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Don't listen to it traducir español

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- Okay. - Don't listen to them. Yeah, maybe it's not made out of the pages, but I like the color, and I like that it is different, and it's kind of shingle-like.
No las escuches, quizás no esté hecho de páginas, pero me gustaron los colores, me gustó que sea diferente.
- Don't talk bullshit, shut up! - Listen to me. - It's too late, Marco!
No decir estúpido, cállate escuchado demasiado tarde, demasiado tarde!
Now, listen, if you want to start something with me... why don't you start it?
Si quieres liarte a mamporros conmigo, empieza tú.
And you know, if you listen to something like that about the past, and the old days, and even if you don't think about it anymore a hundred times, it does hurt a little.
Y, sabe, si uno oye algo así... sobre el pasado y los viejos tiempos, e incluso si uno no piensa en ello más de un centenar de veces,... un poco... sí que duele.
Listen, I don't invest money just to get it back.
No invierto dinero sólo para recuperarlo.
I don't care to discuss it further. Listen.
No quiero hablar más de esto.
Listen... I don't give a rap about your private life, only as to how it affects me.
Escuche... su vida privada me importa un bledo, a menos que me afecte.
Listen, my dear girl, when it comes to playwriting, you don't know your... your dear little elbow from a barrel of flour.
Escucha, querida, si de dramaturgia se trata... tú no sabes distinguir un gato de un ratón.
Well, listen, old fellow, you don't know it yet... but you're going to wake up a kinder and a wiser man.
Escucha, todavía no lo sabes pero despertarás siendo más amable y más sabio.
Listen fellas, I don't want to get tough with ya, but we gotta go through with it.
Escuchadme, chicos, no quiero enfadarme, pero hay que conseguirlo.
Now, listen, Cobby... I know you're all upset, and it's kind of got you... off your nut and I don't blame you... but what you want to do is ridiculous!
Cobby, sé que estás desilusionado y eso te tiene... un poco loco y yo no te culpo.
Listen, I don't think it would be very entertaining to put up a show only with girls.
Escucha, no creo que sea muy divertido montar el espectáculo solo con chicas.
Well, I was gonna speak to them about it, but, boss, I don't think them people are in any position to listen to much.
Estaba por hablarles... pero, jefe, no creo que esa gente pueda escuchar demasiado.
Because I don't want to hear it. If it's unpleasant, I won't listen.
No quiero oírlo, y si es desagradable, no lo escucharé.
It doesn't matter to me whether you come back or not. Now, listen, don't act like that.
Me da lo mismo que vuelva o no.
It isn't that I don't want to listen, but what can I do?
No es que no quiera escucharle, ¿ pero que puedo hacer?
- l don't intent to listen to it.
- Sí, pero no le hago caso.
Oh, it's wonderful for parades and Memorial Day but people don't wanna sit around and listen to that stuff anymore.
Oh, es genial para los desfiles y el Día de los Caídos... pero la gente ya no quiere estar sentada escuchando esas cosas.
Don't listen to it, Jigger. It's The Jungle, Jigger.
- No lo escuchas, Jigger...
If you don't listen to reason, it may be too late.
Si no escuchas razones, tal vez sea demasiado tarde.
Say, listen, fellas. Why-Why don't you let me make a record of it... then you can play it over to yourselves as often as you like.
Oigan, muchachos, déjenme grabar un disco... así lo escuchan todas las veces que quieran.
Now listen, Sammy, that paper's got to be signed... so don't you leave there till it is signed, understand?
Escucha, Sammy, ese papel necesita ser firmado así que no te muevas de allí hasta que lo firme, ¿ entiendes?
Don't listen to those plebeians, it's just ignorance talking.
Deja que hablen esos plebeyos. Habla la ignorancia.
- Don't listen to him. Fill it up.
- ¡ No lo escuches!
Listen, if it's $ 27.50 from Stevenson to New York, don't tell me it's $ 32.50 from New York to Stevenson. It doesn't make sense.
Si son 27,50 de Stevenson a Nueva York no van a ser 32,50 de Nueva York a Stevenson, no tiene sentido.
Listen, why don't you think it over? And come back to discuss the matter.
Escuche, ¿ por qué no lo piensa y vuelve a discutir el asunto?
I don't like to seem impolite, but after the way things been going, I'd better listen to what it is first
Te diré, no quisiera parecer grosero, pero después de lo que ha sucedido quizá sea mejor que escuche antes de decir que sí.
Sure, and if you don't like it, you don't have to listen to it.
Y si no le gusta, no tiene porque escucharlo.
The pit he talks about isn't down below... it's up here. I don't know why I listen to him.
No sé por qué le escucho, intenta engañar a la gente.
Don't listen to him, Dan, it's a trick.
No le escuches, Dick, es un truco.
- Don't listen, I've made it a habit to talk to myself.
- Estoy acostumbrado a hablar solo.
No, don't listen to it.
No, no lo escuches.
Just between you and me, I don't get it either, but I got to listen to it.
Entre nosotros, no la entiendo, pero tengo que oír esta música.
Not that I listen to people's conversations but you know how it is, don't you?
No escucho las conversaciones de la gente... pero ya sabe como es esto, ¿ verdad?
It's the cities themselves. Where the bombs fell, the radiations are thickest. Why don't you listen to me?
Las bombas cayeron en las ciudades y allí la radiación es más densa.
Listen, about that new park... it's one thing to show initiative, but you don't want people thinking you're a publicity hound.
Escuche, sobre ese nuevo parque... está bien que promueva el proyecto pero no querrá que la gente piense que lo único que busca es hacerse publicidad.
Listen, mister CarIi, I've got here a golden bracelet I'd Iike to..... get rid off, because I don't like it.
Señor Carli, tengo una pulsera de oro de la que quiero desembarazarme porque... porque no me gusta.
Don't listen to him, it's a legend he got from the priest in town.
No le haga caso, sólo es una leyenda que cuenta el cura de Puerto Miguel.
Take it, don't listen to the old man, take it.
Agárrelo, no le haga caso al viejo, agárrelo.
Listen, don't give me any more guff. I don't have to stand here and take that... and as far as the phone goes, it's right over here.
No tengo por qué aguantar esta conducta... y el teléfono está allí.
Just because it's Sunday... you don't expect us to listen to the kind of pious bilge...
Sólo porque es domingo... no esperará que escuchemos la clase de disparates piadosos...
It might be nonsense... but to love means having something inside... perhaps being poor outside, but rich inside! Don't listen to him, he'll never marry you!
Diré una tontería, o quizá no pero querer significa tener algo aquí dentro. Ser pobre por fuera pero rico por dentro. ¡ Giovanna!
Listen to me. Since people here took care of me so well, I don't want to leave them just before it gets busy.
Oye, ya que la gente de aquí se ocupa de mí tan bien, no quiero dejarles justo antes de que esto se anime.
If you don't listen to me, it might cost you your life.
Si no me escuchas, puede costarte la vida.
Don't listen to me, I'm over it now.
No me haga caso, ya lo superé.
Don't do it. You listen to me.
No sacarás nada, yo lo sé bien.
Listen, pal, we don't wanna rush you, but we're anxious to get it done with.
Escucha, amigo, no queremos meterte prisa... pero estamos ansiosos por quitárnoslo de encima.
There it goes again. Every hour on the hour. Well, we don't have to listen.
Ya estamos otra vez, cada hora en punto.
Don't you know it's an order to listen?
Es una orden escucharlas.
- I don't want to listen to it!
- ¡ No quiero escucharlo!
- Just think, it's 10 years that I've had to listen to them and I don't understand one bit!
Piense que yo llevo diez años con ellos y no les entiendo.

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