Even if traducir español
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You know, like, even if it fucking hurts, even if it's too painful for us to even comprehend.
Ya sabes, aunque duela de cojones, incluso aunque sea tan doloroso para nosotros como para que lo entendamos.
- And even if I did end up like him, is that so wrong, is that so bad?
- E incluso aunque acabara como él, ¿ está eso tan mal, es tan malo?
But even if you weren't planning on it, your baby is gonna grow up to wonder, like, "Where is my father and why did he leave us?"
Pero incluso aunque no lo planearas, tu bebé va a crecer y se va a preguntar, "¿ Dónde está mi padre y por qué nos abandonó?"
Elijah : I mean, even if you're amazing at something, that doesn't necessarily mean that you should do it, right?
Quiero decir, incluso aunque seas bueno en algo, eso no significa necesariamente que tengas que hacerlo, ¿ verdad?
I'm sure it means a lot to the guy you're taking care of, even if he can't articulate it.
Seguro que significa mucho para el tipo que cuida, aunque no pueda expresarlo.
To love is to exhale fully, knowing that even if it were your last breath, you're complete because you had found the very reason for your existence.
Amar es exhalar completamente, sabiendo que, aunque ese fuera tu último aliento, estarías completo porque has hallado la misma razón de tu existencia.
No, I'm sleeping at home even if it's on a scaffold.
Yo duermo en mi casa aunque sea encima de un andamio.
Even if we're not hooking up, I think it's better for me if I don't couple up right now.
Aunque no tengamos relaciones, para mí no es buen momento para estar en pareja.
But I assume he was unwavering and he refused to take the risk to move the exclusion zone, even if it was only a couple of hundred metres.
Pero supongo que se mantuvo firme y se negó a tomar el riesgo de mover la zona de exclusión, ni tan solo aunque fueran docientos de metros.
I'm just saying, like... if I saw, like, an old movie and your face was in it, like, even if you were, like, in a crowd, like, way back in the background,
Solo digo que... Si viera una película vieja, y tu rostro estuviera en ella, aunque estuvieras en una multitud, aunque estuvieras bien al fondo, te vería y diría :
Even if they do call Dr. Brennan for a reference, what if it backfires?
Incluso si lo hacen llamar a la Dra Brennan para una referencia, lo que resulta contraproducente si?
And even if the NFL doesn't hire me,
E incluso si la NFL no me contratar,
I mean, even if this baby ends up not being able to see our faces, we're gonna be okay.
Quiero decir, incluso si este bebé termina sin poder ver nuestras caras, nosotros vamos a estar bien.
Just remind me to give those back to Martha afterwards cos my life will not be worth living, even if you are a VIP.
Recuérdeme que se las devuelva a Martha después... porque si no mi vida no valdrá la pena vivirla, incluso si eres un VIP.
Even if you're pissed.
Incluso si estás borracha.
Even if he goes to prison, that's who I am now, victim.
Incluso si él va a prisión, lo que soy ahora, una víctima.
Even if no one in the hotel sees her the security cameras will.
Aunque no la vea nadie del hotel, las cámaras de seguridad sí la verán.
Even if I don't have a damn clue how to deal with it.
Aunque no tenga ni idea de cómo lidiar con ello.
Even if it means you have to let him go.
Incluso si significa que debes dejarlo ir.
Even if it's true, that's 6 months away.
Aunque sea cierto, quedan seis meses.
Even if you do make it through, you're walking into Quinn's own piece of hell.
Incluso si lo consigues, estarás entrando en el propio Infierno de Quinn.
Muttaqi will understand, even if you don't.
Muttaqi lo entenderá, aunque tú no lo hagas.
Even if he wasn't, he shot a terrorist and a traitor.
Y aunque no lo fuera, disparó a un terrorista y traidor.
Even if it's at everyone else's expense.
Incluso a costa de los demás.
But even if it is just within these walls, the law of the land is still in place.
Pero, aunque solo sea dentro de estos muros, la ley del país sigue en pie.
Even if they charge Frank for Wes, they're just going to keep coming at you.
Incluso si culpan a Frank por lo de Wes, van a seguir yendo a por ti.
Well, even if I wanted to, I just don't have time.
Pues, aunque quisiera. No tengo tiempo.
Okay, my point is, even if I was the best therapist in the world, there's no way I could cure anyone's issues with monogamy.
Me refiero a que, aunque fuera la mejor terapeuta del mundo no podría curar los conflictos con la monogamia de nadie.
I always felt like, even if it was a full house, like... like I was the only one in the audience.
Siempre sentía que, aunque el lugar estuviera lleno yo era el único presente.
And even if she were, she wouldn't speak to me.
Y aunque pudiera, no me hablaría.
Even if we make it across the city, it's suicide.
Aunque consigamos llegar, es un suicidio.
Look, man, I agree with you, even if I don't know you from Adam.
Mira, tío, estoy de acuerdo contigo, aunque acabe de conocerte.
Tell your friends, even if they already have a will... it's important to get it updated, just like you did.
- Diles a tus amigos que deben actualizar su testamento aunque ya lo tengan, como hiciste tú.
And how are you gonna be a therapist if you can't even figure out what's going on in your own life, which is that I clearly didn't tell you for a reason, which is that I don't care what you think.
, y cómo vas a ser terapeuta si no puedes comprender ni lo que pasa en tu propia vida, que es que no te lo he dicho por una razón, porque no me importa lo que piensas.
It's probably not even gonna happen if you don't say yes. "
Probablemente esto no va a pasar si no dices que sí ".
I don't even know if I want him to be involved.
NI siquiera sé si quiero que esté involucrado.
I just... I don't even know if she has a new number or something.
Ni siquiera sé si tiene nuevo número de teléfono.
I don't even know if it counts!
¡ Ni siquiera sé si cuenta!
If you're not responsible, as you say, then how do you even know about this supposed killer?
Si no eres responsable, como tú dices, ¿ entonces cómo es que sabes sobre el supuesto asesino?
You know, if you had, well..... even I'd've been convinced it was death by natural causes.
¿ Saben? , si lo hubieran hecho, bueno... incluso yo me habría convencido de que era una muerte por causas naturales.
- I must warn you, if you even insinuate my involvement in this man's death,
- Debo advertirte, Si usted incluso insinuar mi participación en la muerte de este hombre,
We don't even know if that's real.
Ni siquiera sabemos si es real.
How can she create a board game when she can't even tell if her blouse is on inside out?
¿ Cómo podría ella crear un tablero de juego si ni siquiera puede decir si lleva la blusa del revés?
If that's even possible.
Si eso es posible.
Not knowing where I was at first or if anybody even knew how to find me.
Sin saber al principio dónde estaba... o si alguien sabía cómo encontrarme.
I know, I just, I can't even tell if it's mechanical or electrical.
Lo sé, ni siquiera puedo decir si es mecánico o eléctrico.
How can we know if we're with you when we don't even really know what we're talking about?
¿ Cómo podemos saber si estamos contigo cuando en realidad ni siquiera sabemos de qué estamos hablando?
This office hasn't even decided if we even want to charge him.
Esta oficina ni siquiera ha decidido si queremos acusarlo.
Even Annalise would tell you that if she could.
Incluso Annalise te lo diría si pudiera.
And on Christmas, it would just make me sick worrying if he even had any presents. I... I told myself to stay away.
Y en Navidad, me ponía enferma preocupándome por si al menos había tenido algún regalo.
If he's even looking at kiddy porn, he's a paedo in my book.
Si está mirando porno infantil, es un pedófilo.