Even if i was traducir español
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You meanthe confidential proceeding that I'm not allowed totalk about even if i was there?
¿ Te refieres al procedimiento confidencial del que no se me permite hablar incluso si hubiera estado ahí?
Even if I was straight I wouldn't wear makeup.
Aunque fuera hetero, no usaría maquillaje.
Even if I was so inclined, this boat isn't designed to go out that far.
Incluso si me apeteciese, este barco no está diseñado para ir tan lejos.
Even if I was of a mind to help you, Number Ten would... COULD never allow it.
Incluso aunque quisiera ayudarte el Nº 10 nunca lo permitiría.
And even if I was a cynical guy and thought that she was a liar, I'd have done a tox screen which would've come back negative for alcohol.
E incluso si yo fuera un tipo cínico y pensara que ella miente habría hecho una prueba toxicológica que habría sido negativa para alcohol.
Even if I was Anarkali... how could you have recognized me now.
Incluso si yo era Anarkali... cómo ¿ podría haberme reconocido ahora.
Third, even if I wasn't engaged and was free to have some kind of dalliance with a Spaniard, I wouldn't pick this one.
Tercero, incluso si no estuviera comprometida y fuese libre de tener esta diversión con un español, no escogería a éste.
And... then y-years after... after I was a lawyer, even a partner, if I was feeling particularly low, I would pull out that costume and put it on.
Y muchos años después... después de ser abogada, aun siendo socia, si me sentía particularmente mal, todavía halaba ese disfraz y me lo ponía.
If that's true, and you are in control, and this was, in fact, an accident, then this shooting is even more troublesome than I thought.
Si es cierto que tiene todo bajo control y esto fue un accidente entonces este disparo es más grave de lo que pensé.
I love Billy and I'm worried sick about him, but even if I did know where he was, I wouldn't tell you.
Amo a Billy y estoy muy preocupado por él pero aunque supiera dónde fue, no se lo diría.
Even if she was a complete Venus I couldn't satisfy her in my dejected state.
Incluso si fuera una perfecta Venus, no podría satisfacerla en mi triste estado.
I asked you, i begged you to tell me if there was even a chance that david was my father.
Te pedí, te rogué que me dijeras si había siquiera una posibilidad de que David fuera mi padre.
Forgive me if I questioned your judgment, but you didn't even know she was screwing the paper boy.
Perdona si cuestioné tu juicio, pero ni siquiera sabías que estaba saliendo con el repartidor de periódicos.
It's just that it was always there in the same spot, even if I did, like... there it was.
Pero estaba siempre ahí, en el mismo lugar y aunque yo... ahí estaba.
.. and even if it was allowed, I wouldn't have come with you..
Y aún si estuviera permitido, no iría a cenar contigo.
Coming after me was a big loserfor you, stark. I mean, even if you built a case against me, you never would have testified.
intentar atraparme estuvo mal, Stark quiero decir, incluso si hiciste un caso en mi contra, nunca hubieras testificado
And I'd do it again in a heartbeat even if I knew this was going to be the outcome.
y lo haría de nuevo sin dudar aún si supiera que terminaría de esta manera.
Even if that was true, I'd never admit it.
Incluso si fuera verdad, yo nunca lo admitiría.
If I'd known it was guns, I wouldn't even have been there.
Si hubiera sabido que eran armas, nunca hubiera estado allí.
If I didn't hear your voice, I couldn't even tell it was you.
Si no escuchara tu voz, no sabría si eres tu.
I would love him even if he was just a millionaire.
Lo amaría aún si fuera sólo un millonario.
I'm the first one they come looking for, of course, but Kate could truthfully say she didn't know that I was doing it, so she might still get to bring up Zachary and get him started, even if I go to prison in Canada.
Kate podría decir honestamente que no sabía lo que iba a hacer,... y de esa forma quizás, podría criar a Zachary y encaminarlo, aunque yo estuviera preso en Canadá.
And then he went straight to the bathroom and I just laid there in shock. I mean, he didn't even ask me how it was, if I was okay or not. Nothing.
Y entonces fue directo al baño, y yo me quedé tendida ahí en shock quiero decir, ni siquiera me preguntó cómo estuvo, si estuve bien o no, nada.
Even if it was deserved there Was no chance of me... Of me causing a recurrence of that horror here in the town where I was born and raised.
Aun cuando lo merecían yo no tenía oportunidad de causar una repetición de aquel horror aquí, en el pueblo en el que nací y crecí.
I didn't even know at that moment if he was left or right-handed.
Incluso en este momento no sé si él es zurdo o diestro.
If I was a famous movie star, I wouldn't even want my family. No, no, Peter.
Si el es Peter Griffin entonces tu puedes ser James Woods.
These mumma's boys took every other colour but even if there was I would have chosen this one only.
Esos chicos de la capital cogieron todo el resto de colores... pero incluso si hubiera habido, sólo habría cogido éste.
I'm actually angry that that woman's daughter isn because she couldn't have been there for my daughterinal moments if, in fact, she was ever even in that basement.
Significa que, de hecho estoy enfadada al saber que la hija de esa mujer no está muerta porque no podría haber acompañado a mi hija en sus últimos días. Si es que alguna vez estuvo en ese sótano.
When I used to not do my homework, or if there was a test, even my stomach would hurt
Cuando no hacía mis deberes... o si había un examen, también me dolía la tripa.
I didn't even ask you if it was okay.
No te he preguntado si te parecia bien
It means I'm actually... I'm actually angry that that woman's daughter isn't dead because she could have been there for daughter in her final moments, if in fact, if she was ever even in that basement.
Significa que en verdad... en verdad estoy enfadada porque la hija de esa mujer no está muerta porque podría haber estado ahí para los últimos momentos de mi hija, si de hecho alguna vez estuvo en ese sótano.
Sí, lo llevaba, pero me di cuenta que aunque se me hubiera declarado... no habría sido capaz de decir que sí.
God, if I even went one year, I would be out on the street selling it for a nickel. The last time Stella had sex, the world was just learning about SARS.
Dios, si se me pasó incluso un año, estaria en la calle vendiendolo por un penique la ultima vez que Estela tuvo sexo, el mundo estaba aprendiendo sobre SARS
I mean, even if they admitted involvement, all they had to do was say that Owen didn't have to do it.
Es decir, aunque ellos admitieran su participación lo único que deberían hacer es decir que Owen no lo hizo.
You said if I made those grades that it was mine, and you didn't even ask!
dijiste que si hubiera tomado esos votos, serían míos. Y ni siquiera me preguntaste.
If I hear anyone talk about this 70-yard pass he threw, ever again, I'm gonna loose it, because... I don't even care, he was in practice.
Y si oigo hablar de nuevo del lanzamiento de 70 yardas que ha hecho, me vuelvo loco, porque no importa nada de ello, estava en entrenamiento, sin defensores... también puedo lanzarlo a 70 yardas si no hay nadie allí corriendo en contra.
The first time I ever saw a ghost... if that's even what you want to call it... I was in the hospital, and my father had just left for the evening.
La primera vez que vi un fantasma... por llamarlo de alguna manera... estaba en el hospital y mi papá se acababa de ir por esa noche.
Even if she was 8, I doubt she'd want you as a mother-in-law.
Incluso si ella tuviese 8, dudo que te quisiera como suegra.
Even if there was some bizarro, wacky universe where I was in love with her.
Incluso si hubiera un universo loco y bizarro donde estuviera enamorado de ella.
The point is I was really uncomfortable over there. Even if I could have gotten to sleep, the morning would have been a disaster. How so?
El punto es que estaba realmente incómodo allá aunque hubiera logrado dormirme, en la mañana hubiera sido un desastre.
Have you even once asked if I was dating someone?
¿ Alguna vez me has preguntado si salgo con alguien?
If I was supposed to walk you to school, when you came out, I'd be there, even if somebody threatened me with a tire iron.
Si yo hubiera quedado contigo para ir al colegio, cuando salieras, habría estado ahí incluso si alguien me hubiera amenazado con una llave cruceta.
Well, before I ask them, I wanted to see if it was even possible.
Bueno, antes les he preguntado, quería ver si era posible
That was a very loud beep I don't even know if this is working
Eso fue un sonido muy fuerte Ni siquiera sé si esto es trabajo
I realise that the idea of your father in Hell must be intolerable, but even if he was there, and I don't think for one moment that he is, the Virgin Mary doesn't rescue people from Hell.
Me doy cuenta que la idea de tu padre en el Infierno debe ser intolerable, pero aunque estuviera allí, y no creo por un momento que lo esté, la Virgen María no rescata personas del Infierno.
Look, Sweets, the way I look at it, if I'm shot by an arrow, I-I don't need to know where the arrow was made, or what kind of bow it came from, or even who it was who shot me.
Mira, Sweets del modo que lo veo, si me disparan una flecha no necesito saber dónde se hizo la flecha o de qué tipo de arco vino o incluso quién me disparó.
It was one of the hardest decisions I ever made, because I wouldn't even have that opportunity if it wasn't for the players on that team.
Fue una de las decisiones más difíciles que tomé, porque no habría tenido aquella oportunidad de no ser por los jugadores de ese equipo.
Even if I mumbled something when drunk it was long ago and untrue!
Aunque yo hubiera murmurado algo estando borracho... -... fue hace mucho y no es verdad!
Even if I was married,
Pero el caso es que en estos momentos dicha situación es muy díficil que se de
I know hunter well enough that even if he was mad, I'm not terrified and I know how to get through it, but I was just sort of shocked that it had gone so awry. nabulsi :
- Realmente me enojas.
This is impulsive even for you. And, if I heard right, he was violent with his wife.
Esto es impulsivo, incluso para ti y, si escuché bien, fue violento con su esposa.
even if you don't 27
even if it hurts 20
even if it is 23
even if i wanted to 108
even if 79
even if i did 84
even if i knew 18
even if you do 18
even if that's true 36
even if you're right 47
even if it hurts 20
even if it is 23
even if i wanted to 108
even if 79
even if i did 84
even if i knew 18
even if you do 18
even if that's true 36
even if you're right 47
even if you did 23
even if it's true 16
even if that were true 32
even if it kills me 19
even if i could 39
even if it was 20
even if he did 22
if i was you 137
if i was 77
i was 6414
even if it's true 16
even if that were true 32
even if it kills me 19
even if i could 39
even if it was 20
even if he did 22
if i was you 137
if i was 77
i was 6414
i was born ready 48
i was wondering 516
i was just thinking about you 101
i was born here 96
i wasn't listening 61
i was here 250
i wasn't paying attention 53
i was just wondering 282
i was thinking about you 32
i was born 51
i was wondering 516
i was just thinking about you 101
i was born here 96
i wasn't listening 61
i was here 250
i wasn't paying attention 53
i was just wondering 282
i was thinking about you 32
i was born 51