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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ D ] / Don't go that way

Don't go that way traducir español

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But one thing, don't go out filling your hide with booze, celebrating...'cause fun what's got that way never done no one no good.
Pero una cosa, no bebas mucho para celebrarlo, porque ese tipo de diversión nunca ha beneficiado a nadie.
I don't handle it that way. How do I go to the city editor.
Al redactor jefe no le gustará nada.
- Easy, Sarge, don't you go that way.
- Tranquilo, Sargento, no diga eso.
nothing yet only that one must have one's eyes everywhere look at that person the way she flirts with Klamroth don't you want to go out for a drive with me in my new car after office hours?
¿ Qué quieres decir con eso? ¡ Todavía nada! Sólo que hay que tener ojos en todas partes.
Don't go that way, uncle Jacinto, because you're wrong.
No vaya por ahí, tío Jacinto, que va mal, hombre.
Tell you what, why don't we all go to the store together, that way you're distracted.
¿ Sabes qué? ¿ Por qué no vamos todos a los almacenes y así te distraes?
Sí, sí, de acuerdo, Vanya.
Now, don't be that way. Let go!
No seáis así. ¡ Soltadme!
I don't mean she was bossy or nagging. But I just couldn't go on that way any longer.
No digo que fuera mandona o fastidiosa... pero yo ya no podía seguir de ese modo.
Go that way. Don't let anyone see you.
Vete por aquí y que no te vean.
- You don't look that way, either. Let's go.
- No, desde luego.
Ciccillo, Edoardo! Don't go that way, there are police.
Ciccillo, Eduardo, no vayáis por allí, están los guardias.
It's a bullet that don't go all the way.
Una bala que no llega al final.
It don't go that way
Ni é / a mí Las cosas no son así
I don't want to go to war that way again.
No quiero volver a la guerra de esa manera.
I don't want to go all that way just to be a burden.
No quiero ir tan lejos sólo para ser una carga.
Maybe I did, but I don't want to go on that way.
Puede que sí, pero no quiero que esto continúe.
Why don't you go that way?
¿ Por qué no vas por ese camino?
Don't go on saying "alas" in that phony way.
No digas "claro" en ese tono.
If you feel that way about him, why don't you go after him?
Si realmente es así, ¿ por qué no vas tras él?
I don't like it much, but I guess the only way you can find that is to go out and look for it.
Pero esto no me gusta nada Quizá la única forma sea yendo a buscarlo.
Oh, I don't say they'd all be prayin away as holy as St. Francis... but I have a suspicion that Knocko Minihan is in no position to reject... anything along that line that might come his way. Shall we go in now?
No digo que todos estarían rezando como San Francisco... pero sospecho que Knocko Minihan no está en posición de rechazar... cualquier cosa de ese tipo, que vaya hacia él. ¿ Entramos ahora?
Billy Boy, let's go. If you don't pull that switch, I'll have to pull this trigger. That's going to make hard feelings all the way around.
Adelante, si no accionas la palanca, tendré que apretar el gatillo y eso agravaría más las cosas.
You don't like it that way, grab a rifle and go in business for yourself!
¡ Si no te gusta, toma un rifle y arréglatelas tú solo!
Don't look that way Let me go
No me mires así... Déjame.
Frangipani and flame-throwers don't seem to go together, but that's the way it was.
Frangipani y lanzallamas no armonizan mucho, pero así es como ocurrió aquí.
Don't go gettin'any ideas there's anything lowdown about it...'cause the Lord himself thought it up and made us the way he did. - Understand that, Son?
No te vayas a creer que es ninguna bajeza porque fue idea del Señor y nos hizo como somos. ¿ Comprendes?
Don't go that way!
¡ Señor, no vaya para allá!
But I feel better, that way I don't have to go on fixing it.
Mira, me siento mejor así, no tengo que estar arreglándolo ni nada de eso.
I don't go that way, I don't go that way.
No iré por ahí, no iré por ahí.
Don't go that way, granny!
¡ Abuelita, no vayas pa'llá.
Frank, that man is bleeding more than anybody in here... with the possible exception of your nose if you don't get out of my way. Let's go. Get him inside.
Ese hombre sangra más que nadie, con la posible excepción de su nariz si no se aparta.
- That's how he looked, I don't know. But they all go up that way.
La cosa es que se lo llevaron.
If they don't catch her in the woods, she should go out over that way.
Si no la cogen en el bosque, podría huir por esta dirección.
Yo no acepto ese tipo de cosas, y ella lo sabe.
Take these men to Section 28. I don't you to go that way. I want you to go that way.
Lleve a estos hombres a la sección 28, pero no vaya en aquella dirección, vaya por ahí, muévanse.
I mean, they don't want us to go that way and they don't want us to go back the way we came.
No quieren que vayamos allá... y tampoco que regresemos por donde vinimos.
If you don't want it that way, you're free to go. No, no! My brother agrees.
- Tómalo o déjalo.
Don't go round nicking bike and things like that, get yourself a guitar the honest way.
- Nada de andar robando, conseguite una guitarra de la manera honesta.
- No, there's no need for that. Either we can get across going down this point of land and it don't look good, we go all the way back and start over. It's real simple.
Tenemos dos soluciones...
Well, fuck that, you don't want to go that way.
Bien. olvídese, no querrá ir en esa dirección.
That way they don't have to go checkin to find out who you are.
Así no tendrán que averiguar quién eres.
- Don't let him go to bed that way.
No le dejes que se acueste así.
Now I don't know. Should I go that way?
No sé. ¿ Voy por allí?
so that they don't go the wrong way.
para que no vayan por el mal camino.
I feel if I don't stop myself, as the years go by, I'm gonna wind up that way.
Siento que si no me detengo conforme pasen los años terminaré igual.
Don't go signifying that way.
No tiene tanta importancia.
Don't let my jacket go that way!
No me hagas hacer así con la chaqueta.
I think your hair looks nice that way. Freddy, it's one thing to split our assets 50-50, but I don't think I should be asked to go 50-50 on your debt.
Freddie, una cosa es que dividamos los bienes al 50 %, y otra pedirme que comparta tu deuda 50-50.
We don't go that way anymore.
Ya no bajamos por ahí.
Funny the way things go... don't you find that, Jimmy?
Gracioso como las cosas pasan... ¿ No te parece, Jimmy?

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