocía?
Did you know him? No.
¿ Lo conocías?
Did you know him well?
¿ Lo conoció bien?
- Did you know him?
- ¿ Lo conocías?
How well did you know him?
Al parecer lo conocias.
Did you know him so well?
¿ Lo conoció tan bien?
How well did you know him?
¿ Que tan bien lo conocías?
How well did you know him?
¿ Cuán bien lo conocías?
If you don't mind my asking, just how well did you know him?
Si no les importa que pregunte sobre, ¿ qué tan bien lo conocía?
Did you know him When his mind reading became something more?
¿ Le conociste cuando su poder de leer mentes se volvió algo mas?
How long did you know him this way?
¿ Hace cuánto que lo conoce así?
By the way, did you know she broke up with him?
¿ Sabe que... le ha dejado?
You know, he was never really my type and them I bumped into him a couple of... did you actually think that I believe this bullshit?
Sabes, el nunca fue realmente mi tipo pero me choque con el un par de... De verdad piensas que voy a creer esta mierda?
What I need to know is this, how did you find him?
Lo que necesito saber es cómo lo encontraste.
You have got to give me something here, because you cannot just say that you don't want to talk about it, because I saw Lukes today, and I waved at him, and I did not know how to act.
Tienes que darme alguna explicación, porque no puedes decirme sólo que no quieres hablar de ello, porque he visto hoy a Luke, y le he saludado, y no sabía como actuar.
Now, I do not know what was my favorite part If it was when you did eating from a dog bowl When I took whipped cream the body with his tongue Or when you gave him an enema with a filler of turkeys.
Ahora, yo no sé cuál fue mi parte favorita si fue cuando la hiciste comer de un platón para perros cuando te quitó crema batida del cuerpo con su lengua o cuando le diste un enema con un rellenador de pavos.
Jordan, did you know about this when you hired him?
Jordan, ¿ sabías de esto cuando lo contrataste?
- I did, and don't say anything, he doesn't want you to know it's from him.
- Dale las gracias al abuelo por el dinero.
happy to, boss i fire him, i trusted Eddie and he break every rule in the book i couldn't keep him on after that you're so tough, dad the turtles will thank you for it how did you know he was using the wrong nets and fishing in the wrong areas?
feliz de, jefe lo despido, yo confié Eddie y romper todas las reglas en el libro i no podía mantenerlo después de que eres tan duro, papá las tortugas se lo agradecerán ¿ cómo sabías que estaba usando las redes y la pesca equivocadas en las áreas equivocadas?
You gave him, you know what, When all is said and done, you Did him a favor.
cuando todo esta hecho y dicho, le hiciste un favor.
I wondered if all of this was my fault, did I do something to make him leave, you know, was there something then I could have done to have made him stay.
Me preguntaba si todo eso era por mi culpa, que había hecho algo para que él nos dejara, ya sabes, que podría haber algo que podía haber hecho para hacer que él se marchara.
Gosh, that sounds an awful lot like you did know who Carl was before your lawyers mentioned him.
Caray, me parece que sí sabía muy bien quién era Carl antes de que su abogado le contara.
He did a terrible thing, and you've thought about him every day of your life with anger and resentment, I know.
El hizo algo terrible... Y has pensado en él todos los días de tu vida con rabia y resentimiento.
Did you know on CIA.GOV they admitted that they carried out terror attacks in 1953 to blame it on Mohamed Mossadeq in Iran as a pretext to overthrow him.
Sabías que en CIA.GOV admiten que hicieron atentados terroristas en el 1953 para achacárselos a Mohammed Mossadeq in Irán como pretexto para derrocarlo.
Did you know they found him?
¿ Sabías que le han encontrado?
Did you know that Monet's father wanted him to be a grocer?
¿ Sabías que el padre de Monet, quería que él fuera almacenero?
You know, Reyes really did a number on him.
Tú sabes, Reyes realmente hizo un numero con el.
I've coached him for a long time. - Did you know that- - - He's not the kind of kid
¿ Sabías que- - El no es la clase de chico tiene antecedentes?
Did you know him?
¿ Lo conocías?
When did you know you were gonna have to trick him?
¿ Cuándo supo que debía engañarlo?
We need to know, how much Retcon did you give him?
Tenemos que saberlo, ¿ cuánto Retcon le diste?
If Grecic's location is so classified even you don't know, then how did I find him?
Si el escondite de Grecic es tan secreto que ni tú lo sabes, ¿ cómo voy a encontrarle?
you cleared him for surgery, derek how did you not know?
Le diste el alta para operar, Derek. ¿ Cómo no lo supiste?
How the hell did you know it was him?
¿ Cómo diablos sabías que había sido él?
Bet you didn't know him either, did you Hector?
Apuesto a que tampoco lo conocías, ¿ verdad Héctor?
But did you know there's something in Nottingham that can stop him?
_ Pero ¿ sabíais que hay algo en Nottingham que puede detenerle? _ ¿ Como qué?
I don't know what I did before we had Stephen around, but after this week, I promise I won't keep him away from you any more than absolutely necessary.
No sé lo que hacía antes de tener a Steven a nuestro lado pero después de esta semana, te prometo que no lo alejaré de ti más de lo absolutamente necesario.
So when Agent Delgado left the FBI offices, did you know she was going to attack Detective Quan and bring him in to the FBI at gunpoint?
Entonces, ¿ cuando la Agente Delgado salió de las oficinas del FBI... sabía que iba a atacar al detective Kwan... y llevarlo hasta el FBI a punta de pistola?
- We didn't touch him. - Did you know the woman?
- Nosotros no lo tocamos. - ¿ Sabías que la mujer?
Your friend came in here, and as hard as it was for him to turn you in, he did the right thing by letting me know you were the one who defaced school property.
- Sí. Tu amigo vino, y por más duro que haya sido para él delatarte, hizo lo correcto al decirme que fuiste tú quien desfiguró la propiedad escolar...
You know, all i wanted was for him to meet a great girl, and he finally did, and now i never see him.
Tú sabes, solo quería que conociera una gran chica, y ahora que lo hizo, nunca lo veo.
I know he did a terrible thing... but you will bring him back, won't you?
Yo sé que hizo algo terrible. Pero lo traerás de vuelta, ¿ verdad?
I mean, did you find him with a noose around his neck and you didn't quite know how it got there, or did he drown in his bed, but the sheets were all dry?
¿ Lo encontraron con una soga alrededor del cuello y él no sabía cómo llegó ahí? ¿ Se ahogó en su cama, pero las sábanas estaban secas?
Did you know that she convinced him to sign on to do another year, when all he wanted to do... was retire and spend time with me and the boys?
¿ Sabíais que le había convencido para renovar... su contrato por un año más? ¿ Cuándo todo lo que él quería hacer... era retirarse y pasar más tiempo conmigo y con los niños?
You know, it did become a big prestige issue for him.
Ya sabes, para él es una cuestión de prestigio.
Did you fall in love and know you wanted to be with him for the rest of your life?
¿ Te enamoraste y supiste que querías estar con é el resto de tu vida?
- you tried to save no, no, no, you know what you did save him... twice.
- Intentaste salvar- - No, no, no, sabes que... sí lo salvaste.
You know, everything I ever did was to prove him wrong.
Sabes, todo lo que he hecho... fué para demostrarle que estaba equivocado.
Did you know him?
¿ Lo conoces?
Did you know Peter Weyburn? - Never heard of him.
¿ Conocía a Peter Weyburn?
did you know him well 22
did you sleep well 186
did you 5422
did you miss me 258
did you like it 169
did you call me 65
did you have a good day 34
did you get it 332
did you know 464
did you hear that 1358
did you sleep well 186
did you 5422
did you miss me 258
did you like it 169
did you call me 65
did you have a good day 34
did you get it 332
did you know 464
did you hear that 1358
did you find it 130
did you see a doctor 19
did you do it 192
did you know that 655
did you say something 194
did you see that 1004
did you hear me 503
did you see it 273
did you see him 211
did you hear 352
did you see a doctor 19
did you do it 192
did you know that 655
did you say something 194
did you see that 1004
did you hear me 503
did you see it 273
did you see him 211
did you hear 352
did you just say 228
did you find anything 222
did you do that 119
did you kill him 147
did you see her 133
did you find him 128
did you say 465
did you see 272
did you see anything 115
did you see this 135
did you find anything 222
did you do that 119
did you kill him 147
did you see her 133
did you find him 128
did you say 465
did you see 272
did you see anything 115
did you see this 135