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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ D ] / Don't play dumb

Don't play dumb traducir español

446 traducción paralela
Don't play dumb.
No te hagas la tonta.
- Don't play dumb.
- No te hagas el tonto.
And don't play dumb.
Y no se haga el tonto.
- Don't play dumb.
No se haga el tonto.
Don't play dumb with me!
¡ No me tomes por tonto!
- Don't play dumb. You didn't pay. The wife said so.
- No te hagas el idiota, no has pagado, me lo ha dicho mi mujer.
please, don't play dumb. It was annoying enough over the phone. 'The boss is out.'Where?
No pongas esa voz de bobo para decir : "El jefe está de compras..."
Don't play dumb!
No te hagas el inocente.
Don't play dumb.
¿ Te subistes, o no?
Don't play dumb, it's me.
No juegue mudo, es yo.
Don't play dumb. Why would you buy a watch for a hundred dollars and hock it the same day for thirty?
¿ Por qué comprarías un reloj por 100 $ para luego venderlo por 30?
- Don't play dumb!
No te hagas el tonto.
- Don't play so dumb.
- No te hagas la tonta.
Don't play dumb!
- No te hagas la tonta.
Don't play dumb!
¡ No se haga el tonto!
- Don't play dumb with me, Brown.
- No finja.
Don't play dumb.
No te hagas el tonto.
Don't play dumb with us, Flick.
No te hagas el tonto, Flick.
- Don't play dumb!
No se haga la tonta.
A cigarrette. Don't play dumb!
- Vamos, sed buenas chicas.
- Don't play dumb. They're both here.
Están los dos aquí.
- Don't play dumb.
No finja.
Don't play dumb.
Deja de hacer el imbécil
Don't you play dumb.
No te hagas el tonto. Sabes bien que tiene mucho dinero.
Don't play dumb!
No finjas.
Don't play dumb with me.
No te hagas la tonta.
Don't play dumb!
¡ No disimules!
Don't play dumb for God's sake!
¡ No hagas tonterías por el amor de Dios!
The boy's parents, don't play dumb.
¡ Los del chamaco! No se haga más menso de Io que es.
Don't play dumb.
No te hagas la estúpida.
- What do you mean? - Don't play dumb.
No te hagas la tonta.
Don't play dumb!
- ¡ No te hagas el tonto!
Don't play dumb.
No disimules.
Don't try to play dumb with us.
No trates de hacerte el tonto.
Don't play dumb with me!
¡ No te hagas el tonto conmigo!
Don't play dumb with us.
No juegue con nosotros.
Don't play dumb!
No te hagas el tonto.
Don't play dumb!
¡ No te hagas la tonta!
Don't play dumb, you've fallen in a trap by now!
No te hagas el tonto. Estás atrapado.
Don't try to play dumb, you stole my sword
No me vengas con historias, me robasteis la espada.
- Don't play dumb.
- No juegues con el equívoco.
Why... Why... Don't play dumb with me, EI!
- ¡ No soy idiota, EI!
- Don't play dumb with me, man.
No te hagas el tonto conmigo, tío.
Don't play dumb! If not, what would you do among those nuns?
No me engañes. ¿ Qué otra cosa harías entre tantas monjas?
He said, "Traini is gonna help me out." - I said, "Don't fight, play dumb." - Did your brother talk?
Indiferente a las picaduras de los tábanos, que vendríamos a ser nosotros.
Don't play dumb!
¡ No sea tan estúpido!
Don't play dumb with me. I trusted you. You're responsible for this.
Es culpa tuya, "tengo una amiga que lo cuidará".
Don't ever play dumb, please.
No te hagas la tonta.
And don't play dumb.
No se haga el tonto.
Don't try to play dumb with me.
No trates de hacerte el tonto conmigo.
Never Don't play dumb
No te hagas el tonto.

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