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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ D ] / Don't go out there

Don't go out there traducir español

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I'm sure there are other that can help your mom, you don't have to worry. You can go to school with out a worry.
No tienes que preocuparte por nada.
Why don't you go down to the morgue and live there, instead of making a morgue out of our home.
¿ Por qué no te mudas a la morgue... en vez de traer la morgue a nuestra casa?
Don't sit there like a bump on a stump, go down and throw them out.
No te quedes ahí sentado, ve allá abajo y échalos.
I don't want to go out because she's out there.
No quiero ir porque ella está ahí.
Why don't you go check it out, there is a very beautiful girl among them.
¿ Por qué no vais a echar un vistazo? Hay muchas chicas bonitas por ahí.
Don't go out there.
No, no, papá.
Don't go out there.
- No vayas allí.
If you got a wrong hunch, don't go out there.
Si tienes un mal presentimiento, no salgas.
No, don't go out there.
No, no vaya.
- I don't want to go out there, Rose.
- No quiero salir, Rose.
Well... instead of going out there all hepped up about a movie career, why don't you just go for the ride?
Bien... En lugar de ir allí para tener una carrera cinematográfica, ¿ por qué no va por el viaje?
I still don't understand why we have to go all the way out there to look at it.
Aún no entiendo por qué quieres ir allá a mirar el terreno. ¿ Otra vez?
Rosita, don't go out there.
Rosita, no salga.
Why don't you let me go out there and poke that guy in the nose?
Mira, ¿ por qué no me dejas salir ahí afuera y darle una bofetada? ¡ Sólo una vez!
Jeff, don't you go meddling out there now, it's none of your business.
Jeff, no te metas. No te incumbe.
Don't go out there.
No vayas. Te podrían hacer daño.
I'II go meet them. Don't go out there.
- Les recibiré.
Boss, don't go out there.
Jefe, no salga.
Don't you know millions of people go out there every year and wind up polishing cuspidors?
¿ No sabes que millones van cada año y terminan en la nada?
Don't go out there.
No salga ahí afuera.
Don't anyone go out there.
Nadie saldrá.
Don't go out there again, Paula.
- No vuelvas a ir allí.
Why don't you padlock this door and go out to the Morgans'. I've quit there, Mom.
¿ Por qué no cierras el almacén y te vas con los Morgan?
Don't go out there, sam. It's only looking for trouble.
No salgas, es buscar problemas.
Don't go out there.
¡ No salgan!
Baroness, don't go out there, it might be dangerous.
Señora baronesa no salga. Puede ser peligroso.
Don't you ever go out there, you hear me, Myrtle Mae!
¡ No vayas nunca allí, Myrtle Mae!
But don't go out there. You'll regret it!
¡ Doctor, no vaya, se arrepentirá!
If you don't go out there, and tell them that we don't know nothing about this, and get them out of this place, I'm gonna do it myself.
Si no vas y les dices que no sabemos nada... y que se larguen de este lugar, lo haré yo misma.
There's jobs to be had. Why Don't you go out and get a job?
Hay trabajos para hacer. ¿ Por qué no sale a buscar un trabajo?
No, Scott, no. Please don't go out there.
No, Scott, por favor, no salgas.
He don't have to go out there, does he, eh?
Total no tiene que combatir, ¿ cierto?
Carlo's there, don't go out of your way.
Allí está Carlo, no se preocupe.
Don't you go out there with them men.
No vayas allí con esos hombres.
I hope that's what it is. Dad, don't go out there!
- Quedaos aquí.
Don't go out there. Don't go out there.
¡ No salgas ahí fuera!
Well, why don't you both go out there and make a thorough checkup?
¿ Por qué no van a investigarlo en profundidad?
Look, but don't go out of your room until I get there, you understand?
Mira, no salgas de la habitación hasta que yo llegue. ¿ Entendido?
No, don't go out there, there's someone downstairs you don't want to see.
No, no salgas. Abajo hay alguien que no quieres ver.
Don't go out there, Bat.
No salgas, Bat.
You think I'm afraid to go out there and call him down, don't you?
¿ Crees que tengo miedo de bajar y enfrentarme a él, verdad?
Why don't you and Dog go over there and leave me straighten this boy out?
Tú y Dog podéis iros por ahí, mientras le dejo las cosas claras a este.
- You wanna go out there, don't you?
- Quiere ir allí, ¿ verdad?
Don't you dare go out there.
No salgas, Chuck.
I don't like it. Maybe she'll go back to the lab. Maybe she'll find out you're not Tyler, that there's no Vip.
Y si va al laboratorio y descubre que no eres Tyler y que Vip no existe...
Now get in there and go to bed, and i don't want to hear a peep out of you.
Y no intentes escaparte otra vez si no quieres problemas.
Scotty, don't go out there.
Scotty, no vayas.
You want me to go out there, don't you? Yeah, and take me future, me career and me pension and throw it down the drain.
¿ Quiere usted que yo vaya allí ahora y que coja mi porvernir, mi carrera y mi paga y los tire por la borda?
Oh, please, please don't go out there, please.
Por favor, no salga ahí fuera, por favor.
I managed to raise some money for the shop... but if I don't get the certified bill there by sundown today... the shop will have to go out of business.
He conseguido algún dinero para la tienda pero si no presento allí la factura certificada antes del anochecer la tienda tendrá que cerrar.
You mean you won't go on if I don't go out there with you?
¿ No saldrá si no es conmigo?

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