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Translate.vc / inglés → español / [ D ] / Don't touch it

Don't touch it traducir español

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We'll go along with it, but don't touch anything.
Les seguiremos la corriente, pero no toquen nada.
Stop it don't touch.
Ya está, ¿ qué tal?
Don't touch it.
No lo toques.
[Caledonius] Don't touch it.
- Abajo las manos.
Don't touch - it makes it worse.
Los meteré a todos en la cárcel!
If you don't touch it, you're guilty.
Si no la tocas, eres culpable.
We warned her. Don't touch it. Don't go near it.
Y le advertí que no la tocara...
It says, "Don't touch him."
Dice : "No lo toquen".
Let's move the arm now. See if you can get Joe on the bed while I'm gone. Keep his arm by his side, and don't let anything touch that knife, got it?
Vean si lo pueden poner en la cama, mientras voy a buscarla mantenganlon de costado y no dejen que nada toque el cuchillo.
Keep moving, slowly, behind the bush. Come on, slowly. Don't touch it.
Avancen lentamente atras del arbusto, no la toquen.
Oh, don't touch me, baby, unless you gonna take it all the way.
Oh, no me toques, cariño, a menos que sigas hasta el final.
You don't wanna let it touch the ground.
No deje que toque el suelo.
Don't touch it.
- No toques, no toques.
- Don't touch it.
- No las toques.
Don't touch it, just cover it up.
No lo toquen, solo cúbranlo.
And you don't need to touch it.
No necesitas tocarlo.
I don't want to touch it.
No quiero tocarlo.
It's just, uh... no, don't touch that!
Es sólo que- - ¡ No, no toques eso!
Don't touch it, bart!
¡ No lo toques, Bart!
- Don't touch it.
- No lo toques.
No, it's not your fault, don't blame yourself! Don't touch me, I know it's not my fault! You don't listen, Bob, it's not your fault.
- No me toques, sé que no es mi culpa.
Don't touch it.
No lo toquen.
Don't touch it,
No toques.
"Don't touch it,"
"No toques nada". "No toques nada".
Don't touch it.
- ¡ No lo toques!
I don't expect you to touch it.
No espero que tu lo toques.
- Okay, okay, okay! Don't touch it!
- Vale, vale, está bien!
Don't touch it, we're not in the drop zone yet, we could wind up in...
No la toques. Todavía, no estamos en la zona de descenso. Podríamos terminar en- -
Don't touch it!
¡ No lo toquen!
Don't touch it, she'll get pissed off.
No lo toques, por Dios, que se mosquea.
Chief, it's... don't touch girl.
- Jefe, no toque a la chica.
It's about knowing what a woman is thinking, what a woman is feeling, when you touch her. I don't know about all that.
Se trata de saber lo que una mujer piensa, de lo que siente cuando la tocas.
Hey, don't touch it!
¡ Ey, no lo toques!
- Don't you touch it!
- ¡ No la toques!
For just this week, don't see it when you look at each other, when you touch each other.
Simplemente durante esta semana, no lo veais cuando os mireis, cuando os toqueis.
Don't touch it, boy!
¡ No te muevas, niño!
Out here, we don't touch the body until the coroner releases it.
Aquí, no tocamos el cuerpo hasta que los de la coronaria llegan.
Y su jefa es literalmente la persona más vaga que he visto nunca.
If anything changes, don't touch it.
Si algo cambió, no lo toque.
It means don't touch.
Quieren decir "no tocar".
Don't let it touch me with its feet!
No dejes que me toque con sus garras!
Don't look in it, and whatever you do, don't touch it.
¡ No lo mires! ¡ Y hagas lo que hagas, no lo toques!
Don't touch it!
¡ No lo toques!
Don't touch it Harry.
No lo toques, Harry.
- Don't touch it.
- No la toque.
Just don't touch it!
¡ No me toques!
Don't touch it.
No lo toques. - ¡ Dios mío!
Don't touch it! No.
- ¡ No lo toques!
Don't touch that, it's a bomb
No lo toquen, es una bomba.
Just listen to me, don't touch it.
Escuchame, ni lo toques.
"Watch, don't touch it."
"Mira, no lo toques".

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