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Don't mind him traducir español

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Don't worry, I can talk to him after making up my mind.
No te preocupes. Voy a decirle después que decida.
Don't change your mind, Buddha is strict, so serve him as priestess. "
No cambia de opinión, Buda es estricto, sirvelo como sacerdotisa. "
- Come on, leave him alone. - Don't worry, I don't mind.
Vamos, lo deje solo no me molestes, no te preocupes
Don't mind him, Teach.
No dejes que te ponga nervioso.
Oh, don't mind him, Edna.
Ignórale, Edna.
Don't mind him.
No le prestes atención.
Por favor dele de baja, no quisiera que él llegue a ser como Ud.
Grab him and marry him before he changes his mind. Don't be a chump.
Agárrale y cásate con él antes de que cambie de opinión.
- Oh, honey, don't mind him.
- Oh, cariño, no le hagas caso.
Don't mind him, Friday the 13th.
No le hagas caso, no puede evitarlo.
Y si no te importa, me gustaría que le conocieras.
I don't mind telling him.
Yo no me molestaría en decirle nada.
Ni siquiera creo que maldiga.
Oh, don't mind him.
No le hagan caso.
Well you can tell me the ones you like. I don't mind. I like him, Father.
Bueno cuéntame las que quieras.
Oh, don't mind him, miss.
No le haga caso, señorita.
Don't mind him, he's only clowning.
No le hagas caso, se hace el payaso.
- Don't mind him, Sir.
No lo haga caso, señor.
Never mind why. Don't ask questions, there's no time to lose. Call him.
No importa. ¡ Llámele!
I'm always busy... but I don't mind seeing him with her.
Siempre estoy ocupada, pero no me importa verlo con ella.
And don't worry about him, he has a Continental mind.
Y no se preocupe por él, tiene una forma de pensar muy europea.
Wish you could've seen him, Warden. Yeah, so long as I'm springing out of here, I don't mind -
Sí, en cuanto salga de aquí no me importa decirle que...
Don't mind him, folks.
No le hagan caso.
He's all right, don't mind him.
No te precupes. No le hagas caso.
Don't mind him, Charlie.
No le hagas caso, Charlie.
- I don't mind telling you, I'm worried about him. - Oh?
Le confieso, doctor, que me preocupa.
I don't mind takin care of him.
No me importa cuidarlo.
Don't mind him, Johnny. He just thinks he's funny.
No te preocupes, sólo cree que es gracioso.
If you don't mind me saying so you don't sound very much in love with him.
Si me permite que se lo diga no suena como si estuviera muy enamorada de él.
- Don't mind him. He reads a lot.
- No le haga caso, es muy leído.
You don't really mind him, do you?
¿ De veras no te importa?
You don't mind? Darling, you seem to have done it. Tell us about him.
No... me parece que ya lo has hecho.
I wrote to Mr. Webster and asked him to be the godfather of our first baby. - You don't mind, do you?
No te molesta, ¿ verdad?
Yes, I am. Why don't you go for a long walk in the park and get your mind off him?
Sí. ¿ Por qué no va a caminar por el parque y se olvida de él?
I don't mind helping him out, Mr. Jordan, but now get me out of this.
Quería ayudarle, pero ahora hágame salir.
Mr. Mayor, if you don't mind, we'd like to talk to him alone.
Sr. Alcalde, nos gustaría hablar con él a solas.
- Why pick on us? - Don't mind him, Tom.
- ¿ Por qué nos elige a nosotros?
I don't mind him calling.
No me importa que me llame.
Don't mind him.
No le hagan caso.
Don't mind him. He talks crazy half the time.
No le hagas caso, sólo dice tonterías.
I don't care if it's real estate or chicken farming, so long as it is something that will take his mind off himself and make him realize that he's still some use in this world.
No importa si en bienes raíces o con una granja... siempre y cuando sea algo que lo distraiga de sí... y lo haga ver que sigue siendo útil.
Darling, you don't mind holding him, do you?
Querido : ¿ puedes agarrarlo?
Oh, don't mind him, Pearl.
- No le hagas caso, Pearl.
Don't mind him, Trudy, he's not feeling well lately.
No le hagas caso, Trudy, no se siente bien últimamente.
Old man trouble, I don't mind him
Problemas de viejo, no me molesta
- Old man trouble, I don't mind him
- Problemas de viejo, no me molesta
Don't mind him. Why are you in here?
¿ Qué hacías tú aquí?
Don't mind him.
No se preocupe.
Don't mind him, Mr. Neff.
No le haga caso, Sr. Neff.
Oh, I don't mind him
I don't mind him
I'd love to! You don't you mind if I borrow him for a while?
- Me encantaría. ¿ Te molesta si bailamos?

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